Do you like guessing games?

Screen Shot 2015-10-30 at 3.56.13 PMI love games. Raised on Clue, Monopoly and anything trivia-related, I can get pretty competitive. Yes, this newest game over at Church Watch Central is right up my ally, given the chance to use my knowledge of stuff I’ve researched the past several years.

But guess what? I’m stumped at this Culprit in the Pulpit. Maybe you won’t be. Let’s play:

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Now is your chance to guess and win some good prizes. Email your guess to [email protected].

These are all the clues for the Culprit in the Pulpit:

CLUE 1: They are a false prophet.
CLUE 2: They say they have written a number of books.
CLUE 3: This person shares their personal visions and dreams in writing and in the pulpit.
CLUE 4: They plagiarise other people from the Elijah List and around the internet.

CLUE 5: Elimination round: See below to see who is NOT the culprit.

More clues here!

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2 thoughts on “Do you like guessing games?

  1. Of all those on your list I only recognize Rick Joyner. If they have any real influence in the body of Christ I don’t recognize it.
    But I will take your word for it as I don’t evidently move in their circles. And thank God for that.

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