Is Christian-themed movie subscription site PureFlix a strategic tool of the New Apostolic Reformation, or does this movie company simply focus on delivering films with a pro-Christian message? I’m about to make a case for the former.
We know that one of the hallmarks of the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) movement is taking dominion over seven spheres of life on Earth, in order to activate the reign of Jesus’ Kingdom. It’s called the “7 Mountain Mandate,” in which Christians are to dominate and fix business, government, media, education, the family, religion, and arts and entertainment.
NAR leaders are very methodical about these takeovers, as you can read about in the extra links below. But what fascinates me is the arts and entertainment sphere. In doing research I stumbled across, quite by accident, a sub ministry of a highly influential group called the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders, or ICAL for short.
ICAL was brought to America in 2000 by “Apostle” John P. Kelly, who set up shop in Fort Worth, Texas. Kelly was “directed by the Lord” to ask C. Peter Wagner to accept the position of Presiding Apostle over the network of apostles. New Apostolic Reformation is the term Wagner gave to this movement that encompasses hundreds of similar apostolic networks around the world, but not everyone uses Wagner’s exact terminology. Another common term for the movement is “apostolic and prophetic.” The late Wagner turned the keys back over to Kelly, whose ICAL mission statement reads:
“ICAL is designed to connect apostles’ wisdom and resources in order that each member can function more strategically, combine their efforts globally, and effectively accelerate the advancement of the Kingdom of God into every sphere of society.” (Mission statement)
On its website, you can find out which leaders have been appointed as modern-day “Apostles,” who are to rule over all Christians and bring forth utterances of actual fresh words – oracles if you will – of God Almighty Himself.
ICAL Website Image
You can also find a curious page for its dominionist sub ministries, partnerships and alliances. One of those alliances is PureFlix.
ICAL describes the PureFlix relationship this way:
ICAL Website Image
“The PureFlix Strategic Alliance with ICAL will provide solutions for local churches and ministries to reach more people, more effectively for evangelism and training. Members will be sent more specific details for how to maximize this alliance in the near future.
“During the 2015 ICAL International Congress, Steve Fedyski (ICAL Member) presented the Pure Flix vision and a powerful high-quality preview of the the film “Woodlawn”. There was an tremendous response and excitement by everyone to the quality and message of the film and the Pure Flix mission. There [sic] newest release, God Is NOT Dead 2, will be released in the Spring of 2016.”
That in mind, I ask again: PureFlix part of the New Apostolic network?
The subscription-based Christian film company certainly carries a lot of titles that are produced by Global NAR empires like Hillsong United. Consider this language for a recent industry promotion:
“HILLSONG-LET HOPE RISE is so much more than a film about a Christian band or even a church. It is truly a theatrical worship experience,” said Michael Scott, chief production officer and a founding partner of Pure Flix. “It is a dream come true for us, as a studio committed to influencing the global culture, to partner with a church like Hillsong.” source
PureFlix says it has always been their vision and calling to, “serve alongside the church by providing affordable and effective Movie Ministry Solutions to use for Outreach, Church Growth, Fellowship Opportunities, Small Group Ministry and Sermon Messages.”
That’s quite a different agenda than simply producing uplifting movies with Christian themes, is it not? And if we as consumers are paying a monthly subscription fee for Pureflix movies, are we not in some way supporting the mandate of the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders, and the NAR movement?
I reached out to Pureflix, but have so far received no response.
What is the Apostles network of the NAR? Please research these articles:
“I am amazed that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you by the grace of Christ, for a different gospel; which is really not another; only there are some who are disturbing you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!”
47 thoughts on “Pureflix an arm of dominionist International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders”
Galatians 1:6-9 is the perfect verse to describe this. Wait for the torrent of NAR apologists that will come out of the woodwork screaming the tired ” how dare you judge” or “how hypocritical, you’re touching God’s anointed” mantra! The NAR is so compromised, so demonic it will lay down with Rome to push it’s hellish agenda! If these people were to stop denying the coming judgement, Hell would freeze over. Biblical ignorance is the reason this movement has taken root, truly dark are the days when even self professing Christians can’t see through the deceit this movent espouses.
Satan and his servants masquerade as angels of light.
I’m sorry but PureFlix is a great resource for Christians to provide wholesome entertainment for Christian families. We just watched a move last night called Eternal Salvation that was very well acted and had a clear salvation message. Woodlawn was a truly great movie, and it was all based on true events. To get major Hollywood actors like Sean Astin to participate in movies like Woodlawn is a tremendous achievement. Both God’s Not Dead movies were excellent with clear salvation messages. Please be careful of guilt by association. David A.R. White the leader of Pureflix, seems to a very humble, godly man. He is also a great actor.
