Tag Archives | government


The Gaystapo Crackdown on Christianity

Bill Muehlenbeg of Culture Watch fills us in on what’s going on in Australia, where he makes his home.   He has included a must read newspaper report that gives us a glimpse of the far left’s direct assault on Christians, as well as on all religious and cultural groups “which may have any unease about […]

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No European democracy has the perfect way to handle Islam

The goal of ISIS  is to bring the entire world under the caliphate and also come under sharia law.  In other words, world domination.  And you’d better believe that Islamic terrorists will stop at nothing to achieve this.  An article in The Economist tells us that, France has done its collective best to offer Muslim […]

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Camel's nose

Houses taken over: Letting the government get its nose under the church tent

Andrée Seu Peterson of World Magazine warns about the government’s calculated intrusion in our churches. Some states require a criminal backround check for child care volunteers.  Peterson laments, “If the local church cannot be trusted to know its people well enough to decide who is fit for nursery duty, there is nothing much to say.” Andrée writes: This year a […]

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