Heather Clark, Christian News Network columnist, reports this disturbing, albeit not surprising, story about what will happen in an “anything goes” society like Canada’s. This is just the beginning, brethren, and it’s coming to America:

Two homosexual men recently “divorced” under Canadian law so that they could include a third man in their relationship, and now plan to have their sisters serve as surrogates to bear their children.
“We just want to say that love is love. It should be multiplied not divided,” Adam Grant told the Daily Mail. “It shouldn’t matter if you’re in a three-way or a four-way relationship.”
Grant and his partner Shayne Curran met Sebastian Tran at a nightclub in 2012, after “tying the knot” the year prior. A year later, they agreed to be open to seeing others.
“Adam and I wanted to have a little more fun so we decided to experiment with multiple partners,” Curran stated. “We never intended it to be anything serious, we certainly never planning [sp] on taking on a full-time third partner by any means. It was just [a] bit of sexual experimentation.”
When they met Tran, they both had feelings for him, so in discussing how they could include the man in their relationship, they decided to divorce in order to become a threesome.
While polygamy is not legal in Canada, the men state that they have attorneys that can work up paperwork declaring that the three are bound to each other “in the eyes of the law.”
“If anything, Sebastian only enhanced our relationship,” Curran said.
Now, in order to have children, the men state that their sisters have agreed to become surrogates. Some have also offered to donate their eggs.
“I have two sisters who have both offered to carry our children for us as surrogates and are willing to donate their eggs as well. My sisters actually argue over which one them will carry our baby first,” Curran stated. “Sebastian’s sister will probably donate her eggs too so we can keep it in the family. We want to mix our genes enough so that our kids are as genetically close to us as possible.” Continue reading
This is sick. These sexual deviants prove how depraved the heart is and how disgusting sodomy is. This perversion is based on a forbidden lust, there is no love in these perverted relationships.
How tragic that society is sinker deeper into depravity, may we continue to be faithful to our Lord and proclaim His gospel to a dying world.
Why be “married” if you’re not going to be monogamous? What’s going to happen when partner #1 tells partner #2, that he found out that partner #3 has HIV and has infected everyone in the relationship?
The sisters should get together and tell their brothers they are going to give them a shotgun wedding if they do not repent and turn their lives over to Jesus Christ. Not only are they committing a sin against each other but now they are trying to drag their innocent sisters into the process of perversion. Sounds like Soddam and Gammorah all over again.!
Once rejection of God is complete, anything goes. The Bible refers to this as a reprobate mind. And is commonly referred to in the scripture as the judgment of God.
Be ready brothers and sisters. It’s almost time to go.