John, I noticed in interviews of David A.R. White that he promotes the unbiblical teaching of finding your “dream” for your life, which is explained as something you know that is too hard for you to do on your own which proves the dream comes from God. This teaching is popular and prevalent in purpose-driven, seeker sensitive, and NAR churches. It is also known as finding your purpose or destiny for your life. Very often (always?) this teaching is tied to a global dominionist agenda to bring the Kingdom of God to earth.
Maggie:So when Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his I Have a Dream speech he was doing something unbiblical? When a child is asked: What do you want to be when you grow up? He says I dreamed I want to be an astronaut, that’s unbiblical? When a med school student says that they have dreamed all of their life that they wanted to become a doctor that is unbiblical? Everybody should have dreams and goals about what they want to accomplish in life. I’m sorry but this is just silly to press this point There is plenty of error in the church without looking for it where it isn’t.
John, in your context of what is a dream, I totally agree with you. Unfortunately, the teaching of a “dream” that I am referring to is quite different. I am glad if you haven’t been exposed to this currently popular teaching in the greater church.
Maggie:I do know what the New Apostolic Reformation is,
but to say that every dream someone might have is demonic or deceptive goes beyond what scripture teaches. The scriptural principle is that everything must be confirmed by at least two or three witnesses. Everything must be tested. How many fruitful christian ministries have been started by a dream that God gave someone? It has happened many times in the history of the church. There are numerous examples of Muslims being converted in recent years by means of dreams. There are certain watchdog groups out there who seem to question every such instance as false or dangerous. The proof will be in the fruit. Are converts such as these willing to read and learn from the Word, and submit to its teachings? You can’t just blankly condemn everything like this. Now as to the NAR, it is quite clear that C.Peter Wagner, once a very respected teacher and theologian fell into grave error toward the end of his life. It was a great tragedy. Rick Joyner is very dangerous, if not outright demonic. The whole Toronto thing was a laughingstock as was Todd Bentley, Rodney Howard-Browne, Benny Hinn, and virtually anything on the Trinity Broadcasting Network. Bethel seems quite dangerous. On the other hand I believe and know for a fact that there were many true and lasting conversions that came out of Pensacola, in spite of some of the excesses that also occurred. The whole Calvary Chapel movement owes its origins to the ministry of the eccentric, charismatic, but very troubled hippy preacher, Lonnie Frisbee. Calvary doesn’t like to talk about this now, but its very well documented. In spite of this, Calvary bore much fruit for many years under the leadership of Chuck Smith. Calvary seems to be going through a great crisis right now, but the fruit was there for many years. Each case has to be evaluated on its own merits. And I mean investigated, not just a knee jerk fear response. If you read the letters to the seven churches, even though many of the churches are strongly rebuked by Jesus, yet even in the midst of these error prone churches Jesus speaks of those who will walk in white, because they are worthy. There are wheat and tares in almost all churches. Through prayer, study of the word, consulting both church history, and other respected ministries, hopefully we can exercise discernment without throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Each case has to be evaluated on its own merits, without relying purely on a guilt by association standard.
John, I certainly didn’t say anything like dreams are demonic or deceptive. I am just addressing the fact that the dream/destiny/purpose/vision teaching is unbiblical–i.e., the Bible does not teach this. Also, the Holy Spirit sovereignly brings people to repentance and salvation under all sorts of circumstances, even despite those circumstances.
This also reminds me of Christian publishing houses that produce questionable material or Christian book stores that pack their shelves with questionable books/authors………. Do we patronize them? Or do we ask them to remove books/authors who espouse unscriptural views? As for me, I avoid anyone or any enterprise that promotes, sells or in any way endorses questionable sources. This would include PureFlix, which I don’t belong to.
Thank you for your work on this. Sad but true that this wayward effort by those who are supposedly Christians is gaining some ground. It is something I refer to as anti-evangelical though it purports to be the opposite. Biblical Christianity focuses on the presentation of Jesus Christ, His person and His work. This does not; it promotes itself.
Although Mr. Santagate’s title with Pure Flix and the name of the entity (Global Strategic Alliance) sound similar, I think they may not be related and I was mistaken in making that connection.
Steve Fedyski, COO of PureFlix, was formerly the President/CEO of Pinnacle Forum, which promotes the NAR 7 Mountains mandate to change culture (“Transforming Leaders to Transform Culture”).
A 2015 article online said 80% of investors of PureFlix are members of Pinnacle Forum, but I could not find the source for that info.
Hi! I sent you a private e-mail in regards to an objectionable photo that I found on one of your other articles. Could you please get back to me and give me some insight on this?
