Emergent Catalyst conference says it’s time to “awaken your wonder”

Catalyst 15

Catalyst 2015 Speakers

Catalyst, the premiere mega-conference for Emergent Church Leaders, is sending a curious message to potential attendees of its next Atlanta conference Oct. 7-9:

We are hardwired for wonder.

Just as the wonder of the world points to God, a sight unseen, so too should our acts of creation bridge the gap between what is and what could be. We transfer wonder when we awaken it in others. Leadership is about providing a lens through which others can see. A heart awakened to wonder invites others to follow in its path. It connects ultimate existence to daily experience, helping others see the solutions, rewards, treasures, they previously could not see.

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Before we dissect this statement, understand that Catalyst has been wrought with red flags from the beginning, and we encourage you to check out the links below to see how this massive event is equipping young Christians with a different Jesus and a different gospel.

Questions for Catalyst:

  • What in the world are “our acts of creation?”
  • A “gap” between “what is and what could be?” What does that even mean?
  • Do we awaken wonder and transfer it to others through our leadership savvy, and does this experience lead to God?
  • Does this “wonder” actually help others see solutions and rewards and treasures that were hidden to them before?


  • We are the created; God is creator.
  • Our sin is the gap between God and us, and had been unbridged since the fall of man until one incredible, wondrous event: The cross.
  • The Bible tells us we are hardwired for sin, and there is only one solution: Repent and know Christ.
  • It is God’s Holy Spirit that awakens us, because of Jesus’ shed blood.
  • This we cannot transfer to others.
  • Jesus does not promise us solutions and rewards and treasures in this life, but suffering and hatred because of Him. But our eternal treasure is a reward that is glorious.

Please read our White Paper on the Emergent Church

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2 thoughts on “Emergent Catalyst conference says it’s time to “awaken your wonder”

  1. Catalyst is diabolical, yet is sweeping American Evangelicalism. Go to an event and you’ll see vehicles in the parking lot from every denomination. The leadership engages with senior pastors and other church staff, thoroughly ensnaring them in anti-biblical teachings.

    Further, the leadership of Catalyst purposely refuses to answer questions about speakers they invite, curriculum sold, and conference themes.

    It’s as bad as it gets. Warn as many as you can.

  2. I wonder if you ever wonder, as you look up at the sky,
    Why God created planets, the stars, and you and I.

    Why the atoms we are made of are made of smaller things still,
    And where God does God keep Heaven, what precisely is His will?

    Did you have a hand in making your children, or are you Immaculate, too?
    Did God create the scroll the psalmist used to write out Holy truth?

    I wonder if you wonder, as I often wonder as I pray
    Does God really hear me? The Bible says have faith.

    Permit my a final verse, one that does not rhyme,
    For Paul himself wrote down his wonder, and it gets me every time.

    No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined
    what God has prepared for those who love him.

    I wonder what that could be.

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