Rick Warren gets bolder in promoting breath prayer

Several years ago when Rick Warren promoted the pagan mantra technique of Centering Prayer on his Pastor’s Toolbox site, the post was yanked down when concerned Christians became alarmed and spoke up. Perhaps he was dipping a toe in the contemplative water to see if others would join him in the shallow end of the mystical pool.  Since that time though, the Saddleback pastor has been getting bolder in his contemplative prayer posts. (Last year for instance, he spoke at the Hillsong 2015 Conference and taught contemplative prayer techniques.)

This post from last week tells us that in spite of the warnings from those concerned about New Age seeping into the church, Warren has no problem with breath prayers, centering prayers or any other mystical practices:

Screen Shot 2016-07-10 at 3.07.09 PM

What makes these “mystical,” you ask?  There is much to learn about why Contemplative Prayer is dangerous and not biblical. You can learn more in the links here, and especially in our White Paper on Contemplative Prayer.


Hat Tip via Roxanne M.

© Berean Research, 2016

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32 thoughts on “Rick Warren gets bolder in promoting breath prayer

    1. Right column, near the top. Columna derecha, cerca del tope. Coluna da direita, perto do topo. Colonne de droite , près du sommet. Trying to cover all the bases here with Google Translate 🙂

  1. Matthew 6:7 “But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking”

    That tells you what God thinks of Rick Warren’s pagan practice. The man is a heretic, ecumenist, internationalist and apostate to the hilt. He is to be avoided at all cost! If you know anyone under his sway, warn them now.

    1. Amen Manny. Yet, the ‘SBC’ does NOT reprimand this man. Why? Because his ‘church’ brings in lots of $$$$. Many churches in America are a disgrace. They care nothing for biblical truth and only seek to make money and increase the number of ‘members’ – what a sham!

    2. Exactly.

      Jesus tells us specifically NOT to pray repetitively.
      And, that is what the pagans do. A direct contradiction.
      The eastern religions do it, the Catholics do it too.
      What happens is repetition bores the mind and puts you
      into a trans state, sort of hypnotizing yourself.
      When you use pagan practices, it leads you to pagan ‘gods.’
      Christians were not ‘doing that for centuries.’ Unless in err.
      I’m sure the Catholics were, and knowing him, that is what
      his tweet was referring to.

  2. Good evening Lyn,

    In my opinion Rick Warren has done more to propagate heresy than the money clowns over at TBS, those appeal to a different mentality, they’re more of a sideshow palate, while Warren is polished, well funded, mixes lots of truth with enough lies to make a potent death brew. He’s a media darling, appeals to the powers that be, he’s a political animal and he knows how to make money. As far as the SBC, it’s corrupt, through and through, no leadership, they allow the word of God to be corrupted.

    1. Exactly Manny. Most man made denominations are corrupt, which is why they should be avoided. Religion is one of the biggest things used by evil men and women to gain power and $$$, it’s right up there with politics. The two are usually in bed together to promote the agenda they have.

      Faith, I have a comment for you as well. It’s awaiting moderation. I hope it blesses you!

  3. By the way, on that harlot topic, does anyone here know about that event on July 16 in DC? It’s another ‘Golden Calf Festival’ summer concert series with all the who’s who typical line up of apostates (famous ‘evangelical’ leaders, etc.) where pope francis will make a video appearance? That would be a dooozie to cover here!
    It’s called Together 2016. Together with… who?!?!

    1. Hi Faith,

      From what I’ve read concerning the event you mentioned, you are absolutely right. This ‘together 2016 festival’ is nothing more than a work of the flesh to promote ecumenism. This is an ‘Ichabod’ event, God will NOT be there!!

      Here is the confirmed ‘line-up’ – https://reset2016.com/confirmed/
      Yes, it is an apostate filled event that NO true believer of Christ dare get involved with.

      I found this from A. W. Pink concerning Godly companions to be very edifying, ” Evil company is to be sedulously avoided by the Christian, lest he become defiled by them. “He who walks with wise men shall be wise; but a companion of fools shall be destroyed” (Proverbs 13:20). Nor is it only the openly lawless and criminal who are to be shunned—but even, yes especially, those professing to be Christians yet who do not live the life of Christians. It is this latter class particularly against which the real child of God needs to be most on his guard: namely, those who say one thing and do another; those whose talk is pious—but whose walk differs little or nothing from the ungodly. The Word of God is plain and positive on this point: “Having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them!” (2 Timothy 3:5). This is not merely good advice—but a Divine command which we disregard at our peril.” A. W. Pink, from ‘Godly companions’.
      That describes the whole bunch that are partaking in this event!! ‘Together with who’ is a good question Faith. Even Satan disguises himself as an ‘angel of light’ – that’s what we have going on here. This whole shenanigans is a fraudulent attempt labeled as a ‘Christian’ event that is nothing more than Satan promoting his one world religion movement. Those who have ears to hear and eyes to see will NOT get involved with this evil work. Rather, we will pray to the true God of the Bible that He will bring wickedness to nothing, and that He will come and make right all that is wrong.