Hi Amy, didn’t know where to post this, it’s more of a heads up for fellow Bereans, it involves a movie so I thought it was apropos given the subject matter. The movie in question: A DOG’S PURPOSE, it sounds sweet and lovable and very obviously targeted at children. Be very aware of this movie and please spread the word, this is dangerous and given the probable are range it’s something parents should avoid:
“A devoted dog (Josh Gad) discovers the meaning of its own existence through the lives of the humans it teaches to laugh and love. Reincarnated as multiple canines over the course of five decades, the lovable pooch develops an unbreakable bond with a kindred spirit named Ethan.”
Obviously any Christian can see the problem, this is crass new age, eastern mysticism at play, and the intended target is very impressionable. Please get the word out.
Probably the best modern Christian movie (and that ain’t saying much), is “Do you Belirve?” It’s not perfect, but it deals with the cross of Jesus Christ through which we were crucified to the world and the world to us, fairly well.
Manny – I saw the trailer for that silly, but brilliant dog movie the other day. It humanize animals and pushes reincarnation. We saw it before the pureflix movie “The Resurrection of Gavin Stone,” which I would give a C on its theology. They did mention Jesus dying girvour sins … but they skipped it or glossed over it a few times.
I’m really a bit alarmed about that movie, how many undiscerning will take their children to see such a crass push for reincarnation, as you said they humanize creation and in many cases worship it. Ironically it’s a movie that falsely portrays love, the love of a reincarnating dog that affects humans, while we slaughter our children in and out of the womb and are OK with that.
How about praising Pureflix for those movies that are God honoring, with clear salvation messages or themes, and then warning them about those that are questionable or in outright error. How about praying for PureFlix and David A.R. White that God could use both him and his ministry to bring glory to God. Just dealing out constant condemnation will benefit no one.
John, just look at the ties that PureFlix has with the NAR. Do the research yourself. If you are okay with the NAR dominionist agenda, then I can see you overlooking the alarms sounding for some of us.
Oh man! I’m so sad to hear this! I have had PureFlix for the past month for the free trial. I have enjoyed it so much for the educational and kids videos that are creation based. I have come across some evolution and I just turned it off. The kids love Babar and Penguins 123. It’s hard because I can’t find anything like this on cable or Netflix. If you buy shows individually it costs me an arm and a leg monetarily. But I will be canceling today because I absolutely do not want to support the NAR! If anyone has suggestions of wholesome, creation based, biblically sound options that does not support unbiblical movements please let me know!
Whatever happened to reading to kids? I had seven of my own and we read many classic children’s stories over the years. You can actually turn off the t.v./computer and spend time face to face with children, which they will appreciate so much more! Get a copy of Honey For a Child’s Heart if you don’t know where to start. It has great suggestions as to which books to read for each age group. We read through The Chronicles of Narnia several times. They are all free at your public library.
You left out the words “one person at a time.” He’s talking about winning people to Christ. Do you like the culture that we live in here in this country? We need a massive change in the hearts of the people of this country. Historically the word used for that is revival. The people at Pureflix are using their gifts and callings as actors, directors, writers, etc to influence people to come to Christ. When I was a child watching the old biblical based movies that Hollywood produced they laid a foundation in my life that eventually led me to Christ. The Ten Commandments, Ben Hur , The Robe, Quo Vadis, Jesus of Nazareth, the list goes on and on. The media can be a powerful force, both for good and evil in any society. These people are trying to do a good thing. Yes keep an eye on them. But how about praying for them too.
I’m not going to address the old movies you cited and how they influenced you. But I want to caution you about wanting to “change the culture,” even if it is “one person at a time.”
The Christian is not here to change the culture. The Body of Christ is here by the grace of God and is called (in God’s purpose) to be conformed to the image of Christ through grace. It is all of God, by God, and through God (Romans 8:28-30).
And when the ungodly are justified by God (Romans 5:6, Romans 4:5), it is in the midst of an evil culture. Don’t appeal to the flesh by thinking that the culture needs to be changed. This is the grave error the NAR makes; it is all an appeal to the flesh.
Well my friend, there have been many great moves of God in history such as the Great Awakening, that saved many souls and as a byproduct changed the culture. The origin of the Salvation Army is another great story of how evangelistic efforts eventually changed the culture, resulting in many bars closing down. It is possible to have both things happening at the same time.
John, those cultural changes were small in scope and short-lived because they were based in religion. The prohibition movement was driven by a few vocal women, primarily, and it did little to change lives. The Salvation Army is one of the worst examples of cultural change. The SA is all works-based, as are all those off-shoots from the Holiness Movement of the 1800s. The Holiness Movement was borne of the flesh and led to much religiosity.
