Tag Archives | Legalistic

Bethel Church in Redding CA

10 Signs of a Cultic Church

Cross Examined has a piece by Brian Chilton who asks: “How does one know that a church has the characteristics of a cultic church?” Good question.  According to Chilton, there is a difference between a cult and a cultic church and he gives some signs of cultic churches. So we want you to know what […]

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You Might Be a Pharisee If . . .

Those of us who are involved in online discernment ministries (ODM) take on Scripture twisters and outright heretics.  Professing Christians who’ve fallen into false teaching come back at us with “take the log out of your own eye,” as if bringing truth to light means we’re judging. ODM’s have been labeled “Heresy Hunter,” “Legalist,” “Pharisee” […]

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