Necromancy is the practice of communing and interacting with the dead, an abomination God strictly prohibits:
“There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering,[a] anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord.”– Deuteronomy 18:10-12.
Now consider these words in two quotes from a highly influential pastor:

We know [Josiah] can see us, hear us, and even be involved, not only in our lives but also in the lives of his friends. We are continually hearing of Siah coming to friends in dreams. . . . We mean no disrespect to the prophets, but the idea of Siah being able to observe the choices we make here on earth is way more motivating as we seek to live for God moment-by-moment. The cloud of witnesses is personal, and we believe it is part of their work in the spiritual realm to cheer on their loved ones still on earth.8
In further attempting to legitimize their experiences (in view of Scriptural prohibitions), they appeal to the “spontaneity” of the “visitations” as the difference between that which is “condemned by God” and that which is “orchestrated by God” This is wishful thinking on their part, not Scripture’s truth.9
Nevertheless, some fourteen years after the initial publication of the Berger’s explicit account of “necromancy”—what the Bible describes as an “abomination unto the Lord”— Have Heart still bears the endorsements of pastors Greg Laurie and James Robison, along with Shack author and self-confessed universalist William Paul Young. Yet, instead of being exposed and made accountable over the last fourteen years, Steve Berger has been progressively elevated in today’s wayward church.
Besides sitting on both the Executive and Advisory boards of Promise Keepers,10 Steve Berger states he is also a Board member of former-Congresswoman Michele Bachmann’s Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast11 and was a speaker at one of their large annual gatherings.12 He was also one of Jonathan Cahn’s featured speakers at Cahn’s huge Washington DC “Return” revival rally in 2020 that was attended by thousands in person and watched by millions on livestream.13 And Berger co-hosted a Charlie Kirk TPUSA conference for pastors in Nashville in 2023.14
Berger (a self-proclaimed “prophet”15) and his wife also founded ASI (Ambassador Services International), based in Washington, DC. They have claimed their ministry “influences influencers.” The Bergers work closely with politicians through Bible studies and special events.16 In 2016, Berger prayed before the US Senate and was lauded there by Tennessee Senator Bob Corker as “one of the preeminent spiritual leaders in our nation.”17
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? (1 Peter 4:17)
If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me. (Psalm 66:18)
In our day, when biblical discernment is practically nonexistent among most who call themselves Christians, to emphasize the experiential, as the Bergers do throughout their book, is playing right into the hands of the Adversary. Tragically, they call such supernatural experiences with their deceased son “God Nods” and encourage their readers to seek their own: “Be on the lookout for God Nods in your own life.”21
New Age author James Redfield followed up his mega best-selling novel The Celestine Prophecy with another popular novel titled The Twelfth Insight: The Hour of Decision. When the book’s New Age seekers are desperately looking for secret knowledge that can save the world, Rachel, one of the main characters, suddenly finds herself having “a real interaction” with her deceased mother. . . . She said:
“All we have to do is use more of our power to tune in and have a conversation. It’s never too late. And there is so much more they want to tell us. In fact, my mother said they desperately need to speak with us, right now, at this crucial point in history. They know the real Plan for the human world, and it’s time for us on this side to understand.”22
In The Light That Was Dark, I describe how I was seduced into the New Age by a ball of light that suddenly manifested over my head in a psychic reading. I was told by the psychic that the ball of light had appeared to let me know I had a lot of help on the “other side.” When I asked what she meant by “the other side,” the first thing she told me was: “Family and loved ones who have passed away.” [emphasis added] She added that “angels and other spirits” were also interested in helping me with my life. All I had to do was ask for their assistance. So I did. And the spirit world was more than willing as they seduced me further and further into spiritual deception. . . . The amazing thing is that the Bible has thoroughly warned us about all this spiritual deception and how it will play out in these latter days.23
