Rick Warren Recommends Centering Prayer

Hat tip to Christine Pack for putting this together. After you read this, please check out our White Paper on Purpose Driven. Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life and pastor of Saddleback church in California, made a tweet today recommending a pagan mantra “technique” for Christians to do Continue Reading

Warren’s Connection to the Muslim Brotherhood

    Has Rick Warren become a shill for Islamic terror? Warren is promoted on the “speakers corner” of the Islamic Society of North America, an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood and a financier of the Hamas terror organization.Fifteen months ago, Warren spoke to ISNA’s annual convention with these opening Continue Reading

How Dan Southerland’s seeker-strategy shapeshifted the Church

If you are wondering how many of today’s “seeker friendly/seeker-sensitive” mega-growth churches came about, this article will help you see how one man was able to influence tens of thousands of churches to adopt a new paradigm shift. Perhaps you will recognize some of his methods in your own church.

Association of Related Churches: Time to get off the ARC

A few years ago I became aware of a network of churches called Association of Related Churches, or ARC. This church planting organization runs on the Seeker, Growth-By-Numbers model and started in 2000 with six founders: Greg Surratt, Billy Hornsby, Rick Bezet, Chris Hodges, Dino Rizzo and Scott Hornsby. The Continue Reading

Saddleback Church youth mentor convicted of lewd acts with teen boys

Saddleback Church youth staffer Ruven Meulenberg, 33, was convicted Wednesday of molesting two teenage boys on two occasions when they were 13 and 14 years old: Deputy District Attorney Courtney Thom told jurors in her opening statement that the defendant encouraged one of the boys to sit on his lap Continue Reading