“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” (Isaiah 5:20)
Our children are being raised in an era where this evil is blasting them right in the face. Soon they may be seeing messages like:, “Abortion is a blessing;” “Abortion is sacred;” “Abortion is a family value;” “Abortion is hope;” “Abortion is a second chance;” “Abortion is liberty;” “Abortion is health care;” and “Abortion is good medicine.”
CLEVELAND, Ohio — The largest abortion facility in Ohio has launched a billboard campaign in an effort to urge readers “to reflect on the powerful role that abortion plays in people’s lives.”
The facility, called Preterm, has purchased 16 billboard locations around the Cleveland area to “spark conversation” surrounding its belief that abortion is necessary as it allows women to live however they want without a child getting in the way. Preterm offers surgical abortions up to 19 weeks gestation—almost five months—and medication abortions up to nine weeks.
Screen shot via Christian News Network
“Abortion is a normal and necessary part of people’s lives. People from all walks of life have abortions for many different reasons. And each person’s experience is valid,” the MyAbortionMyLife website reads.
“To a parent struggling to make ends meet, abortion may be the best way to love and care for your family. To a young person, abortion may be the chance to graduate. To all of us, abortion is foundational to a just society where we can live life on our own terms,” it asserts.
Each billboard contains a different message in support of abortion, with the phrase “Abortion is” and then a blank that is completed by a thought. Among the 16 billboards include the statements “Abortion is a blessing;” “Abortion is sacred;” “Abortion is a family value;” “Abortion is hope;” “Abortion is a second chance;” “Abortion is liberty;” “Abortion is health care;” and “Abortion is good medicine.”
Preterm has also been urging supporters to share graphics with the same messages on social media, and to also create discussion with the hashtag #MyAbortionMyLife.
However, while some abortion advocates have called the campaign “refreshing,” “beautiful” and “stigma-busting,” others have conversely used the effort as a way to declare that “abortion is murder.”