“Revoice exists to support and encourage Christians who are sexual minorities so they can flourish in historic Christian traditions.”
That from the St. Louis, Missouri organization that started in 2018 to assist homosexuals who consider themselves Christian to be accepted into mainstream church communities. At its first conference, 400 people from 42 states and 6 different countries packed into Memorial Presbyterian Church in St. Louis, MO. It was a full house made up of LGBTQ and Same Sex Attracted individuals, as well as pastors.
Their annual conferences attract a lot of evangelicals who want to learn more about “supporting, encouraging, and empowering gay, lesbian, same-sex-attracted, and other LGBT Christians so they can experience the life-giving character of the historic Christian tradition.”
Revoice is one of several groups working to infiltrate mainline churches to change the minds of leaders about the issue of homosexuality among members. We warn Christians about groups like these not because of hate or fear, but about love and respect for the Scriptures breathed out by God. And we do love those who are living this lifestyle. How? See our White Paper on the Homosexual Agenda for more.
Pastor Shawn Mathis wrote this week titled, Revoice: Gay-Straight Friends Planning a Life Together, which you should check out.
Here is a snippet, with the link to the full article:
“Revoice rocked the Reformed world in 2018. They introduced the first coming-out event that began normalizing homosexuality in the church. In 2020, they introduced the first coming-out of a gay-straight couple.
You read that right. Couple. Is that the right word?
First, we have to remember what Revoice is about. It is the annual coming-out of the celibate gay from within the churches. It started in 2018 and has continued every year since.
In 2020, their event went online. We can find a few videos of it on Youtube. There is not much there, but there is a “deep-dive” webinar entitled, “Better Together.”
In this webinar we discover this gay-straight duo. It is there we discover why couple may be more descriptive than duo. MORE HERE
I don’t need any suspicion raised. It was raised back in 2018 and continues to this day. There is no and can be no normalization of behavior which God’s Word says is anathema. I will accept that SSA exists. But I also know of those (Sam Alberry, Laurie Krieg, et al) who say it must be resisted in action. God cannot be pleased.