I noticed you are using a reference on Lighthouse Trails and wondered your thoughts about it. I use to use and referred people to that site in the past myself since they were so good about covering warnings on the new age and contemplative spirituality topics.
Until they came out a few years ago against Calvinism, and not only in the format to agree to disagree on the doctrines of grace, but call it heretical teachings now. Unfortunately in the later few years I have felt LT has become very divisive in their writings and I have felt I could no longer reference them to others.
Im genuinely just interested in your thoughts about that?
I agree with you, Judy. LHT threw half of Christendom under the heresy bus and it was heartbreaking to witness. When that happened in 2019, I stopped recommending and promoting them as a trusted resource. There may still be some necessary links for citation on our site, but you won’t find many. Michelle Lesley has a great article on her site about why – and I endorse this: https://michellelesley.com/2018/06/25/the-mailbag-potpourri-calvinism-baptism-modesty/
I am flabbergasted the horrible comments you say about ARC. Chris Hodges is a godly man and not narcissistic. His love is for people to be saved. Stop spreading your lies. Sounds like jealousy a bit. Stop lying and spreading stuff you know nothing about.
You’ll have to take that up with the author, who has done extensive research.
But wouldn’t you rather know the bad news about a beloved teacher/church, rather than being deceived?
I searched for something and found John Ankerberg research institute,, and just the name John Ankerberg reminds me of many years with I call it now “ecumenical tv-channels”, and this man every sunday morning. I stopped listening to norwegian, swedish , english and american tv-chanells because I recognized last year, that they all were NAR. God.TV had Ankerberg on every sunday morning, and god.tv is not christian, but ecumenical. It gets worse and worse because our enemy has thousands of years of practice, and we only some decades.
But thanks a lot for this website, I have used it a lot last year . I think much is hidden in the tv-channels, because they have seduced me many years, also been in a nar-church without knowing nar until 2023,.
I want to honour the king james bible, the king went from england to denmark to get his loved one and marry her , the daughter of the danish-norwegian king, they went back to england, and had to turn and went to my country, norway, and married in the capital, oslo,
(in Ladegården/Bygdøy Kongsgård) because some whitches in denmark had made bad weather at the north sea….and wanted to kill them. I am going to buy a KJV bible/paper, but just got on cd; the holy bible kjv dramatized audio , also on youtube and better on spotify, this is the best audiobible ever!!!!from US. thanks!!!
Hi! I regret buying the audiobible I wrote about (July 15.)because of who made it, so I threw it. Now I have got a real Authorized King James Bible, paper/book. This was never translated to my language, but it is in English, and translate into my language on Bible.Hub.com
I think you guys missed the mark in your social justice and progressive Christianity article. Part of good research is being able to articulate the other point of view accurately and the author failed to do that. He straw manned the views of those who hold to social justice, their view of the gospel and cherry picked quotes out of context to prove his point. That is not becoming of those who call themselves bereans. Also, the author’s understanding of the gospel is incorrect. There is no way to divorce how you live from the gospel. They go hand in hand. Jesus died so we can live a transformed life.
Hi thank you for reviewing my text. I believe I am an old friend of the author of these blogs and books. I stumbled across this online. I do believe he and I worked together many years ago and I was actually his boss. How times have changed. I am now semi retired and write as well part time. The circle of life!
Is there a way you could assist me to get in touch with Mr. Lanagan? If so please reply to [email protected]
Thank you for your time and efforts in this matter.
Please make the print on your blog darker. There are many articles I’d like to read but there is not much contrast between print and background so I struggle to read it.
In regards to your article concerning Steve Lawson’s adultery I have a consideration. Many wives have walked this path & I can tell you the pain of betrayal is unlike any other pain. Please lets encourage the Christian community to pray for his wife. Few were the mentions of her needing our prayers as this story broke yesterday. Even if they remain married , it will never be the same again.
I read the article on ‘ Holy Laughter’ after I watched a service where this occurred. Hundreds of people out of control in a church service. I have also heard of this occurring in eastern practices. The behavior is the same. My question is-what is this? Is it a lying spirit from the enemy? I can see it coming via a Hindu practice, but a Christian church? What is this, because I have yet to find an article telling us what it is.. Thank you.
Thank you so much for your warnings about BSF. I served as a discussion leader in 2005 and it seemed biblically sound then. And, at the time, It was one of the best Bible study formats I had ever experienced.
I wonder if you might recommend other biblically sound Bible studies of similar quality as BSF used to be? I am in the process of building a women’s ministry in my church and I am prayerfully searching for the best for our women.