No, I’m talking about the grace of God, not religion. I’m talking about the Body of Christ, called out of the world, having its citizenship in heaven, being hated by the world just has its Head was, and is, hated. Christianity has nothing to do with an appeal to the flesh, enacting moral laws, or changing the culture. If Christianity is supposed to change the culture, then the Lord Yeshua and His Apostles as failed miserably.
Good afternoon John and Maggie,
I gave the video posted by John a fair viewing, to me it sounded like a sales pitch, there’s nothing inherently wrong with that. My problem stems from content……..Is it biblical, is it promoting an agenda, how scriptural is it? All these need to be asked by anyone wanting to join. Changing the culture for Christ is a catch phrase used by those in the NAR and those that would see politicized Christianity, any Christian well versed in scripture understands that’s impossible with man, God is not interested in culture, He is interested in individuals. My second problem with Mr. White is his partnership with an NAR affiliate? Will he be purveying their material? If yes, why? I guess my final point is Mr White doesn’t address a statement of faith, unless I’ve missed it somewhere? I would caution everyone to tread carefully and pay attention. All I got was a sales pitch for a movie subscription site that has “Jesus” content……….
Maggie, that video presentation is patently NAR recruitment, there’s no other way to explain it. Mr.Santagate even talks about the impact of the apostolic movement and how to bring it to the culture using their language the digital medium.
Manny I just sent off an email to PureFlix asking them if they have a statement of faith. And yes the video was a sales pitch. But the subscription price is very low and they are doing good work, producing movies that are either winning people to Christ or planting seeds for future conversions. We need to let them know what we like about what they are doing and at the same time express our concerns when we disagree with movies on their site.
Just one caveat, John, about asking someone about their association with the NAR–
In a recent Christianity Today article, Bill Johnson of Bethel Church, Redding, CA disingenuously stated he was not part of the NAR, even though it is well known that he is an Apostle in the NAR. The NAR is a movement, not an entity per se. There are many alliances and networks within the NAR, so the individuals identify themselves with the specific alliance/network, not necessarily the movement.
The video which Maggie posted above is quite troubling, Mr. Santagate is clearly expounding NAR participation. I believe you stated you weren’t sure what the NAR is, there’s a link to a white paper on WHITE PAPERS section. I can frankly say I will not be using PureFlix as it would violate my conscience supporting an entity that might have some good movies, but it’s motive is promoting an ungodly movement.
On a side bar, anyone can build their own Christian movie library at home. The only downside is getting up and loading a Blu-ray DVD into a machine. For those that are more tech savvy you can download your DVDs into the cloud and have your own mini “PureFlix” without using your DVD player to watch. I do this with my music, all my music is on CD format, which I rip into my own library, if something ever happens to library I still have my physical disc. There are options.
Would you put in the same category? They have a fine doctrinal statement, but many of the teachers and teachings are ones I know are not biblical and some are pro-NAR.
My opinion, I’d stay away. I won’t patronize any business that patronizes false teachers. Jennie Allen, Tiny Evans, Francis Chan, Bill Bundle, place is littered with false teachings, don’t promote it, don’t support it.
I signed up for PureFlix. In the first week, watched a handful of movies that weren’t bad at all. Not everything was of the professional level of Hollywood, but pretty good never-the-less.
Then I read about NAR and the PureFlix connection.I immediately dove into my ‘research’ mode trying to determine the truth and fiction regarding this. In the end I became convicted of the truth.
I contacted customer service at PureFlix for confirmation or rebuttable confirming this allegation. I praised them for the good content they offered but also was honest about my concern regarding NAR.
The first reply merely recited traditional Christian standards without mentioning NAR. I sent a new inquiry specifically asking for a reply about their commitment to NAR. Again, I got back in return another ‘statement of faith’ and intention to faithfully serve their viewing audience. No mention or denial of support for NAR and it’s associated organizations.
So I had to tell them that I regretfully could not remain a customer. So now I am still searching for a good reliable source for great Christian based content. There is some on Amazon Prime. I use their Amazon Fire TV streaming device.
Thanks for this site. I appreciate it and those who post.
Denny thanks for posting your experience with PureFlix. Any organization that does not clearly answer a request from a customer should be suspect, and when such organization profits from your patronage, there’s even less of an excuse.
I want to see if your writers can help me with my life story:
Born the first child of my natural father and the seventh child of 13 of my mother who’s mother died at her birth; my natural father was a member of a secret order who abandon me at the age of 7 years old. He had a second son with my mother three yrs after I was born. My brother and I met some 45 years later in life, due to a prayer I made to God one Christmas seasons and 7 days later I get a call to meet him. I understand when Jesus says that we will be rejected if we follow him and desire to preach the Kingdom of God, which I do. can I talk to someone on your team?
