Jim Wallis, Progressive “Cleric” Tortures Bible to Promote Intolerant Islam

When Ingrid Schlueter hosted Crosstalk and blogged for Slice of Laodicea, she never held back her contempt for liberal “Christians” who attacked Christian orthodoxy and felt it was their “calling” to change the face of Christianity.  Rev. Jim Wallis was one of those liberals.  There’s a lot more about this man coming up, but first let’s hear what Ingrid had to say over 5 years ago:

Christ’s atonement is mocked and rejected, the words of Jesus Christ trampled upon, a literal hell that our Savior warned about is scorned, Holy Scripture is twisted and distorted beyond all recognition, but Jim Wallis and Brian McLaren are out making statements of “Peace, peace!” when there is no peace. (Jeremiah 6:14) When the enemies of God blaspheme His holy name under the banner of a “new kind of Christianity”, they are declaring war, not peace.

When our Savior’s honor is at stake, when the integrity of the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ is at issue, there can never be peace and civility. Wolves are not civil creatures, even when they wear the disguise of sheep. They tear and rend and destroy when they go unchallenged. St. Paul in Acts, chapter 20 warned of these wolves

Michael Patrick Leahy, columnist for Breitbart, writes with equal contempt about a wolf who wears the disguise of a sheep:

Jim Wallis, the far-left founder of Sojourner Magazine and beneficiary of George Soros donations who has built a career out of subverting constitutional liberty in America by quoting the Bible out of context, is at it again.

In his latest effort in transparent left-wing propaganda, Wallis extends his love for open borders from the huge populations of Middle East and Africa to the United States to all of Europe.

At The Huffington Post, the self-proclaimed “Christian leader for social change,” preaches to both sides of the Atlantic. “In Europe and in the U.S. — we must welcome the stranger,” he writes.

In the United States, that means, Wallis—acting in his capacity as a self proclaimed divine prophet on earth—commands us to open our borders to illegal aliens from every country on earth.

His command to European countries is clear: They “must welcome … between 360,000 and 500,000 [Syrian] refugees.”

But several evangelical leaders are calling Wallis out for his distortions of the Bible that promote a left-wing “pseudo-Christian” theocracy.

“It is curious to me that these refugees are almost entirely Islamic even though Christians are the ones in most mortal danger by Islamists,” Kelly Monroe Kullberg, founder of the Veritas Forum and author of Finding God at Harvard, tells Breitbart News. “The ‘refugees’ are not mostly sweet children, but adult Muslim males who are unscreened,” she said, adding  Islamizing America [and Europe] is cultural injustice and suicide, not stewardship, beauty and progress.”

“Hijrah (pronounced: Hish-ra) is the Muslim doctrine of migration to spread Islam throughout the world,” Kullberg says. “By the Hijrah,” Kullberg explains, “ Europe and America are to be conquered demographically as well as politically.

This strategy appears in the Muslim Brotherhood’s “Memorandum” on “civilization jihad” of 1991 and elsewhere.”

“At this point, it should not be a secret unknown to us. The vast majority of sensible human beings do not want to leave Sharia law to their grandchildren. We do not want the USA to become the ISA, their goal of an Islamic States of America,” Kullberg, who founded the ad hoc group Evangelicals for Biblical Immigration, says.

Wallis reverts to form by citing a Bible verse out of context to justify his recommendation that European countries sacrifice their sovereignty to hundreds of thousands of immigrants, many of them likely supports of Sharia and the Islamization of Europe.

“Matthew 25 teaches us that how we welcome the stranger into our midst is literally how we treat Christ himself. So the response by Christians here and in

Europe must become more in line with the welcoming tone of hospitality called for by Pope Francis,” Wallis writes at the Huffington Post.

Mark Tooley, President of the Institute of Religion and Democracy, has seen Wallis try this trick before. “As usual, Jim Wallis asserts that public policy can be decided by a few out of context Bible verses that affirm politics of the Left,” Tooley tells Breitbart News.

“So immigration policy is all about Matthew 25 and Christian hospitality, with skeptics of open borders motivated only by bigotry and greed,” Tooley says of Wallis’s argument. “This view is simplistic and sanctimonious,” Tooley says.

“The Bible doesn’t articulate details of modern immigration law. And Christians can extend love and generosity for refugees without obligation to open national borders to whomever,” Tooley notes.

Kullberg also criticizes Wallis for presenting false theology as political propaganda.

“In the actual Bible, we find teachings about kindness to the well-meaning foreigner who comes lawfully as a blessing and convert, such as Ruth or Rahab. Jesus himself highlights the good Samaritan, to be honored,” she says.

“We also find in Scripture the book of Nehemiah (the Left is silent about this book), about a Godly leader leading Israel in the project of rebuilding the walls around Jerusalem to cultivate the good and protect the people from harmful foreigners. God does not call us to cultural suicide, but only to wise welcome. Breaking down boundaries for foreign faiths and customs was not a commandment, but a curse,” Kullberg notes.  Continue reading




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One Response to Jim Wallis, Progressive “Cleric” Tortures Bible to Promote Intolerant Islam

  1. Ron McKeever September 16, 2015 at 3:35 pm #

    A wolf is still a wolf even though he might be dressed in sheep’s clothing and the woods are full of them. More and more, Bible believers are warned to try the spirits and one of Satan’s goals is to destroy the simple and plain teaching of scripture.

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