Binding and Loosing: A Biblical Perspective on a Popular Modern Practice

When we take verses out of context and apply a meaning that was not the intent of the author, it will result in unbiblical practices such as “binding and losing” Satan and his demons.  Context, context, context!


By W.E. Nunnally

This article discusses the popular Pentecostal/charismatic practice of binding and loosing certain attitudes or dispositions, demonic spirits, and sometimes, even angels. Despite the widespread use of these terms and the approach to dealing with the supernatural that they represent, the official AG Web site has no authoritative statement on this matter. But teachings such as this do provide opportunities for pastors and their people to exercise discernment and sound hermeneutical practices to determine the correct interpretation of the passages used to teach the practice of binding and loosing.

We need to address the issue of binding and loosing for several reasons. First, this widespread practice reflects the need for solid biblical interpretation. People often assume the biblical support for this issue rather than carefully searching Scripture. The Pentecostal movement has always espoused the belief that Scripture alone is the foundation for all matters of “faith and practice.”1 Therefore, those who take the Bible seriously must discipline themselves to hold all of their beliefs and practices to the scrutiny of Scripture.

Second, we need to see popular theological issues as ways to engage Scripture and develop our abilities in biblical interpretation and application. We cannot be lax in the spiritual discipline of regular Bible study.

Third, God calls us to desire to know and delight to do His will (Romans 12:1; Ephesians 5:10,17; Colossians 1:9,10). The Word of God must pervade every thought, word, and action of those who wish to please God and know and do His will.

A final reason for serious consideration of this issue is concern for the spiritual health of individual Christians and the body of Christ. Teachings that do not have solid, biblical support often wrongly influence believers and lead to false doctrines and practices that do harm to the spiritual health of believers and the church. With these thoughts in mind, let me examine this popular teaching.  Continue reading

H/T Glenn E. Chatfield

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