I’m glad I came across this article so I know it’s not just me thinking something is off with PureFlix. Some of the content on there is unreal. They recently put out a program called “Hope for Healing” which features segments with the Medical Medium. Yes, a man who calls himself a medium that practices divination by claiming to hear secret information from a spirit on how to heal people. There’s also a segment with a man named Nick Ortner who developed the “Emotional Healing Therapy” where you fill your mind with your negative thoughts and emotional traumas while tapping on your body in order to release them. Say what?? Are they not familiar with Philippians 4:8 and how un-biblical and downright dangerous this method is? This is just one of the many un-biblical programs they have on their site. (I admit to not watching these segments, but I’m familiar with these two men they included and what they teach, sadly because I heard about them from other Christians! What is going on?) I emailed the company with my concerns, but no response. This is so concerning. They are going to lead many astray and further damage people’s emotions and souls. 🙁
Question anyone have any ideas if menno is withNAR? I have a good feeling it is. We have had menno for over a year and at first it seemed good with a few shows I would t let them watch and now they are constantly adding more bethel programs
Galatians 1:6-9 is the perfect verse to describe this. Wait for the torrent of NAR apologists that will come out of the woodwork screaming the tired ” how dare you judge” or “how hypocritical, you’re touching God’s anointed” mantra! The NAR is so compromised, so demonic it will lay down with Rome to push it’s hellish agenda! If these people were to stop denying the coming judgement, Hell would freeze over. Biblical ignorance is the reason this movement has taken root, truly dark are the days when even self professing Christians can’t see through the deceit this movent espouses.
Satan and his servants masquerade as angels of light.
I’m sorry but PureFlix is a great resource for Christians to provide wholesome entertainment for Christian families. We just watched a move last night called Eternal Salvation that was very well acted and had a clear salvation message. Woodlawn was a truly great movie, and it was all based on true events. To get major Hollywood actors like Sean Astin to participate in movies like Woodlawn is a tremendous achievement. Both God’s Not Dead movies were excellent with clear salvation messages. Please be careful of guilt by association. David A.R. White the leader of Pureflix, seems to a very humble, godly man. He is also a great actor.
I just love the BB!
With very few exceptions, “Christian” films are “God awful” (pun intended).
John, I noticed in interviews of David A.R. White that he promotes the unbiblical teaching of finding your “dream” for your life, which is explained as something you know that is too hard for you to do on your own which proves the dream comes from God. This teaching is popular and prevalent in purpose-driven, seeker sensitive, and NAR churches. It is also known as finding your purpose or destiny for your life. Very often (always?) this teaching is tied to a global dominionist agenda to bring the Kingdom of God to earth.
Maggie:So when Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his I Have a Dream speech he was doing something unbiblical? When a child is asked: What do you want to be when you grow up? He says I dreamed I want to be an astronaut, that’s unbiblical? When a med school student says that they have dreamed all of their life that they wanted to become a doctor that is unbiblical? Everybody should have dreams and goals about what they want to accomplish in life. I’m sorry but this is just silly to press this point There is plenty of error in the church without looking for it where it isn’t.
John, in your context of what is a dream, I totally agree with you. Unfortunately, the teaching of a “dream” that I am referring to is quite different. I am glad if you haven’t been exposed to this currently popular teaching in the greater church.
Maggie:I do know what the New Apostolic Reformation is,
but to say that every dream someone might have is demonic or deceptive goes beyond what scripture teaches. The scriptural principle is that everything must be confirmed by at least two or three witnesses. Everything must be tested. How many fruitful christian ministries have been started by a dream that God gave someone? It has happened many times in the history of the church. There are numerous examples of Muslims being converted in recent years by means of dreams. There are certain watchdog groups out there who seem to question every such instance as false or dangerous. The proof will be in the fruit. Are converts such as these willing to read and learn from the Word, and submit to its teachings? You can’t just blankly condemn everything like this. Now as to the NAR, it is quite clear that C.Peter Wagner, once a very respected teacher and theologian fell into grave error toward the end of his life. It was a great tragedy. Rick Joyner is very dangerous, if not outright demonic. The whole Toronto thing was a laughingstock as was Todd Bentley, Rodney Howard-Browne, Benny Hinn, and virtually anything on the Trinity Broadcasting Network. Bethel seems quite dangerous. On the other hand I believe and know for a fact that there were many true and lasting conversions that came out of Pensacola, in spite of some of the excesses that also occurred. The whole Calvary Chapel movement owes its origins to the ministry of the eccentric, charismatic, but very troubled hippy preacher, Lonnie Frisbee. Calvary doesn’t like to talk about this now, but its very well documented. In spite of this, Calvary bore much fruit for many years under the leadership of Chuck Smith. Calvary seems to be going through a great crisis right now, but the fruit was there for many years. Each case has to be evaluated on its own merits. And I mean investigated, not just a knee jerk fear response. If you read the letters to the seven churches, even though many of the churches are strongly rebuked by Jesus, yet even in the midst of these error prone churches Jesus speaks of those who will walk in white, because they are worthy. There are wheat and tares in almost all churches. Through prayer, study of the word, consulting both church history, and other respected ministries, hopefully we can exercise discernment without throwing out the baby with the bathwater. Each case has to be evaluated on its own merits, without relying purely on a guilt by association standard.
