The disappearing “middleground” and the coming conflict

Denny Burk, Professor of Biblical Studies at Boyce College, tells us that “David Gushee has written a column for Religion News Service arguing that the “middleground” is disappearing on LGBT rights.”

Before we get to Burk’s piece, readers should know that David Gushee is a “progressive evangelical” who serves on Sojourners board of directors.  Sojourners founder, Jim Wallis, is one of President Obama’s “spiritual advisers.”  Wallis insists that he’s an evangelical Christian even though he has abandoned the biblical gospel for the “social gospel.”  According to Wikipedia:

As a Christian ethicist, Gushee has periodically been out spoken about current controversial societal topics. His positions on such issues as climate change, torture, and LGBT rights have often put him into conflict with his traditional evangelical constituency.

Many evangelicals believe that because of his support of left-wing causes, Gushee is not a true evangelical. For one thing, he “agrees with the sexual revolutionaries that traditional Christians are guilty of invidious discrimination.”

Keeping in mind Gushee’s background, let’s hear what Professor Burk has to say on what he sees as the inescapable persecution of Christians who stand fast for the Truth. Burk informs us that the very liberal Gushee wrote the following warning intended for Bible believing Christians:

Christian Persecution

Middle ground is disappearing on the question of whether LGBT persons should be treated as full equals, without any discrimination in society — and on the related question of whether religious institutions should be allowed to continue discriminating due to their doctrinal beliefs.

It turns out that you are either for full and unequivocal social and legal equality for LGBT people, or you are against it, and your answer will at some point be revealed. This is true both for individuals and for institutions.

Neutrality is not an option. Neither is polite half-acceptance. Nor is avoiding the subject. Hide as you might, the issue will come and find you.

Gushee is no doubt right about this. Those pushing for LGBT “rights” do not mean to offer any accommodation whatsoever to those of us who dissent from the moral revolution overtaking the West. All dissent must be eliminated, and those who continue to defy the revolution must be marginalized as morally retrograde bigots. There will be no hiding. No compromises. Everyone will eventually be smoked-out. And those who resist will be crushed. That is their aim.

Gushee argues that this moral revolution represents “progress.” He also agrees with the sexual revolutionaries that traditional Christians are guilty of invidious discrimination. The implication seems to be that Christians deserve what they have coming to them.

Over against this sweeping trend in favor of full LGBT equality and nondiscrimination stands America’s most conservative religious communities and their leaders, together with localities and states most affected by such conservative religiosity, and a weakening but still powerful contingent of activists, lobbyists, and Republican Party stalwarts.

I have been a participant in the effort to encourage Protestant religious conservatives, generally known as fundamentalists and evangelicals, to reconsider their position voluntarily. The same conversation is happening in almost every US religious community.

Notice that Gushee says that he is trying to convince evangelical Christians to change their views “voluntarily.” Don’t miss the significance of that. Gushee knows that those who resist the revolution will eventually run out of chances to cooperate. He knows that we will face coercive measures from the government and from private interests to force Christians to accept what their faith forbids. If we won’t submit “voluntarily” we will be forced to do so “involuntarily.”

Gushee describes in detail the coercive measures coming toward Christians.

Openly discriminatory religious schools and parachurch organizations will feel the pinch first. Any entity that requires government accreditation or touches government dollars will be in the immediate line of fire. Some organizations will face the choice either to abandon discriminatory policies or risk potential closure. Others will simply face increasing social marginalization.

A vast host of neutralist, avoidist, or de facto discriminatory institutions and individuals will also find that they can no longer finesse the LGBT issue. Space for neutrality or “mild” discrimination will close up as well.

And then Gushee closes with this:

“Sometimes society changes and it marks decadence. Other times society changes and it marks progress. Those who believe LGBT equality marks decadence are being left behind.”

Gushee seems to know that conflict is upon us. He seems to agree that it must happen because Christians are wrong to oppose the moral revolution.

“Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” -2 Timothy 3:12

“Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” -2 Timothy 3:12

More than anything, Gushee’s column fills me with grief. There couldn’t be a bigger gap between what he would like to happen and what is actually happening among Christians right now. He would like for us to give up on the faith once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3). But we aren’t going to do that. We believe that Jesus alone has the words of eternal life, and we aren’t going to trade his word for a mess of revolutionary pottage (John 6:68). We believe it is worth it to follow him no matter the cost.

We are not looking for ways to escape suffering by placating the spirit of the age. We are preparing ourselves to embrace suffering so that we can follow Christ. Christ told us it would be this way for his disciples, so we are trying to get ready for what he told us to expect (Matt. 16:24-26).