Hello, I have twice tried to subscribe to your email newsletter and both times I have waited for an acknowledgment email and it never came. I checked spam and every possible folder and it has not come in. Can you please add me to your subscription service? I want to drop off of social media but I need to stay in touch with all the heresies and false movements out there.
Hello, I have twice tried to subscribe to your email newsletter and both times I have waited for an acknowledgment email and it never came. I checked spam and every possible folder and it has not come in. Can you please add me to your subscription service? I want to drop off of social media but I need to stay in touch with all the heresies and false movements out there.
My church is not NAR, pentecostal, nor charismatic yet a lady is permitted to promote conspiracy theories such as the government can control the weather and George W. Bush orchestrated September 11. I am beyond frustrated. Could you please share your insight with me?
Why did your organization kick me out of your Facebook group, all I did was speak the truth about Donald J. Trump that he matches the Bible’s descriptions of the boastful little horn of the book of Daniel, and I called him a scumbag because he is an evil lying scumbag, and I said you can’t call yorself a Christian and support this man at the same time because he is the opposite of everything that Jesus stands for and taught. And I posted pictures of Donald Trump partying with Jeffrey Epstein and also a picture of his Trump tower estate and a picture of a fresco of Abbadon/Apollyon on Donald Trump’s ceiling, and a verse from the Book of Daniel that shows that Donald Trump is in fact the Little Horn because he honours Abaddon/Apollyon the god of forces just like the verse said the Little Horn would honour. I think it was very dispicable that you kicked me out of your Facebook group and blocked me, that was very mature and gracious of you to do that.
This morning’s sermon brought to mind something. Trying to read Chronicles & Leviticus has always been difficult. Why was the journalling of measurements and listing of ancestry important. What was the purpose?
I noticed you are using a reference on Lighthouse Trails and wondered your thoughts about it. I use to use and referred people to that site in the past myself since they were so good about covering warnings on the new age and contemplative spirituality topics.
Until they came out a few years ago against Calvinism, and not only in the format to agree to disagree on the doctrines of grace, but call it heretical teachings now. Unfortunately in the later few years I have felt LT has become very divisive in their writings and I have felt I could no longer reference them to others.
Im genuinely just interested in your thoughts about that?
I agree with you, Judy. LHT threw half of Christendom under the heresy bus and it was heartbreaking to witness. When that happened in 2019, I stopped recommending and promoting them as a trusted resource. There may still be some necessary links for citation on our site, but you won’t find many. Michelle Lesley has a great article on her site about why – and I endorse this: https://michellelesley.com/2018/06/25/the-mailbag-potpourri-calvinism-baptism-modesty/
I am flabbergasted the horrible comments you say about ARC. Chris Hodges is a godly man and not narcissistic. His love is for people to be saved. Stop spreading your lies. Sounds like jealousy a bit. Stop lying and spreading stuff you know nothing about.
You’ll have to take that up with the author, who has done extensive research.
But wouldn’t you rather know the bad news about a beloved teacher/church, rather than being deceived?
I searched for something and found John Ankerberg research institute,, and just the name John Ankerberg reminds me of many years with I call it now “ecumenical tv-channels”, and this man every sunday morning. I stopped listening to norwegian, swedish , english and american tv-chanells because I recognized last year, that they all were NAR. God.TV had Ankerberg on every sunday morning, and god.tv is not christian, but ecumenical. It gets worse and worse because our enemy has thousands of years of practice, and we only some decades.
But thanks a lot for this website, I have used it a lot last year . I think much is hidden in the tv-channels, because they have seduced me many years, also been in a nar-church without knowing nar until 2023,.
I want to honour the king james bible, the king went from england to denmark to get his loved one and marry her , the daughter of the danish-norwegian king, they went back to england, and had to turn and went to my country, norway, and married in the capital, oslo,
(in Ladegården/Bygdøy Kongsgård) because some whitches in denmark had made bad weather at the north sea….and wanted to kill them. I am going to buy a KJV bible/paper, but just got on cd; the holy bible kjv dramatized audio , also on youtube and better on spotify, this is the best audiobible ever!!!!from US. thanks!!!
Hi! I regret buying the audiobible I wrote about (July 15.)because of who made it, so I threw it. Now I have got a real Authorized King James Bible, paper/book. This was never translated to my language, but it is in English, and translate into my language on Bible.Hub.com
I think you guys missed the mark in your social justice and progressive Christianity article. Part of good research is being able to articulate the other point of view accurately and the author failed to do that. He straw manned the views of those who hold to social justice, their view of the gospel and cherry picked quotes out of context to prove his point. That is not becoming of those who call themselves bereans. Also, the author’s understanding of the gospel is incorrect. There is no way to divorce how you live from the gospel. They go hand in hand. Jesus died so we can live a transformed life.
