Liberation-Not For Everybody

Youth Testify, a new program launched by Advocates for Youth and the National Network of Abortion Funds is “helping young people advocate for their reproductive rights and reframe the narrative around abortion.” Reframe the narrative? According to Peter Jones, re-framing means that “not a word of warning will be given to young women about the Continue Reading

Shocking gender indoctrination in California: VIDEO

Do not be surprised, but Young children are being taught that they can choose to be a boy or a girl — or both. Boys, for example, should be comfortable wearing girls’ clothes and nail polish, etc. And there aren’t just two genders, there can be a range. And, of Continue Reading

“Schools need to teach about orgasms” says NEA to UN

I posted this originally in 2011, but I’m sure many readers have no idea that this has been in the works long before more recent headlines like,Liberals in Las Vegas propose masturbation coursework for Kindergartners. A little history lesson for parents and grandparents who think this won’t come to their Continue Reading