We also know that the conflicts ahead will be a proving ground for the faithful. There are many who call themselves Christian now but who will fall away when the conflicts come. When it becomes costly to follow what Jesus says about sexual immorality, some people will deny Jesus’ word in order to avoid the conflict. And that denial will not lead them to Jesus but away from Jesus. The settled conviction to deny Christ’s word is what the Bible calls apostasy (1 Tim. 4:1). Their going out from us to join the opposition will show what they are:

“They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, in order that it might be shown that they all are not of us.” –1 John 2:19  

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Liberals Created the Culture of Evil and Death by Marsha West

See our White Paper on the Homosexual Agenda


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6 Responses to The disappearing “middleground” and the coming conflict

  1. Edwitness August 27, 2016 at 2:29 pm #

    The truth about their agenda in this article is true and can not be overstated.
    There are those who have said “What does it matter to me what two people do in their bedroom”? They are going to find out, as some have already, that they don’t want the right to do what they want in their bedroom. They want the power to tell you what to do and think everywhere.
    I have been very outspoken for the things of God, including this issue, at work and other public places. Believe me, it costs you. I thank God my treasures are stored in heaven. You can’t take it with you anyway. All that will be there must be sent ahead.
    Thanks for the heads up Marsha.

  2. Manny1962 August 27, 2016 at 8:08 pm #

    Apostasy and compromise……… Does anyone ever wonder why the bible speaks so much about the worship of money and homosexuality? Two major things that highlight the end-days culture is overt sexual sin and the overt worship of money. That the antichrist will most likely be a homosexual? Given today’s climate it’s very plausible for such a scenario to occur, or how he will abolish marriage? Given that the end game of the gay agenda is not “rights,” but ending the God ordained order between a man and a woman, ultimately destroying the family unit. So when a pastor or a congregation approves of, or compromises with this abomination it shows how deep the Great Apostasy has entrenched itself in Chruchianity, as foretold.

  3. Sheila Beers August 27, 2016 at 11:24 pm #

    No one could say it better than Edwitness and Manny1962 did. It is a shame that any one ungodly group can have so much influence. The world certainly was a better place when homosexuality was considered an emotional disease or abnormality.

  4. nannette August 28, 2016 at 8:57 am #

    In case we had not noticed Christians (they claim) have already made their decision, maybe because of their own conscience and the words they say over and over ‘judge not’. The ones I’m speaking of are already living with members of the opposite sex without marriage, and having children, some go to church with their parents. In my community they have abandoned God already and are getting ordained to marry each other. We had an annoying street preacher with a big sign that said something I will not write, but the community stood firm behind the LGBT community, while the street preacher went to jail for causing an uproar. By the way, who does Gushee think he is? Are we to fear him? No way! “Behold, I have made thy face strong (hard) against their faces, and thy forehead strong against their foreheads. As an adamant harder than flint have I made thy forehead: Fear them not, neither be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house.” Ezekiel 3:8&9 Remember Lot

  5. Manny1962 August 29, 2016 at 12:48 am #

    Folks this is part and parcel of the end days, great is the apostasy running through Christendom. The homosexual agenda is so wicked and vile that no one calling themselves a follower of Christ could possibly have a neutral opinion of it. It is diabolical and satanic, it means to destroy society, as God decreed it should be. We should not be surprised by this, it’s been foretold to happen. It will get worse. Before the man of sin is exposed, (the bible is clear) the Great Apostasy must run its course, then He who restrains will be taken aside and then he who is destined for perdition will arise. He will come in peace and will fool many……… He will appeal to everyone, he will have answers, he will be allowed to perform lying signs, plus our God will send a strong delusion. Look at America, in love with money, crass entertainment, and social justice. Truly we are living in the last days. We are hated for Jesus’ name, false pastors try to ingratiate themselves to the homosexuals in order to be relevant to this rotten culture and for it’s part the culture as a whole, does not care for God or Jesus or the bible, it’s completely antichristian. But, with much trepidation we must spread the gospels, we must reach people, not masses, we must do the work of evangelists, and remember this well, God is ultimately in control, He will not test you more than you can bear, you are not to fear any human, no matter what title they use. Be strong and faithful in The Lord, soon this will all pass! Maranatha!

  6. Manny1962 August 30, 2016 at 10:52 pm #

    It is my earnest belief that all Jesus honoring congregations need to reject Caesar’s 501c3 demonic candy, the bride never had it before, never needed it and it doesn’t now, we must trust in the promise Jesus gave us, HE (not us) will build HIS church. The 501c3 will be used to extort, intimidate and compell pastors to compromise with Caesar. Like The Lord said, render unto Caesar what’s Caesar’s (mammon), render unto God what’s God’s (faithfulness.) The not for profit status will be the gateway to compromise, perhaps it will be used as a test to see how many pastors will be faithful…………..we as the congregation must step up and support bible believing, God honoring, Jesus believing, uncompromising pastors, there are so few left. Mark my words, the homosexual activists will be using this (501c3) against Christendom, in an ironic way, it will be a litmus test where a congregation stands……..Caesar or God. Expect the already compromised mega churches to fall in line, then the not so famous. Again, overt worship of mammon and overt militant homosexuality two indicators that underscore how deep the Great Apostasy runs in Churchianity in these last days.

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