      This event is being called the ‘reset’ event, from their website – “Over the last few years, more than a half million young people have texted, typed, or written down prayers asking Jesus to reset their addictions, purity, priorities, internet habits, and hopes. We’ve heard arenas full of thousands of people calling out deeply personal prayers for Jesus to reset their lives.” There’s NO mention of SIN, NO mention of repentance, of the new birth, etc. They just want Jesus to fix what’s ‘wrong’ with them. It was the same way in our Lord’s day, when people followed Him because they wanted their disease healed, or their bellies filled. In other words, they want a God who will fix their temporal ailments, and not their eternal one.
      Their goal is obvious – http://reset2016.com/about-together2016/.

      This event will go nowhere and produce nothing but more ‘goats’. Once the warm fuzzies have worn off and the emotions get back in check, life will be just as it was before this fiasco – filled with rampant sin as the days grow more evil. God said wicked men will wax worse and worse, and yet these apostates think they can ‘fix’ all this evil by asking their ‘jesus’ to ‘reset’ them. What a horrendous joke! And when addicts are still addicts, sexually immoral are still being sexually immoral, suicidal thoughts are still racing through depraved minds, etc. they will see this for what it is – a big FAIL! It is a work of the arm of man, a fleshly attempt at fixing broken mankind. How sad – may God raise up a Jonah, or any man who trembles at His word, who will stand up in front of the masses and proclaim God’s truth as it is written, and who is empowered by God the Spirit. America does NOT have that much longer….

  4. Good evening Faith,

    Yes, supposedly the pope will chime in via Skype or some sort of video call. Ecumenical, heretical, and most of all demonic to the core.

    1. Hi Manny,

      Yes, exactly Manny.
      On the Rather Expose Them blog, he has it labeled as “Together with antichrist, 2016”. It’s their counter-reformation agenda as well as the one world religion agenda. It’s all coming into place.

      It’s always good to talk to others like you who know. Sometimes it takes me a while to get back to any replies and at other times I don’t look back thinking there are none, but it’s good to chat! I’m all alone on my end as well.

      God bless and keep up the good watch and warn ministry!
      ( :

  5. Thank you Faith, you’re not alone! God is always with you! I’ve been warning as many as I can, times are getting perilous, more than ever we need to get on our collective knees and pray unceasingly! The bride is small, but we cling to our Master, we know the truth because He who owns us has been gracious in showing us how this will all end, not to frighten us, but to show us how to trust in Him and in Him alone! Chruchianity is on a collision course with the other pagan religions, they will meld and become The Great Harlot, Mystery Babylon! Rick Warren and his ilk will be leading the unfaithful to worship the pope and the antichrist, the man of sin. I’m no prophet, nor the son of one, but my research, my study and plain common sense tell me, things are getting worse in this country, much worse…… The financial system is in tatters, something the mainstream news will not tell you, the government is beyond corrupt as proven by the latest Hillary fiasco! All players are in place, all we need is for the curtain to rise! Revelation says, until the the great apostasy happens the man of sin will not be revealed, well……as we know that’s almost complete, as the majority of what passes for Christianity is apostate, so any event now could be the trigger that sets the man of sin loose! Maranatha! May our God and Savior protect His people! The time is so near! Amen and amen! God bless Faith!

    1. Amen Manny, and you’re welcome! We all need that encouragement these days.
      I totally agree, that is it, the Lord showed me that stuff too. It’s all coming down to the one world religion, government, and economy of Revelation 13, under antichrist. Every day more bridges are built in these directions and it’s ready to be rolled out. The one world religion is their interfaith unity (unless you go along with it they will not tolerate us, only true believers won’t but the rest will go along), the one world government (signs point to it more as surely you see), and the one world economy (mark of the beast, probably after all the markets crash). All under antichrist, who I think is the same you mentioned (all rolled into one). Rick Warren points to him, exactly. All the famous church leaders promote apostasy and infiltrated for that purpose in many cases even. The adulterating church plays the harlot by flirting with false gods, sin, and all for money. And no one bats an eyelash. Yup, I too think that curtain is about to rise, with all the roles filled and all the players in place, the stage is set for the final scene of human history until His return for us, His bride!
      ( :
      God bless you too Manny!