Hi thank you for reviewing my text. I believe I am an old friend of the author of these blogs and books. I stumbled across this online. I do believe he and I worked together many years ago and I was actually his boss. How times have changed. I am now semi retired and write as well part time. The circle of life!
Is there a way you could assist me to get in touch with Mr. Lanagan? If so please reply to [email protected]
Thank you for your time and efforts in this matter.
Zahava G. Lacker
Please make the print on your blog darker. There are many articles I’d like to read but there is not much contrast between print and background so I struggle to read it.
Agreed, Michael. I will do my best!
Hi Amy,
In regards to your article concerning Steve Lawson’s adultery I have a consideration. Many wives have walked this path & I can tell you the pain of betrayal is unlike any other pain. Please lets encourage the Christian community to pray for his wife. Few were the mentions of her needing our prayers as this story broke yesterday. Even if they remain married , it will never be the same again.
Thank you so much.
I read the article on ‘ Holy Laughter’ after I watched a service where this occurred. Hundreds of people out of control in a church service. I have also heard of this occurring in eastern practices. The behavior is the same. My question is-what is this? Is it a lying spirit from the enemy? I can see it coming via a Hindu practice, but a Christian church? What is this, because I have yet to find an article telling us what it is.. Thank you.
Thank you so much for your warnings about BSF. I served as a discussion leader in 2005 and it seemed biblically sound then. And, at the time, It was one of the best Bible study formats I had ever experienced.
I wonder if you might recommend other biblically sound Bible studies of similar quality as BSF used to be? I am in the process of building a women’s ministry in my church and I am prayerfully searching for the best for our women.
Thank you!
Joyfully His,
Hello, I have twice tried to subscribe to your email newsletter and both times I have waited for an acknowledgment email and it never came. I checked spam and every possible folder and it has not come in. Can you please add me to your subscription service? I want to drop off of social media but I need to stay in touch with all the heresies and false movements out there.
Hello, I have twice tried to subscribe to your email newsletter and both times I have waited for an acknowledgment email and it never came. I checked spam and every possible folder and it has not come in. Can you please add me to your subscription service? I want to drop off of social media but I need to stay in touch with all the heresies and false movements out there.
Hi Andrew, you are subscribed. You should be getting an updated newsletter this week.
Amy, would you please delete my reply on Oct. 2 under https://bereanresearch.org/leaving-bsf-2023-testimony-from-a-former-teacher/ posted under initial “H”). I know it comes off as unkind and it’s bothered me that I posted it. Thank you.
I liked both of your comments, H! I didn’t see anything uncharitable, but will be happy to delete one or both. Can you let me know which one? Thanks!
My church is not NAR, pentecostal, nor charismatic yet a lady is permitted to promote conspiracy theories such as the government can control the weather and George W. Bush orchestrated September 11. I am beyond frustrated. Could you please share your insight with me?
Is there documentation to show if Mario Murillo supports or is part of the NAR movement?
Why did your organization kick me out of your Facebook group, all I did was speak the truth about Donald J. Trump that he matches the Bible’s descriptions of the boastful little horn of the book of Daniel, and I called him a scumbag because he is an evil lying scumbag, and I said you can’t call yorself a Christian and support this man at the same time because he is the opposite of everything that Jesus stands for and taught. And I posted pictures of Donald Trump partying with Jeffrey Epstein and also a picture of his Trump tower estate and a picture of a fresco of Abbadon/Apollyon on Donald Trump’s ceiling, and a verse from the Book of Daniel that shows that Donald Trump is in fact the Little Horn because he honours Abaddon/Apollyon the god of forces just like the verse said the Little Horn would honour. I think it was very dispicable that you kicked me out of your Facebook group and blocked me, that was very mature and gracious of you to do that.
Your caustic language and immature behavior might give you a hint about why I did that.
What do we know about “The Forge” movie. There are resources available to start men’s “Forge” groups. Just don’t know how b8blical they are?
This morning’s sermon brought to mind something. Trying to read Chronicles & Leviticus has always been difficult. Why was the journalling of measurements and listing of ancestry important. What was the purpose?
Can you recommend any resources on Replacement Theology? I know a young woman in campus ministry and she is looking for some help.
I would appreciate any information on Bible teacher Kristi McLelland that you may have. She teaches at Williamson College. Thank you.