There’s no doubt that Christians are in a war. Every day we see evil in our world, and we have an enemy who passionately hates that we belong to Jesus Christ. Some churches attempt to engage with the demonic realm in spiritual warfare. Are these so-called “Deliverance Ministries” biblical? See Continue Reading
Before I get to Kim Olsen’s blog post, those who are unfamiliar with Sozo prayer need to know more about it. First of all, Sozo prayer is the brain child of husband and wife team Bill (self-proclaimed modern-day apostle) and Beni (New Age guru) Johnson, both of whom are pastors of the Continue Reading
I began publishing my “Leaving the NAR Church” series in 2017, and even to this day I receive new entries to publish. There are more than 60 stories so far. These stories are precious to me, and serve as a painful reminder that there is hope for the dear Continue Reading
I began publishing my “Leaving the NAR Church” series in 2017, and even to this day I receive new entries to publish. There are nearly 60 stories so far. These stories are precious to me, and serve as a painful reminder that there is hope for the dear deceived ones Continue Reading
Every so often I receive testimonies from people who have read my “Leaving the NAR Church” series. There are more than 50 of them, and I am adding another. These stories are precious to me, and serve as a painful reminder that there is hope for the dear deceived ones Continue Reading
Did you know that the Bible is all we need to equip us for a life of faith and service? It’s true! And in fact the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture is a fundamental tenet of the Christian faith. Sadly, it’s a tenet that has long been under vicious Continue Reading
After literally hours and hours of that prayer I saw myself as a 3 month old baby being raped by my father. I recovered memories about being raised in a satanic cult, abused in the most awful ways possible and suddenly the prophecy about giving my heart to Satan became Continue Reading
The deliverance ministry counselor told my wife to close her eyes and allow the demons to speak through her. He explained that each demon has a name, and if bound “by the blood” must be truthful and submissive. Jared and his wife had been experiencing what they called demonic thoughts, Continue Reading
Do not turn to mediums or necromancers; do not seek them out, and so make yourselves unclean by them: I am the LORD your God. (Leviticus 19:31). Do angels and demons really exist? The Bible says they do. Mentioned by name are two elect holy angels (the good guys): The Archangel Michael Continue Reading
Many churches are bringing a practice called SOZO into their ministry, at the peril of damaging the sheep and possibly shipwrecking their faith. SOZO Prayer is a technique based on psychology and used by so-called “inner healing ministries” sweeping churches today. This psycho-spiritual deliverance and inner healing methodology is designed Continue Reading