John, I certainly didn’t say anything like dreams are demonic or deceptive. I am just addressing the fact that the dream/destiny/purpose/vision teaching is unbiblical–i.e., the Bible does not teach this. Also, the Holy Spirit sovereignly brings people to repentance and salvation under all sorts of circumstances, even despite those circumstances.
This also reminds me of Christian publishing houses that produce questionable material or Christian book stores that pack their shelves with questionable books/authors………. Do we patronize them? Or do we ask them to remove books/authors who espouse unscriptural views? As for me, I avoid anyone or any enterprise that promotes, sells or in any way endorses questionable sources. This would include PureFlix, which I don’t belong to.
Thank you for your work on this. Sad but true that this wayward effort by those who are supposedly Christians is gaining some ground. It is something I refer to as anti-evangelical though it purports to be the opposite. Biblical Christianity focuses on the presentation of Jesus Christ, His person and His work. This does not; it promotes itself.
In digging around a bit, I found another alliance (Global Strategic Alliance) connected to Pure Flix showing a global agenda:–mission
In reading through the GSA website, I saw NAR language, even more alliances with other orgs and a call for unity.
Although Mr. Santagate’s title with Pure Flix and the name of the entity (Global Strategic Alliance) sound similar, I think they may not be related and I was mistaken in making that connection.
More info:
Steve Fedyski, COO of PureFlix, was formerly the President/CEO of Pinnacle Forum, which promotes the NAR 7 Mountains mandate to change culture (“Transforming Leaders to Transform Culture”).
A 2015 article online said 80% of investors of PureFlix are members of Pinnacle Forum, but I could not find the source for that info.
Hi! I sent you a private e-mail in regards to an objectionable photo that I found on one of your other articles. Could you please get back to me and give me some insight on this?
Hi Amy, didn’t know where to post this, it’s more of a heads up for fellow Bereans, it involves a movie so I thought it was apropos given the subject matter. The movie in question: A DOG’S PURPOSE, it sounds sweet and lovable and very obviously targeted at children. Be very aware of this movie and please spread the word, this is dangerous and given the probable are range it’s something parents should avoid:
“A devoted dog (Josh Gad) discovers the meaning of its own existence through the lives of the humans it teaches to laugh and love. Reincarnated as multiple canines over the course of five decades, the lovable pooch develops an unbreakable bond with a kindred spirit named Ethan.”
Obviously any Christian can see the problem, this is crass new age, eastern mysticism at play, and the intended target is very impressionable. Please get the word out.
Probably the best modern Christian movie (and that ain’t saying much), is “Do you Belirve?” It’s not perfect, but it deals with the cross of Jesus Christ through which we were crucified to the world and the world to us, fairly well.
Manny – I saw the trailer for that silly, but brilliant dog movie the other day. It humanize animals and pushes reincarnation. We saw it before the pureflix movie “The Resurrection of Gavin Stone,” which I would give a C on its theology. They did mention Jesus dying girvour sins … but they skipped it or glossed over it a few times.
Hi SS,
I’m really a bit alarmed about that movie, how many undiscerning will take their children to see such a crass push for reincarnation, as you said they humanize creation and in many cases worship it. Ironically it’s a movie that falsely portrays love, the love of a reincarnating dog that affects humans, while we slaughter our children in and out of the womb and are OK with that.
My apologies to Amy for meandering the thread…..
How about praising Pureflix for those movies that are God honoring, with clear salvation messages or themes, and then warning them about those that are questionable or in outright error. How about praying for PureFlix and David A.R. White that God could use both him and his ministry to bring glory to God. Just dealing out constant condemnation will benefit no one.
John, just look at the ties that PureFlix has with the NAR. Do the research yourself. If you are okay with the NAR dominionist agenda, then I can see you overlooking the alarms sounding for some of us.
