Archive | Charismatic

Courtesy: The Gospel Coalition

SBC’s International Mission Board no longer to disqualify candidates who speak in tongues

Many Southern Baptists will find the policy recently approved by the denomination’s International Mission Board deeply troubling, as the practice of speaking in tongues is associated with Pentecostalism. Many, but not all, Pentecostals believe that speaking in tongues is the evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit while Southern Baptists have held to the view that speaking in […]

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On the Chuck Missler partnership with “prophet” Kim Clement

A lot of Christians have been asking about a well-known Bible teacher, Pastor Chuck Missler. We’ve been aware of growing concerns being voiced from around the country over teachings, plagiarism and partnerships, including the pairing of Pastor Missler with New Apostolic Reformation “singing prophet” Kim Clement. Who is Clement and why do we care that […]

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True or false prophet? 4 ways to tell for sure

Throughout the Bible, we see true prophets speaking for God, because God told them what to say and to whom.   But the Bible also shows us many false prophets. We see these same false prophets in the world today, using Him to claim He points the world to them and their blogs, websites, or […]

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