Multiple times over the last fifteen years, we have read a very compelling book entitled My Dream of Heaven by Rebecca Ruter Springer [originally titled Intra Muros in 1898]. In this fascinating little book, Springer relates her vision of what Heaven is like and details the kinds of activities she witnessed there after she was transported to Heaven during an extended life-threatening illness. . . . One of the most emotional impressions the book left on us was Springer’s idea that saints in Heaven go on “invisible missions” to earth.24
I bought it and read it, and her story floored me. It still floors me today. . . . The book challenged me with concepts I’d never known, and provided practical insights that I could share with others who needed help and encouragement.25
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.(1 Timothy 4:1)
Related Articles:
- Berean Research White Paper: The New Age
- Interview With Chris Lawson: “Pastor Steve Berger’s Mediumship Practices”
- “Promise Keepers and Necromancy” by Chris Lawson of Spiritual Research Network
- “Normalizing Necromancy”by the late Pastor Larry DeBruyn
- Steve Berger and Other Church Leaders Calling for “Repentance” and “Revival” May First Need to Repent Themselves
Related Videos
- Promise Keepers and Necromancy: An Open Letter Warning (Part 1) – Chris Lawson (Dec 7, 2023)
- Promise Keepers and Necromancy: An Open Letter Warning (Part 2) – Chris Lawson (Dec 7, 2023)
- Pastor Talks to the Dead! Mediumship apostasy in the church – Doreen Virtue (Jun 8, 2023)
1. Steve and Sarah Berger, Have Heart: Bridging the Gulf Between Heaven and Earth (Grace Chapel, August 2010), pp. 98, 100.
2. Video by Steve Berger titled “Heaven: What’s Going on up There? (Part2)” (August 16, 2020,, mm. 2:19-3:24.
4. Steve and Sarah Berger, Have Heart, op. cit., pp. 98-100.
5. Ibid. pp. 99-100.
6. Phone call between Jim Sterling and Warren B. Smith.
7. Have Heart, op. cit., p. 100.
8. Ibid., pp. 104, 107.
9. The Berean Call, Questions and Answers (January 1, 2012, citing page 102 of Have Heart.
11. Michelle Bachmann is a co-chair of Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast. On Berger’s website, he states he is a board member:
15. Stated by Steve Berger on November 2020 at the Council for National Policy (the Policy Counsel Speeches) in Washington, DC. ( Scroll about halfway down the page to see Berger’s comments (or use your keyboard, click Ctrl and the letter F; then type in Berger in the search box that pops up).
16. From Steve Berger’s website in 2023:
17. “Corker Welcomes Tennessee Pastor Steve Berger as Guest Chaplain to U.S. Senate”: June 2016.
18. This letter is on file.
20. Steve Rusk conveyed this scenario to Spiritual Research Network and gave his permission to reprint it.
21. The Berean Call, op. cit.
22. Warren B. Smith, Dead Men Talking: Necromancy in the Church (Roseburg, OR: Lighthouse Trails Publishing, 2021, This booklet is an extract of Smith’s 2020 book, The Titanic and Today’s Church. The quote is from James Redfield, The Twelfth Insight: The Hour of Decision (New York, NY: Grand Central publishing, 2011), p. 179.
23. Warren B. Smith, The Light That Was Dark: From the New Age to Amazing Grace (Magalia, CA: Mountain Stream Press, 1992, 2005), pp. 16-17.
24. Steve and Sarah Berger, Have Heart, op. cit., pp. 88-89.
25. Steve Berger, Between Heaven and Earth: Finding Hope, Courage, and Passion Through a Fresh Vision of Heaven (Bloomington, MN: Bethany House Publishers, 2014), p. 21.
26. Compiled and edited by William C. Hartmann (founder of The Occult Brotherhood), Who’s Who in Occultism, New Thought, Psychism, and Spiritualism (Jamaica, NY: Occult Press, 2nd edition, 1927), pp. 193, 238. Chris Lawson of Spiritual Research Network ( discovered Rebecca Ruter Springer’s name in Hartmann’s directory. His website has extensive research and information on spiritually deceptive practices and beliefs.
27. Steve and Sarah Berger, Have Heart, op. cit., p. 100.