Two-time Dove Award winner Don 30 Francisco is a singer/songwriter best for songs like He’s Alive, Adam, Adam Where are You” and I’ll Never Let Go of Your Hand. Surprisingly, Francisco is now scolding Christians who believe that the Bible is without error. In fact if you believe in the infallibility of Scripture, you are “dead,” and need to stop drinking the Kool-Aid, Don says. He posted this message on his Facebook page:
I love the Scriptures. Anyone who’s heard my songs knows that, and I shouldn’t even have to say it. God speaks to me through them constantly. The Bible is the most wonderful book in the world. Those who have given their lives to preserve it and translate it didn’t die in vain, for without them we wouldn’t know that God came to Earth and lived as one of us, died on the Cross to show us His love and forgiveness, and rose from the dead to take away all our fears. And those are just the main points….
My problems begin with those who would try to make this book into a god.
There is only one Foundation, Jesus Christ, and anyone who attempts to build on another one will be using an unstable and deadly cornerstone. I understand those of you who have ‘drunk the Kool-Aid’ (believed in the inerrancy/infallibility thing because you’ve been taught to believe it– I used to be one of you), but it’s time to arise from among the dead and believe the Gospel. For those of you who intentionally use this doctrine to control others, may God have mercy on your soul! May you soon travel the Damascus Road as Paul did. source
I think the mercy needed here is for Don and his adoring fans agreeing with him, rather than those who cling to the truth of God’s breathed-out Word. Breaking news: the Bible judges us, not vice versa.
What could possibly have influenced him in this dreadful direction?
Sadly, it appears that Rob Bell has influenced Don and Wendy, even in denying the Doctrine of Hell:
Sounds a lot like what Brian McLaren has said. Final question: Do women of God speak like this? Are we not to judge the fruits of those who call themselves “Christian?” Please continue to pray for this couple that they and their many followers would turn to the truth and away from worldliness and unholy language:
Hat Tip: Jose Estrada
I remember seeing some of this on Dons facebook which lead me to chip in and ask a question or two. I got ignored. I asked again and then I found my questions got deleted and then Wendy Francisco started a private conversation with me. I pressed her on a few basic questions. She answered and it became clear to me they have both become “progressive Christians” which utterly shocked me. I had to leave the chat but said I would come back to her. I later found i had been blocked from Dons facebook account. I was a bit devastated at the time because I was a fan of his bible based music. Wendy seemed argumentative and cold but thats how I felt at the time. I’m listening to some of his songs now which promoted me to find out more in 2021 and thats how I found this page. At the time Wendys facebook was clearly supportive of LGBT. Says it all really. Very sad.
Thank you for this article, so very sad, his music was a strength to me as my life had been broken and crushed, and the song I’ll never let go of your hand, has always been a great comfort to me, many years have passed and I saw him on YouTube, and his countenance looked like an angry man which shocked me, something was wrong with him, and I decided to research what that might be, because the Holy Spirit in me set an alarm bell when I saw Don with his wife, so when I came across your article it confirmed to me that Don Francisco is following another gospel, like so many in these latter days. May God continue to use you for calling out these people who have wandered from the truth. Thank you Victoria