Oh man! I’m so sad to hear this! I have had PureFlix for the past month for the free trial. I have enjoyed it so much for the educational and kids videos that are creation based. I have come across some evolution and I just turned it off. The kids love Babar and Penguins 123. It’s hard because I can’t find anything like this on cable or Netflix. If you buy shows individually it costs me an arm and a leg monetarily. But I will be canceling today because I absolutely do not want to support the NAR! If anyone has suggestions of wholesome, creation based, biblically sound options that does not support unbiblical movements please let me know!
Whatever happened to reading to kids? I had seven of my own and we read many classic children’s stories over the years. You can actually turn off the t.v./computer and spend time face to face with children, which they will appreciate so much more! Get a copy of Honey For a Child’s Heart if you don’t know where to start. It has great suggestions as to which books to read for each age group. We read through The Chronicles of Narnia several times. They are all free at your public library.
David A.R. White the man in his own words.
“…change the culture for Christ….” (7 Mtns mandate?)
You left out the words “one person at a time.” He’s talking about winning people to Christ. Do you like the culture that we live in here in this country? We need a massive change in the hearts of the people of this country. Historically the word used for that is revival. The people at Pureflix are using their gifts and callings as actors, directors, writers, etc to influence people to come to Christ. When I was a child watching the old biblical based movies that Hollywood produced they laid a foundation in my life that eventually led me to Christ. The Ten Commandments, Ben Hur , The Robe, Quo Vadis, Jesus of Nazareth, the list goes on and on. The media can be a powerful force, both for good and evil in any society. These people are trying to do a good thing. Yes keep an eye on them. But how about praying for them too.
Hey John,
I’m not going to address the old movies you cited and how they influenced you. But I want to caution you about wanting to “change the culture,” even if it is “one person at a time.”
The Christian is not here to change the culture. The Body of Christ is here by the grace of God and is called (in God’s purpose) to be conformed to the image of Christ through grace. It is all of God, by God, and through God (Romans 8:28-30).
And when the ungodly are justified by God (Romans 5:6, Romans 4:5), it is in the midst of an evil culture. Don’t appeal to the flesh by thinking that the culture needs to be changed. This is the grave error the NAR makes; it is all an appeal to the flesh.
Well my friend, there have been many great moves of God in history such as the Great Awakening, that saved many souls and as a byproduct changed the culture. The origin of the Salvation Army is another great story of how evangelistic efforts eventually changed the culture, resulting in many bars closing down. It is possible to have both things happening at the same time.
John, those cultural changes were small in scope and short-lived because they were based in religion. The prohibition movement was driven by a few vocal women, primarily, and it did little to change lives. The Salvation Army is one of the worst examples of cultural change. The SA is all works-based, as are all those off-shoots from the Holiness Movement of the 1800s. The Holiness Movement was borne of the flesh and led to much religiosity.
No, I’m talking about the grace of God, not religion. I’m talking about the Body of Christ, called out of the world, having its citizenship in heaven, being hated by the world just has its Head was, and is, hated. Christianity has nothing to do with an appeal to the flesh, enacting moral laws, or changing the culture. If Christianity is supposed to change the culture, then the Lord Yeshua and His Apostles as failed miserably.
Good afternoon John and Maggie,
I gave the video posted by John a fair viewing, to me it sounded like a sales pitch, there’s nothing inherently wrong with that. My problem stems from content……..Is it biblical, is it promoting an agenda, how scriptural is it? All these need to be asked by anyone wanting to join. Changing the culture for Christ is a catch phrase used by those in the NAR and those that would see politicized Christianity, any Christian well versed in scripture understands that’s impossible with man, God is not interested in culture, He is interested in individuals. My second problem with Mr. White is his partnership with an NAR affiliate? Will he be purveying their material? If yes, why? I guess my final point is Mr White doesn’t address a statement of faith, unless I’ve missed it somewhere? I would caution everyone to tread carefully and pay attention. All I got was a sales pitch for a movie subscription site that has “Jesus” content……….
Since PureFlix is a business entity, I would not expect to see a statement of faith.
Here is a short video that you can interpret for yourself:
Maggie, that video presentation is patently NAR recruitment, there’s no other way to explain it. Mr.Santagate even talks about the impact of the apostolic movement and how to bring it to the culture using their language the digital medium.
I will not be dealing with that business.
Manny I just sent off an email to PureFlix asking them if they have a statement of faith. And yes the video was a sales pitch. But the subscription price is very low and they are doing good work, producing movies that are either winning people to Christ or planting seeds for future conversions. We need to let them know what we like about what they are doing and at the same time express our concerns when we disagree with movies on their site.
Thanks John, thanks for your effort, I think many will join if clarity is made.
