Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has teamed up again with Rodney Howard Browne to bring NAR Dominionism (that’s the Right-Wing kind) to Washington D.C.
The last time we interviewed author Warren Smith, he warned us about “Holy Laughter” guru Rodney Howard Browne’s star-studded two-week “Celebrate America” event over the 4th of July last summer (2014) in Washington D.C., featuring pastor/author Jonathan Cahn, Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, and many others. “Celebrate America” was sponsored by a number of organizations that included The Washington Times, World Net Daily, Christian Coalition of America, and Cornerstone Television Network. This year, it’s happening again at our nation’s capital.
Check out our white paper on Dominionism (NAR)
You’ll want to research the highlighted links if there are terms that you’ve not heard before. Also check out the must-hear podcast with Warren Smith alerting us that, “A false revival is coming. Do you hear laughter?”
Questions are good!
We’ve never been overly excited about so-called “guilt by association,” but when high-profile Christian organizations team up to affiliate, we need to ask some questions: Why would professed bible-believing teachers continually team up with New Apostolic Reformation (N.A.R.) dominionism groups, or for that matter those who teach rolling on the floor squealing, barking and laughing uncontrollably as a “manifestation” of the Holy Spirit? As for Rabbi Cahn, who will be joining the stage fresh off the heels of his NAR tour with the 7 Cultural Mountains group, will he be warning Christians once again that we must keep the Jewish Shemitah, or suffer God’s wrath against America this autumn?
Our friends over at Lighthouse Trails ask even more questions about this summer’s big celebrity event:
Elephant in the Room: Rodney Howard-Browne and America’s “Great Awakening” By Lighthouse Trails | Republished with permission
“Elephant in the room” or Elephant in the living room” is an English metaphorical idiom for an obvious truth that is either being ignored or going unaddressed. The idiomatic expression also applies to an obvious problem or risk no one wants to discuss. It is based on the idea that an elephant in a room would be impossible to overlook.1
Lighthouse Trails recently published a booklet titled False Revival Coming: Part 1. The booklet expressed our concern that Holy Laughter/Holy Ghost bartender Rodney Howard-Browne was not only back—but had apparently never gone away! With discernment at an all time low in the church, Browne is traveling the world with what he describes as his God-mandated “Great Awakening Tour.” He hopes his tour will ignite a global transformation to the Christian faith. Partnering with New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) figures like Bethel’s Bill Johnson, Randy Clark, and others, Howard-Browne and his NAR colleagues would have the church believe they are bringing about the ultimate end-times “revival”—a “Great Awakening” move of God that will usher in a planetary Pentecost.
Howard-Browne’s “revival” activities were brought to our attention when we were informed that the “Holy Ghost Bartender” had organized and hosted a star-studded two-week “Celebrate America” event over the 4th of July last summer (2014) in Washington D.C. The event featured pastor/author Jonathan Cahn, Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Senate Chaplain Barry Black, Fox News commentator Todd Starnes, author/columnist Dr. Ben Carson, and many others. “Celebrate America” was sponsored by a number of organizations that included The Washington Times, World Net Daily, Christian Coalition of America, and Cornerstone Television Network.
Rodney Howard-Browne, known for imparting Holy Laughter to countless people around the world, is once again placing his ministry in the limelight. Because of his heightened activity in today’s church, we believed it was important to reissue an article that attempted to honestly critique Howard-Browne and his holy laughter “revival” back when it was originally happening. The 1994 article is titled “Holy Laughter or Strong Delusion?” and was written by author Warren B. Smith. Initially published in a discernment newsletter, his article quickly circulated around the world. It helped many people to see the many problems associated with Howard-Browne and his Holy Laughter “revival.”
Just after republishing in booklet form Warren B. Smith’s provocative article, Rodney Howard-Browne announced that he was returning to Washington D.C. in July 2015 for another two week “Celebrate America” event that will include the fourth of July. Continuing his run on the nation’s capital, the speakers have yet to be announced.
Three “elephant in the room” questions that need to be addressed:
1) Are we to believe that God has appointed Rodney Howard-Browne—the Holy Ghost Bartender—to lead the church and the world into a “great spiritual awakening”—into global “revival?”
2) What Christian leaders will be speaking and aligning themselves with Howard-Browne at his “Celebrate America” event?
3)Is it possible that what looks like a “Great Awakening” will actually be a spiritual distraction that inadvertently leads to“Great Deception?”
Thank you for this critical article. I feel compelled to write my encounter with being exposed to this false prophet and warn others so they will not experience what I went through.
In the 1990s, the pastor of the church where I was a member announced that Rodney Howard-Browne was going to hold a revival there for several nights.
One month before the scheduled meetings, the Holy Spirit spoke to me during a service saying that my pastor was not protecting his pulpit. I was stunned by the Spirit’s expressed statement to me, and I soon found out this was an advance warning for my benefit.
We had a guest speaker that very night and yes, I had noticed that our pastor had not been in the pulpit for weeks-always some ‘guest.’
I did not want to go to the meeting with Browne presiding but my husband would not take no for an answer. There were many bizarre things that occurred during the one meeting I attended.
I witnessed a ‘mist’ that started to envelope the congregation, and the ‘laughter’ began. I can tell you it was not biblical and I knew my children and I needed to get out of the room.
During the meeting I attended, one of our godly men, a member, stood up during Browne’s ‘speech’ and challenged him, speaking out that he was a false prophet.
Browne pointed at him forcibly and made railing accusations against our member that he was not “respecting the man of God.” To my shock, our own ushers physically picked up our member and carried him out the door, making him out to be a troublemaker.
I was shocked—and it was Browne who was the troublemaker. Please read on because what I have to say may save someone’s spiritual life.
In the next following weeks it appeared that several husbands were missing from our church services. I was concerned about it asked another member if she knew anything. She said that she knew that one man had just suddenly left his wife.
Weeks passed. A young woman with four young children who was from a godly family, suddenly left her young children and her husband. This was more than shocking. Within six months scores of men left their wives and disappeared from our church services. I knew it was because Browne had visited our church, but primarily I knew this because of what the Spirit had previously warned me.
I was heartbroken, in shock and felt that members were oblivious to what was taking place.
My marriage also started suffering and eventually I went through a divorce. One year after Browne came to our church, attendance waned greatly. In prayer God instructed me to leave that church and called me to another. He also showed me to get my children plugged into the youth.
I left but agonized over my dear friends that were still there. i warned them repeatedly that they had to get out. Two of my dearest friends eventually left and became members with me where I called home. I was grateful that I now had a safe church home that preached the cross and practiced godly accountability.
The church where Browne visited is now a distant memory, as it completely fell part. The cross had ceased to be preached.
Many lives suffered because a spirit came in and ravaged the church—and this is the evil spirit that accompanies Browne where he speaks.
If you’re reading this, I beg you—please do not ever go anywhere near a Rodney Howard- Browne meeting or so-called revival. You will be placing yourself under dangerous false teaching that is directly opposed to the Bible and has no truth in it. Thank you for listening.
May God’s grace and peace cover you.
Thank you for boldly speaking up concerning the false teachings that are finding their way into the church.