The man who was once hoisted high, wrapped in a Jewish scroll and anointed with the title and crown of “King” has died. Eddie long was 63. As part of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), Long was given apostolic/leadership authority over nearly 300 churches, over which congregations were to submit Continue Reading
Everything you (and your pastor) must know about the NAR
The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a dominionist movement that also goes by names like Third Wave, Seven Mountains, Latter Rain, Kingdom Now, Joel’s Army, Manifest Sons of God, Charismatic Renewal, and more. This week we feature our White Paper on this dangerous counterfeit “Christianity” which asserts that God is Continue Reading
“Dream Destiny” is code for “Another (NAR) Gospel”
Does God put a dream destiny in your heart? Did He make you for a God-sized dream? The words, “dream destiny,” or, “God’s dream” are popping up in a significant number of sermons and books by celebrity pastors. It’s as if they’re all preaching from the same strange hymnal. Once Continue Reading
C. Peter Wagner: “NAR is not a cult!”
The man credited with being the “father” of the New Apostolic Reformation is surprised at the negative feedback his experience-based movement is getting in the media, especially in the left-wing liberal groups. But he is perhaps missing the biggest outcry of all is coming from those Christians who adhere to Continue Reading
Cindy Jacobs whups “Jewish witchcraft” to help Empowered21 gathering go smoothly
John Lanagan of My Word Like Fire lays out the ways in which he believes Satan is using the ecumenical Empowered21 and the New Apostolic Reformation to torment the Body of Christ. Following is Lanagan’s piece: But Michael the archangel, when he disputed with the devil and argued about the body of Moses, did Continue Reading
“God” tells NAR “prophet” about Dominionist Seven Mountains plans
John Lanagan alerts us to yet another NAR false prophetess, this time Lana Vawser, who has supposedly uttered a prophetic word form God…..that He never spoke. God speaks to us through His Word, not through pretend prophets. The New Apostolic Reformation is not an organization. These are networks of “apostles” and Continue Reading
Save America – at what cost to the Gospel?
Will Christians replace commitment and loyalty to the Gospel for commitment and loyalty to a dominionist agenda? This is a great question posed by LightHouse Trails blog: As America is fast approaching another presidential election year, Dominionist/Kingdom Now political and religious figures are joining forces with evangelical Christian groups. While Continue Reading
What is the “Restoration” Movement?
Will God use our broken stories and the loving influence of the visible church to “restore all things?” Well, not exactly. He is God, and we… well. We are not. There is a “restoration movement” that has been seeping into the visible church and convincing Christians that we are God’s Continue Reading
Once again the dominionists make it about us rather than Him
This is disgusting to me. And I am about to lose my mind if I see one more conference promising anything other than the eternal Hope we have in Christ. What if my “larger story” isn’t about living to my potential or fulfilling my fleshly dreams for myself, but living Continue Reading