The occult practice of automatic writing and A.A.’s twelve steps

Most people are unaware that A.A.’s co-founder Bill Wilson received the details of the 12 Steps through spirit dictation.  John Lanagan of My Word Like Fire has taken the time to research A.A.’s beginnings. Following is only a smidgen of what he has uncovered over the years:

Ouija boardIt’s too late. Alcoholics Anonymous has served its purpose. That purpose has been to weaken the church, dilute the theology of Christians exposed to the 12 Step religion, and to point unbelievers away from Christ.

Through A.A. and other 12 Step groups, millions of Christians have placed Christ in a modern day pantheon, a temple of many gods, and have become used to worshiping with non-Christians. (2 Corinthians 6:14-17)

Although frequently (and wrongly) portrayed as Christians, Bill Wilson and A.A. co-founder Dr. Bob Smith delved deeply into the biblically forbidden practice of spiritualism.

“As for the person who turns to mediums and spiritists, to play the harlot after them, I will also set My Face against that person and will cut him off from his people.” (Leviticus 20:6)

Alcoholics Anonymous co-founder “Bill Wilson believed in spirits. There is a ‘spook’ room downstairs in Stepping Stones where he, [wife] Lois, and other like-minded recovering alcoholics tried to visit the spirit world and communicate with the dead. The archives have folders of the automatic writing he did when he and Lois would use their Ouija Board to invite the spirits to join them.” (Susan Cheever, My Name Is Bill, p. 157)

“There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. (Deuteronomy 18:10-11)  Continue reading

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15 Responses to The occult practice of automatic writing and A.A.’s twelve steps

  1. Ron McKeever October 10, 2015 at 1:26 pm #

    While many may not be aware of the founding of AA, the sad truth is that the multitudes simply do not care. We are hooked on every sort of leading except the only true leadership, Scripture.

  2. john October 10, 2015 at 2:59 pm #

    That is the sad truth.

  3. Lynn October 13, 2015 at 5:07 pm #

    The 12 Steps is a clear cult but when you challenge them they say you are in denial, when actually THEY are in denial.

  4. Tony Lindner January 28, 2016 at 8:03 am #

    February 2 I will have been sober for 36 years. I am very spiritual and also active in AA. Alanon and Adult Children of Alcoholics. I support Narcotics Anonymous. If you have a better way let me know otherwise some of you shut your ignorant mouths.

    • Susan September 13, 2017 at 7:21 pm #

      Yes, I have a better way. Maybe it isn’t for you but Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and He hates AA because it promotes idolatry which is an abomination according to his Word which is His Will. I am sober too.

    • Ben February 4, 2021 at 10:36 am #

      Hello Tony, I understand your disappointment and my heart goes out to you. That better way you ask of is Jesus. In fact He is the only way for what does it profit a man to gain the whole world yet lose his soul? Satan deceived 1/3 of the angels in heaven, is it any wonder so many here have been deceived?

  5. Lily March 13, 2016 at 7:21 pm #

    Yes, it is so sad but it is truth. I came to AA in 2002. Started to surch my Higher Power as AA suggested. Went through ALL Religions, staring with Kabbalah, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, All New Age Healing and Enlightenment ,Automatic Writing, Reiki, then came Taro , Self Realization, Divine Light…just name it…All and all.
    Totally Demonic Possession. Lord Jesus was my Last Hope. Finally He pulled me out from this “garbage”. I am still going through Demonic attacks, sometimes days and nights.”Entities” do not want to open our eyes and spread the WORD of our Savior Lord Jesus. As they say “ok, save your soul, but do not help others or we will torture you. And they do. It is NOT a Joke. I am so serious . I pray and read my Bible.
    I left AA couple years ago and just did not want to go back. Ask Lord to reveal the Truth and He kept his promises, He did answered me. I see all over Freemason and Illuminati , Occult logos , images, cause I was studied them. I thought my learning was from god, but they were from False Demon Gods. Ask and You shall Receive. The problem that WE NOT ASKING.

