On examining beloved leaders

  Romans 16:17-18 says, “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive Continue Reading

Sozo – a dangerous “inner healing and deliverance ministry”

Before I get to Kim Olsen’s blog post, those who are unfamiliar with Sozo prayer need to know more about it.  First of all, Sozo prayer is the brain child of husband and wife team Bill (self-proclaimed modern-day apostle) and Beni  (New Age guru) Johnson, both of whom are pastors of the Continue Reading

“A fast-growing movement with disastrous implications”

By Marsha West “The gospel’s most dangerous earthly adversaries are not raving atheists who stand outside the door shouting threats and insults. They are church leaders who cultivate a gentle, friendly, pious demeanor but hack away at the foundations of faith under the guise of keeping in step with a Continue Reading

Ronnie Floyd and IHOP Now Bringing Catholic Track

Southern Baptists will not be amused at what their president is doing.  Seems he is leading that denomination down a very slippery slope.  The Pulpit and Pen has the report: Last week I reported on Southern Baptist president, Ronnie Floyd, participating in the Onething Conference put on by the apostate IHOP Continue Reading

War Room’s Priscilla Shirer “will become the main character” in the Bible stories she’s reading?

John Lanagan of My Word Like Fire expresses his concern over the actress the Kendrick brothers cast in their new film: I saw the movie, War Room, and liked it very much. Priscilla Shirer is an incredible actress, and the director made wise use of her facial expressions to tell much of the story. Continue Reading

A pastor explains why discernment has disappeared

“You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times.” (Matthew 16:3, NKJV) Why Discernment Has Disappeared    by Pastor Randy White I am continually frustrated that Christians, even pastors and theologians, seem to have an overwhelming inability to discern the times. Continue Reading