Helpful Book Reviews: “Girl, Wash Your Face”

The first time I heard the book title, “Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies about Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be,” it was on a Twitter feed being discussed by Christian women who were considering this book for their women’s “Bible study.” (I put “Bible study” in air quotes, because many women’s ministries use best-selling new releases as a substitute for studying God’s breathed-out Word.)

Rachel Hollis is the author of this enormously popular book, and she seems to be a very down-to-earth, funny, talented writer. So why pick on her? Actually, I am not doing that. Instead I am urging Christians to hold everything we read and hear up to the Light of Truth. That is the whole point of learning to discern lies, is it not? One reason we must do that with Hollis’ book is because her influence will impact not only the millions of fans who love her, but the thousands of churches whose women are bringing Hollis’ perspectives into the Body of Christ.

From Google Books: “Drawing from her life experiences as a lifestyle guru, the author presents a guide to becoming a joyous, confident woman by breaking the cycle of negativity and burnout and pursuing a life of exuberance. With unflinching faith– and rock-hard tenacity– Hollis shows readers how to give yourself grace without giving up.” So far, nothing about Jesus’ life, death, resurrection or return. Nothing about Him laying down His life to cleanse our sins. Are you getting the idea about whom this book is all about? Yep, it’s about you.

I believe you ought to hear from two discerning Christian women who have read her book and compared it to Scripture. I am sharing their reviews because they have done the legwork in researching the content of this book, so that you can consider whether or not the women in your church should be reading it and taking it seriously.

Review # 1

Writer Elizabeth Prata asks, “when you wash your face and look in the mirror, do you see a sinning but forgiven, meek, humble woman with a Christ-like countenance of Jesus reflecting back? Or do you see a strong, empowered, warrior princess grrrl, living a life of self-sufficient ‘passion and hustle?’ If you see the latter, you’re being lied to.”

Here is a snippet of Prata’s review:

It’s no longer just movies or television that launches the latest It Girl celebrity. It’s social media. A person who starts a blog, web page, Instagram, Twitter or myriad other social media platforms, if they hit the right note, the right moment, and persevere with quantity (and hopefully quality content) they can gather thousands if not millions of “followers”. From there, Publishers take note. Someone who already has a built-in audience is more attractive to them as a potential client than someone who is not.

Rachel Hollis is a Los Angeles event planner turned entrepreneur turned podcaster turned TV guest commentator, social media darling, and author. Almost ten years ago she started her blog, The Chic Site. Her honest voice and her winsome (and savvy) ability to connect through writing and speaking about lifestyle, has launched Hollis to front place on bestseller lists, top entrepreneur lists, and most any other list you can list.

Though Hollis has written several novels in the Romance genre, her latest book has hit the bestseller lists like a tsunami. It’s a How-To/Advice book called Girl, Wash Your Face. Seventeen weeks ago, it vaulted to the top of the Advice/How-To NY Times bestseller list and has stayed there. Published 6 months ago as of this writing, the self-help advice book has over 4,000 reviews, 96% of them 4 or 5-star. It’s currently #4 on Apple’s iBooks list…

Read Prata’s Girl, Wash Your Face (Book Review)

Review # 2

A second review by Alisa Childers titled, Girl, Wash Your Face? What Rachel Hollis Gets Right…and Wrong is also well worth your time. Childers captures the beginning of confusion many women experience as they open those first beautiful pages:

Rachel Hollis is taking the world by storm—and I get it. She’s beautiful, smart, ambitious, funny, and a crazy good writer. I mean, the girl can tell a story that will have you crying one minute and shooting Diet Coke out of your nose the next.

She’s carved out a nice little corner of the internet for herself, cultivating a community over a million strong and growing. She cooks, decorates, gives advice, and is known for her no nonsense honesty and humor. “I love Jesus, and I cuss a little. I love Jesus, and I drink alcohol. I love Jesus, and some of my best friends are gay,” she recently posted on Facebook. She and her husband invite couples of all stripes (unmarried, married, same-sex) to take part in their couples conference, where the participants are encouraged to “learn some tangible advice. . .and make-out like a couple of teenagers.”

Read it here.

(Originally published at Naomi’s Table, a Bible Study site for Women.)


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