  6. Jim Gloster August 3, 2016 at 10:55 am #

    When I first came to AA, in April of 79, I was an atheist, and a militant one. On June 22, I celebrated thirty-seven years of continuous sobriety. And, more important, after seeing those who had a sobriety ,
    which I wanted, they ,without exception, had a close relationship with Christ. It took me thirteen years to get there, but for the last twenty-four years, Jesus has been Lord of my life. And, this I owe to AA starting me on this road !

  7. Susan September 13, 2017 at 6:32 pm #

    Unfortunately I was in AA for 5 years because of drinking problems after my mother passed away. I was taken in by it’s false doctrine even though I am a born-again Christian. I can only say that it had all the elements of a cult and was very harmful to me. I am still suffering from the many abuses that the members imposed on me and my personal space. I am praying constantly to regain my peace and strength from the Lord Jesus Christ. I left but not without being visciously verbally and personally attacked before I escaped. The Word of God has saved me and I did not die like Bill W. promises people who leave AA. While in it people disrespected me, made up rumors, played mind games lied to me and other hurtful psychological behavior. I know that this organization was spawned from demonic powers and witchcraft.

  8. Nomebear March 9, 2020 at 1:59 pm #

    In my mid thirties I found myself in serious need of help with my alcoholic drinking, and the embracing the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous not only worked but it worked very well. Thirty five years later I now travel the planet setting up clinics for the poor, and orphanages for disabled children. The beauty of AA is that I can always find an AA meeting when I need one no matter what the country I happen to be in. Because I chose to stick around and commit my life to helping others much more has been revealed to me. It is the psychic awareness that has been the outcome of my AA connection that leads me to helping situations that cannot be explained in any other way. And, many of the people who I meet who are doing the same kind of service to humanity happen to be in recovery. Imagine that! And, their from all over the planet. Oh yes, I am Christian, but more in action, not so much in dogma.

  9. ATYA September 6, 2020 at 5:38 pm #

    Wow. I left NA because I keenly sensed the witchcraft, in far more than just the program itself (that is a rabbit hole that goes very deep in my case). Since I left NA and turned my heart to Christ, I have stopped stumbling like I was while attending. I was made to see myself as like a child who needed direction from other individuals who wanted to claim authority. I had always resented the chips, and it was constantly pressed on me that that had something to do with my own shame. I knew in my heart that they bothered my for a true and pure reason, but was incapable of making the connections, like a fog of confusion was over me. I dont even think about the drugs now. I view them as just death that I have no desire for.

  10. Dan K October 8, 2020 at 7:17 am #

    AA isn’t a cult. You can be a good Christian and still go to AA. AA isn’t perfect but it can save you from alcoholism. I’m Jewish and it works for me too. It isn’t meant to be a religion.

  11. Jade January 5, 2021 at 2:55 pm #

    If there is any aspect of AA that leads people away from the one true God, then AA operated by satan. Run. Your eternal security is at stake. Make no mistake, satan would have set up the entire scheme just to lead ONE person into hell.

  12. Jamie grieve May 1, 2021 at 11:46 pm #

    I have been involved

  13. Jamie grieve May 1, 2021 at 11:54 pm #

    I have been involved with na and the 12 steps meetings and during the time I was going I also went back to church and I opened up my heart to christ and he began to restore me and reveal himself to me in a very deep way. I started to see that the people are not set free at all and are actually bound by the philosophy and the lies that they are powerless and they suffer from a disease which they did not choose. Well the disease is sin and the Lord said that if we repent of sin and we accept him we are totally forgiven and set free. So we are no longer controlled by it. All na offers is a remedy and you have to keep going in order to manage it. If they were set free then why would they need to keep going over the past. Instead of leaving it behind you.. Yes we will always be tempted. But the truth will set us free.. In Jesus name not in the name of na..

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