      1. Manny1962 & Faith & Lyn

        You always hit the nail on the head every time, Great work

        The Purpose Driven, Seeker Sensitive, Spirit of Contemporary churches preach another Jesus, and receive another spirit, another gospel 2 Cor 11:4

        As you know They copy-cat it from Rick & friends Peter F. Drucker, Leadership Network Bob Buford, John Maxwell. Aka Church Growth Movement. Agenda 21

        They buy and read Ricks book how to Increase giving in your church

        Hold special meetings $100, $200, $300 per person to get in. Plus pass the love offering Bucket. And get Volunteers to help so they can save on labor costs plus charge them to get in also $$$$$

        Bring in other Celebrity level speakers to hype-up the crowdfunding operation!!

        Sell the Books, CDs, Dvds always for sale
        yet they are ROT

        Pastor Mark T Barclay- I need $79,000 to paint gods jet
        Jesse Duplantis- In April 2008 at Kieth Moore’s Faith Life Church in Branson
        I need $300,000 for a jet Maintenance Inspection.

        Fleecing the Sheep as always

        1. Thank you Ben, we all are trying to warn others. I believe someone might be led to this site, read the posts and become curious as to what we stand for. I can tell you this, I have never seen the world in this situation, one might argue the late 60s and early 70s had plenty of racial disturbance and that Israel was almost overrun by her enemies, yes this is true, with one big exception, the world and Europe was not as united. What people don’t realize there are readies in place in which the world, through trading blocs, is for a lack of a better word, intertwined. Another major flag, Christianity wasn’t as corrupt, people still held on to truths, though they quickly eroded, then in 1973 we had the beginning of the end for this nation, Roe vs Wade, 43 years later, or one generation, 57 million children have been slaughtered on the pagan altar of convenience. Think about that, when ancient Israel was around there weren’t 57 million people on this Earth! Yet, in a little more than one generation, if one reckons a generation 30-40 years, this nation murdered an entire planet’s population! Probably twice! If that’s not genocide, what is? Then in the mid 70s HIV came in earnest to America, by 1980 AIDS was ravaging homosexuals, drug users, hemophiliacs and innocent children born to mothers infected. Was this judgement? In my opinion yes, and it hasn’t stopped, today homosexualism is the law of the land, federally protected and mandated. Now phase two will include the rest of the perverts, cross dressers, mutilators of their flesh, child molesters, you name it! They will protected! Meanwhile, Churchianity slides deeper into apostasy. In my opinion, The Great Apostasy has begun, it has been running loose, it’s my estimation we are in the middle of it, and as the bible says, when He who restrains is taken out of the way, in concert with the culmination ofThe Great Apostasy, the antichrist will be revealed. There are so many triggers in place right now as we speak that can set of utter chaos that unlike any other time in history the world is ripe to receive its Fuhrer! Then soon after, the false prophet, in my opinion a pope, will lead the Great Harlot to worship the antichrist. If Rick Warren is alive at the time, he will be holding hands with the beast and the false prophet.
          Maranatha! Please keep praying for the faithful!

  6. I did a one-chapter expose on Rick Warren’s “The Purpose Driven Life” in my 2010 book “The Spirit of Prophecy”. He was promoting “Breath Prayers” at that time, and many Christians were drinking the Kool-Aid with him then!

    All of the big names are falling by the wayside, and that includes people like Chuck Swindoll, David Jeremiah, Beth Moore, and Ravi Zacharias! (and many more) They are all turning a blind eye to New Age practices, and even promoting them!

    Avoid the big names and stick to your AV!

    1. Righto Dan.

      That is it. Yet so many don’t see it. I hate to keep harping on this, but some of these types infiltrated for this purpose (yes, a conspiracy, like in Jude 1, Psalm 2, etc.). They gain your trust for decades with sound teaching, just to reach that ‘turning point’ when all are on board, hoping no one will notice or care. So far it has worked. They love their mascot too much. Take David Jeremiah for instance, his church has a stained glass window in the back with the all seeing eye, or eye of horus, on top of a hill, a mega symbol of the occult. I know people who have inside information about him, and it confirmed what the Spirit revealed to me about him yet they told me afterward. It is deception on purpose, basically. All leading the church into that one world religion under antichrist. Don’t believe anything but the Bible. Definitely don’t believe those who mislead and say that we will never see the antichrist due to the rapture, when in fact, it can’t come until after he is revealed. See 2 Thess. 2; 1-12. A few other timing issues are outlined there. Don’t trust the ‘left behind’ series either, the best thing to do with it is to ‘leave it behind’!


    2. Yes Dan,
      You have it correct also New Age Hucksters Jeremiah, Moore, Zacharias and loads more like Furtick

  7. 2 Thess. 2:6-8

    6) And now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

    7) For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, UNTIL HE BE TAKEN OUT OF THE WAY. (my caps)

    8) AND THEN (my caps) shall that Wicked be revealed…

    Sure sounds to me like the Holy Spirit filled Christians will be taken out of the way AND THEN shall that Wicked be revealed.

  8. Hi Faith,

    From what I’ve read concerning the event you mentioned, you are absolutely right. This ‘together 2016 festival’ is nothing more than a work of the flesh to promote ecumenism. This is an ‘Ichabod’ event, God will NOT be there!!

