NEW White Paper: Bethel, Hillsong, Elevation Music

If you’ve ever wondered if the biblical-sounding lyrics of your favorite popular worship song is appropriate for your flock on a Sunday morning, be sure to check out our latest White Paper, Bethel, Hillsong, Elevation Worship Music. This latest resource page includes a very concise format to help you and Continue Reading

Why Music Matters: A (Former) Worship Leader’s Testimony

The following is a guest post by Josh Porter, who left his position as a church worship leader when a new senior pastor began pressuring him to make the services more seeker friendly and experiential by incorporating popular contemporary songs that had unbiblical lyrics or came from questionable sources. At Continue Reading

Culture wars and YWAM/CRU’s spheres of influence

When you think of culture wars, what comes to mind? Years ago I remember hearing about petitions going around demanding that retailers say “Merry Christmas” from November to December 25th, rather than “happy holidays.” The war on Christmas seems silly now in light of the huge issues facing us, but Continue Reading

Why Apostles are NOT for today, Part 1

If you’re looking for a simple definition of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), I’ve come up with this: The NAR is a fast-growing Dominionist movement of new Apostles and Prophets who will lead God’s end-times army in establishing His kingdom on earth, by taking authority over earthly and spiritual realms. Continue Reading

Furtick, Elevation Church activate N.A.R. Apostles

“Prophetic Activations” will happen next week at Steven Furtick’s Elevation Church, a clear indicator that Furtick is not just affiliating, but becoming one with the heretical New Apostolic Reformation. I first noticed Furtick dipping his toe into the signs-and-wonders New Apostolic Reformation movement when he traveled to Australia for the Continue Reading

Leaving the NAR Church: Sean’s story

“These people could see angels, see visions and interpret dreams. Some of the leadership would travel to Bethel for inspiration and guidance.” Sean writes to me from Cape Town, where the New Apostolic Reformation deception is thriving. He has seen his own pain in the many testimonies I’ve been writing Continue Reading

Leaving the NAR Church: Tom’s story

“I gathered her up in my arms and went forward, excited and hopeful that my little grandchild was going to receive a MIRACLE. I really believed, in that moment, that this fellow actually had some kind of special anointing that would assure that the baby would get healed.” Ever been Continue Reading

Leaving the NAR Church: Glenn’s story

“I saw what I was doing as a band member as not leading people in worship, but participating in ‘conjuring’ the Holy Spirit to ‘come down’.  The Holy Spirit being defined as the euphoric feeling that the droning music creates.“ As you’ll learn from Glenn, oftentimes NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) Continue Reading