Sin feels like death, because it is.

Two nights ago I came in from Women’s Bible study and looked for my husband. I could hear male voices outside on the back deck. Laughter. He was studying with one of his favorite online Bible teachers. And when Steve Lawson laughed,  my husband laughed along too. Steve was one of the solid ones, and whenever someone asked me for a recommended online preacher, he was in my top five.

Now, 48 hours later, we feel like we’ve been punched in the gut.

That’s how many Christians reacted to news that Dr. Steven Lawson had been removed from his position as pastor and all ministry activities at Trinity Bible Church in Dallas due to sin. (Announcement from Trinity Bible Church).

Lawson, 73, has been a Teaching Fellow with Ligonier Ministries, Professor of Preaching and Dean of the Doctor of Ministry program at The Master’s Seminary, and Executive Editor for Expositor magazine. He is also on the board of The Master’sUniversity and Seminary, Ligonier Ministries, and Reformation Bible College. He founded OnePassion Ministries, and is the author of twenty-eight books, including The Moment of TruthThe Cost: What It Takes to Follow JesusFoundations of Grace, Pillars of GraceThe Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan EdwardsThe Expository Genius of John Calvin, and many others. He has been married to his wife, Anne, for over 40 years. Together, they have four adult children.

When someone who is so beloved and admired as this leader has been for decades sins so shockingly, it feels like a family member has died. In a way, that’s exactly what has happened. The enemy of our souls has a voracious appetite, and a brother in Christ allowed himself to be devoured. This is his legacy now.

This kind of sin is not unpardonable, nor can one lose salvation over it. But sin’s effects are as devastating as any disaster can be, leaving many to grieve in its wake.

We might be tempted to ask, “how does one ever come back from this?” But there’s no coming back. At least not as a leader or teacher or shepherd. Steve Lawson has permanently disqualified himself from pastoral leadership. No more sermons, no more conference appearances, no more books, no more laughter coming through his microphone as he joyfully teaches about Jesus. If he is to be restored, it will be because our Holy God has given him the gift of repentance and rightstanding. And I pray this healing happens for him. I can’t imagine what his family, and his dearest friends and colleagues are experiencing right now. I can’t imagine Steve’s own anguish.

But I do know that not one of us can say we are immune to falling into sin ourselves. And so we pray and we strengthen one another. My husband and I are blessed to have an in-person pastor and shepherd whom we love dearly, and who loves us and pours into us week after week, year after year. We’re praying for him even more fervently now, and committing to lift him up without ceasing.

Many believers aren’t so blessed, and for them, Steve was the only representative of Christ they had. They need prayer, too, and a place to call home.

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7 thoughts on “Sin feels like death, because it is.

  1. Yes, I watched the Men’s Bible Study and wondered why there was a past video was being used, I had thought perhaps MacArthur had passed which I hoped not; but sadly it was the sin of Steven; which was heartbreaking has well; but I know that we all sin and therefore I was not casting stones as I just a sinful man saved by Grace. I pray that Steven gets back to preaching and ministry if its God will.

  2. Thank you. This latest fall along with others remind us all the importance of the local church for members and pastors. The gathering together of the body calls both sheep and shepherds to accountability and guards against sin when we can see one another regularly and can see a drift .

    1. Great Point, Becky. Celebrity pastors, even the solid ones, aren’t our shepherds. They don’t know us and can’t see if we’ve drifted or are growing in the Word.

  3. The sadness for the children of God when one sheep makes a wrong turn is how the enemy of everything that is upright and good will blaspheme the Name of the Lord with those uncircumcised in heart. But God’s grace is bigger than the sins of the whole world combined. I pray the Lord strengthen His people to stand firm in the faith.

  4. I think you wrote a very good article and articulated your feelings well. I also felt like I was punched in the gut when I heard the news. I teach the Bible to some of our women at our church and absolutely, Steven Lawson was one of my 5 top Pastor’s to recommend. This was a great reminder not to put any Pastor on a pedestal. Mr. Lawson preached with some of the most reputable theologians of our time and yet still succumbed to a sin that disqualifies him from public ministry. It confirms how important church fellowship and community is to our walk. Praying for Mr. Lawson’s family and for restoration. Also, praying for his followers that they will trust in God alone knowing that He is Sovereign. This did not surprise Him.

  5. I loved this article because it expressed so accurately how I felt after reading the news back in the Fall. I gained much from his teaching and still use some of his quotes. I was not a Lawson follower, there are just too many good teachers to follow just one but the holy spirit used his teaching in my walk with the Lord. This whole incidence taught me the grievous heinous nature of sin and how devastating and far reaching are its effects . May our brother Steve experience deeply the full grace and mercy of our precious Lord and Savior that he helped others to know.

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