Discernment Challenge: If you see something, say something!

Every week it seems, I receive at least a couple of messages from women who are fraught with angst over a social media post from their friend, relative or church that promotes a false teacher. “What should I do? Should I say something?”

For me there is only one answer: Yes! You can’t not say something. To say nothing is to let your loved one walk headfirst into the blast zone of a terrorist with only one thing on his/her mind: To take out as many sheep as possible.

“But how?” is the next question. What they’re really asking is, “How can I take the least amount of risk to myself so I don’t have to be that Christian?”

I get it. You don’t want to lose friends. And you don’t want to get a reputation for being one of those hateful Pharisees.

If you need to have words with friends over a false teacher she’s listening to, click here.

What if your friend is deep in sin? My motto:  If you see something, say something. You are not being a busybody if you are helping your friend avoid an oncoming train. I wrote this a few years ago. Here’s an article with an example for anyone who needs a confidence booster to confront sin.

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7 thoughts on “Discernment Challenge: If you see something, say something!

  1. Hi all,

    1. YES! We are to warn all of anything we are aware of. That is what the bible teaches, so that one is a no brainer. Although we can’t reach them all, we should do so with whatever crosses our path. If we all do this, then everyone will hear the warnings they need. What they do with the info. is on their own heads.

    2. I have done this all over the place in many different settings. One of them does happen to be discernment ministries as well. Although many are good in many ways, no one is aware of everything. In churches also, some are merely ignorant and gullible, while others are sinister wolves intending to infiltrate and deceive. We can’t know all the background workings, but all we are accountable for is to deliver the truth whenever possible. So yes, see something, and say something. If one is worrying about losing friends, etc., then their priorities are not aligned correctly with the Lord’s as His command was to carry our crosses and deny ourselves as His disciples.

    3. One item I keep running into is this as well. On certain discernment sites, they hold John MacArthur and certain others up as an idol on a pedestal, regardless of their heresies. As if they can ‘say no wrong,’ or it is somehow brushed under the rug and excused. Yet these are obvious heresies, no denying it as the one above recorded and I am aware of many of them and others also (heresies like that). Then, another item I see is a post that will attack a petty issue, yet promote a much worse heresy or false belief. Examples abound. So, these things are encountered all around and we need to address them as we run across them.

    Keep up the good fight!

  2. I myself find this ironic,but very sad. On one hand they preach discernment, and on the other hand they preach from unholy, false versions of the Bible. How is that discernment? Like speaking from both sides of your mouth. There is one God, one Word (literally and spiritually), one Holy Spirit, an yet three in one.

    Look at the history of the Bible, the manuscripts (older is not always better). How many people died defending the NIV, ESV, NKJV et al? Who was Wescott and Hort? Their background, beliefs

    Open a blue letter bible app an compare they all say something different. There has to be a perfect Bible, without errors. If God cannot preserve his Word, for this day and age, in English, then how can he preserve your soul?

    1. Dave – good message. I was a huge NIV guy for decades, until my wife read through 6 versions and noticed something different about the KJV. I hated and disregarded the KJV entirely…but as an attorney I trust hard evidence. Six or so months of deep study lead me to a conclusion I didn’t want…the KJV is the only legitimate english Bible version – the only one that hasn’t been deliberately altered, both in the 200’s, 300’s and 1800’s…and the altered the Greek, which was incredibly brilliant. Below is a brief outline of what I found. I challenge all christians to take this issue seriously, since the written word is the voice of God to us all:

  3. It’s a common assumption that arguing for the truth (warning people of false teachers and false teachings) and being respectful to other people are always opposed-disjunctive syllogism. We can’t do both. You either are kind to other people, meaning accepting everyone’s views and never discriminating, or you are hateful and contentious by standing firm on what you believe is true.

    The 2 are not mutually exclusive. The Apostle Paul didn’t see this supposed contradiction and nor did Peter. –Galatians 2:11-14. Acts 20:28-32.

    It is our job to “cast down reasonings and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God” (2 Corinthians 10:5).

    It is our job to be aware of and warn people of false teachers/teachings. That’s the most loving thing to do. -2 Peter 2:1

    It is our job to Admonish one another-2 Thess. 3:14, Romans 15:14

    Peter, aware of different ways and argument can be conducted, specifically reminded his readers to offer their reasoned defense “with gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:15). Paul wrote: “the Lord’s bondservant must not quarrel, but gentle toward all, apt to teach, forbearing, in meekness correcting those who oppose themselves” (2 Timothy 2:24).

  4. Exactly Linda!

    In fact, they go hand in hand.
    By loving them, you warn them. By warning them, you love them.
    By not warning them, you fail to love them. You fail to love them by not warning them.

    Which tender, merciful, kind, loving and caring parent does not know this principle?!?
    But thinks instead; “Oh, I will let Johnny go around with that crowd, get on drugs, go drunk driving, bar hopping, getting girls knocked up, etc.etc., because if I were to warn him, well then…. that just would not be… “loving” “. God warns us, we are to warn others, there are a hundred bible verses about doing that and I have a list ready because I did the homework. Plus, it’s just plain ol’ common sense!

    A note to Dave: God did preserve His Word, the Old KJV is one example, there is a nice amount of homework for that lesson too. And He does save and preserve our soul, mine is proof.
    ( :

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