    Here is the confirmed ‘line-up’ – https://reset2016.com/confirmed/
    Yes, it is an apostate filled event that NO true believer of Christ dare get involved with.

    I found this from A. W. Pink concerning Godly companions to be very edifying, ” Evil company is to be sedulously avoided by the Christian, lest he become defiled by them. “He who walks with wise men shall be wise; but a companion of fools shall be destroyed” (Proverbs 13:20). Nor is it only the openly lawless and criminal who are to be shunned—but even, yes especially, those professing to be Christians yet who do not live the life of Christians. It is this latter class particularly against which the real child of God needs to be most on his guard: namely, those who say one thing and do another; those whose talk is pious—but whose walk differs little or nothing from the ungodly. The Word of God is plain and positive on this point: “Having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them!” (2 Timothy 3:5). This is not merely good advice—but a Divine command which we disregard at our peril.” A. W. Pink, from ‘Godly companions’.
    That describes the whole bunch that are partaking in this event!! ‘Together with who’ is a good question Faith. Even Satan disguises himself as an ‘angel of light’ – that’s what we have going on here. This whole shenanigans is a fraudulent attempt labeled as a ‘Christian’ event that is nothing more than Satan promoting his one world religion movement. Those who have ears to hear and eyes to see will NOT get involved with this evil work. Rather, we will pray to the true God of the Bible that He will bring wickedness to nothing, and that He will come and make right all that is wrong.

    This event is being called the ‘reset’ event, from their website – “Over the last few years, more than a half million young people have texted, typed, or written down prayers asking Jesus to reset their addictions, purity, priorities, internet habits, and hopes. We’ve heard arenas full of thousands of people calling out deeply personal prayers for Jesus to reset their lives.” There’s NO mention of SIN, NO mention of repentance, of the new birth, etc. They just want Jesus to fix what’s ‘wrong’ with them. It was the same way in our Lord’s day, when people followed Him because they wanted their disease healed, or their bellies filled. In other words, they want a God who will fix their temporal ailments, and not their eternal one.

    This is part of a comment I made earlier that is in moderation hold.

  9. Hi Lyn,

    I keep reading the word reset a lot lately, usually in economics or politics papers. I wonder if it’s being introduced into the public conscience for a reason. I read of resetting economic paradigms to forego a crash, or resetting the government…….I’m not sure, but something doesn’t strike me right. I’ve never seen the world so ripe or an explosion. Now resetting people’s lives…………….interesting.

    1. Manny,

      If it keeps popping up, there must be a reason for that. It appears to have ties with the one world movement. Rather than state the obvious, it seems they are using key ‘buzz’ words that are catchy and yet not too obvious.
      The true sheep will not be fooled, God watches over His own.

  10. Amen sister! Amen! He does indeed! His word is pure truth! Look at how His little flock has survived and is flourishing, but only because as He promised, He keeps us………….

    Another word that keeps getting repeated over and over is “narrative,” every mainstream news outlet, government talking head and so called leader uses it, peppered through every speech. Lyn, like I’ve been saying, I have never, ever, seen the world so ripe for the man of sin to enter the scene. It boggles my mind how many can’t set it! To be frank, it gets frustrating at times! Truly as The Lotd said it would be! The days of Noah and Lot! When no one saw the judgement coming, when everyone did what was right in their eyes! Maranatha! We must live like today is the day!

  11. The following I’m going to have to do in two posts, because when I leave this page all I’ve written is lost, and since there’s no edit button, it’s a moot point! Here’s the first, this is the sister organization of the CFR in London, it’s mission is the same as its sister’s located in Manhattan, a supposed neutral think tank and and a Non Governmental Organization. Clearly this not the case when the majority of appointees to State Department come from the CFR, who “give up” their membership while in office or appointment!

  12. Rick Warren is a member of the CFR, so are the Clintons, the Bushes, Channey, Carter, Rumsfeld and too many too list, just check their “past” member roster on their home page. I’ve linked a very interesting article it gives you an insight as to how foreign policy and a one world government are being pushed at highest level of government, there is no left, right politics, they have you believe that to keep the population divided, keep wagging the dog! They play to patriotism, equality, and every other word the uneducated masses are brainwashed into believing are real! This is just the mechanism that’s bringing in world governance, these blind fools do not understand the outcome, they’re not Christians, they’re blind ……….


  13. This is the sister organization of the CFR in London, its mission is equally the same, world governance through politics, economics and the military. No different than the American version. Again it calls itself a think tank, but in reality in pushes an agenda carried out by the the British foreign office, their version of the state department. Read for yourselves, it becomes quite apparent where these organizations are pushing this world to. Also, as in America both sides of the aisle sit in its chairs, and espouse its core mission.


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