In open rebellion of Scripture (1 Timothy 2:12) and defiance of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), founder and longtime leader of Saddleback “Church” Rick Warren, announced last week that he has ordained three “female pastors.”
Via Saddleback Church’s Facebook Page:
“Yesterday was a historic night for Saddleback Church in many ways! We ordained our first three women pastors, Liz Puffer, Cynthia Petty, and Katie Edwards!
The Washington Post reports that the three women “are longtime Saddleback staff members. Petty has worked with children’s ministry and Edwards has been in youth ministry, while Puffer’s Linked-In profile lists her as a ‘minister’ at Saddleback.”

Rick Warren has already crossed too many theological lines to be considered a qualified pastor to be followed, yet his influence is huge: Saddleback reportedly draws more than 28,000 in attendance and is the second-largest church in the SBC. Our White Paper on Warren and his Purpose-Driven movement lists the many red flags.
Many within the SBC are (finally) calling to disfellowship (excommunicate) Saddleback from its organization. As the SBC prepares to convene this summer, members will be watching and voiting.
While stopping short of calling for the removal of Saddleback, Al Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, says, “Southern Baptists are now, yet again, at a moment of decision. This is no longer a point of tension and debate. These moves represent an attempt to redefine and reformulate the convictional foundation of Southern Baptist faith and cooperative ministry. The theological issues have not changed since the year 2000 when Southern Baptists spoke clearly and precisely in the Baptist Faith & Message. More importantly, the Holy Scriptures have not changed and cannot change.”
As for Rick Warren, he breathlessly announced that “our best days are ahead of us.”
WOW! Just WOW!!
Forgot to add: “he says sadly.”
There have been warnings about Warren ever since “Purpose Driven Life” came out. Few listened.
If you ask me, the SBCas a whole is shakey….to hv EVEN CONSIDERED Beth Moore, was a GIANT red flag to me, sorry, Mr Mohler since you fight so hard for truth and righteousness. But I very much agree with Bill’s remarks about the Purpose Driven Life…my son and I started it as a daily devotional until I noticed him quoting many folk …..PLUS Jesus. Sounded immergent back then.
The one thing that stands out about 1 Timothy 2:12, is “I do not allow…” It does not say “God does not allow.” Paul is making this personal, not God driven. Paul did this several times in Timothy and Titus.
God used many females to minister His Word. And even some in leadership roles. Including Mary Magdalene…
If Paul was wrong or made a mistake in what GOD told him to write or say, then ALL the others writers of the BIBLE made mistakes to. Now what part of the BIBLE do people believe. SMH.
God told Dr. Clarice Fluitt to raise the pastor who just died at a pastors conference of men.
Her book is Ridiculous Miracles and they are and we should all pray God use me like Clarice.
If you continue to bite and devour each other watch out or you will destroy each other Gal. 5:15.
THE ENTIRE LAW is contained in this one command love your neighbor as yourself Gal. 5:14 NIV.
Many Christians overlook or forget 2 Cor. 13:5 what you don’t know about yourself is Christ Jesus is in you. I have been healed of many health issues every person would see a doctor for. He is not with us to judge but to help because unfortunately 2 Cor. 4:4 is true about the god of this world.
Christianity is the worship of the Jewish Messiah. Scripture is quite clear in the old and new testament as to the roles men and women are to execute in that worship. While women are clearly Judges and powerful leaders in society, Hebrew/Messianic worship has a clear line as to the organization of the congregation. However, because the “emergent church” continues to dismiss the old testament and the society and culture around the old testament, the worship of our creator, as laid out by the creator, continues to suffer.