Tag Archives | Bigotry


Oregon silences bakers who refused to make cake for gay wedding

Todd Starnes, host of Fox News and Commentary, once predicted that when gay marriage was legalized, LGBTQIA supports would attempt to silence all dissent.  Well, the rainbow dust hasn’t settled yet and the powerful homosexual lobby is moving full throttle to achieve their goals, one of which is to silence anyone who speaks for God.  What they don’t […]

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Roman Soldiers

Talk show host Montel Williams compares gay marriage opponents to ISIS, Taliban

Over the weekend Montel Williams attacked the “uber-right” with all the vitriol he could muster.  What the “uber-liberal” talk show host said was chilling and will surely be the mantra of the far-left.  What he said will make your hair stand on end. The battle has begun in earnest.  Daily, put on the full armor of God my brethren. ChristianExaminer […]

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