I also sent them at email specifically asking them about any association with the NAR, warning about its dangers. We’ll see how they respond.
Just one caveat, John, about asking someone about their association with the NAR–
In a recent Christianity Today article, Bill Johnson of Bethel Church, Redding, CA disingenuously stated he was not part of the NAR, even though it is well known that he is an Apostle in the NAR. The NAR is a movement, not an entity per se. There are many alliances and networks within the NAR, so the individuals identify themselves with the specific alliance/network, not necessarily the movement.
Good morning John,
The video which Maggie posted above is quite troubling, Mr. Santagate is clearly expounding NAR participation. I believe you stated you weren’t sure what the NAR is, there’s a link to a white paper on WHITE PAPERS section. I can frankly say I will not be using PureFlix as it would violate my conscience supporting an entity that might have some good movies, but it’s motive is promoting an ungodly movement.
On a side bar, anyone can build their own Christian movie library at home. The only downside is getting up and loading a Blu-ray DVD into a machine. For those that are more tech savvy you can download your DVDs into the cloud and have your own mini “PureFlix” without using your DVD player to watch. I do this with my music, all my music is on CD format, which I rip into my own library, if something ever happens to library I still have my physical disc. There are options.
Would you put in the same category? They have a fine doctrinal statement, but many of the teachers and teachings are ones I know are not biblical and some are pro-NAR.
As a follow up, has anyone heard from PureFlix? John, did they reply to your email?
Cindy, I’ll look into RightNow
No I haven’t heard back. I think I’ll try one more time.
Hi Cindy,
My opinion, I’d stay away. I won’t patronize any business that patronizes false teachers. Jennie Allen, Tiny Evans, Francis Chan, Bill Bundle, place is littered with false teachings, don’t promote it, don’t support it.
Sorry for typos: Tony Evans and Bill Hybels
I signed up for PureFlix. In the first week, watched a handful of movies that weren’t bad at all. Not everything was of the professional level of Hollywood, but pretty good never-the-less.
Then I read about NAR and the PureFlix connection.I immediately dove into my ‘research’ mode trying to determine the truth and fiction regarding this. In the end I became convicted of the truth.
I contacted customer service at PureFlix for confirmation or rebuttable confirming this allegation. I praised them for the good content they offered but also was honest about my concern regarding NAR.
The first reply merely recited traditional Christian standards without mentioning NAR. I sent a new inquiry specifically asking for a reply about their commitment to NAR. Again, I got back in return another ‘statement of faith’ and intention to faithfully serve their viewing audience. No mention or denial of support for NAR and it’s associated organizations.
So I had to tell them that I regretfully could not remain a customer. So now I am still searching for a good reliable source for great Christian based content. There is some on Amazon Prime. I use their Amazon Fire TV streaming device.
Thanks for this site. I appreciate it and those who post.
Denny thanks for posting your experience with PureFlix. Any organization that does not clearly answer a request from a customer should be suspect, and when such organization profits from your patronage, there’s even less of an excuse.
I want to see if your writers can help me with my life story:
Born the first child of my natural father and the seventh child of 13 of my mother who’s mother died at her birth; my natural father was a member of a secret order who abandon me at the age of 7 years old. He had a second son with my mother three yrs after I was born. My brother and I met some 45 years later in life, due to a prayer I made to God one Christmas seasons and 7 days later I get a call to meet him. I understand when Jesus says that we will be rejected if we follow him and desire to preach the Kingdom of God, which I do. can I talk to someone on your team?
I’m glad I came across this article so I know it’s not just me thinking something is off with PureFlix. Some of the content on there is unreal. They recently put out a program called “Hope for Healing” which features segments with the Medical Medium. Yes, a man who calls himself a medium that practices divination by claiming to hear secret information from a spirit on how to heal people. There’s also a segment with a man named Nick Ortner who developed the “Emotional Healing Therapy” where you fill your mind with your negative thoughts and emotional traumas while tapping on your body in order to release them. Say what?? Are they not familiar with Philippians 4:8 and how un-biblical and downright dangerous this method is? This is just one of the many un-biblical programs they have on their site. (I admit to not watching these segments, but I’m familiar with these two men they included and what they teach, sadly because I heard about them from other Christians! What is going on?) I emailed the company with my concerns, but no response. This is so concerning. They are going to lead many astray and further damage people’s emotions and souls. 🙁
Wow, that is quite an eye-opener, Christine. Thank you for sharing this.
Question anyone have any ideas if menno is withNAR? I have a good feeling it is. We have had menno for over a year and at first it seemed good with a few shows I would t let them watch and now they are constantly adding more bethel programs