Tag Archives | James White

Michael Brown - Pulpit & Pen image

Michael Brown has been WHITE-washed?

Churchwatch Central (CWC) begins with this statement: “We know that James White would not preach or tolerate a different Jesus, a different gospel or embrace a different spirit” which was followed by a question. But we’re going to ask the same question in a slightly different manner than CWC’s asked it, so here goes: Why in […]

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James White and Dr. Yasir Qadhi - Youtube

Apologist James White Draws Concerns After Holding, Defending Interfaith ‘Dialogue’ at Church With Muslim Imam

Heather Clark of Christian News Network carefully lays out the details of a recent uproar among evangelicals over a dialog between Christian apologist James R. White of Alpha and Omega Ministries and Yasir Qadhi, Dean of Academic Affairs at the Al-Maghrib Institute.  The event, called “Christians and Muslims: Agreements and Differences,” was held at Grace Bible […]

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Why Jory Micah pushes our buttons

There are few false theologians out there who can send me over the edge of professionalism into sin; that place of anger where we have those conversations in our heads that do not glorify God. Regretfully, I found myself in that place the other day when I came across the absurd (and dangerous) rantings of […]

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