Jen Hatmaker: Jesus Came to Affirm the LGBT Community

There is no question that Jen Hatmaker, “evangelical wunderkind who is a one-woman columnist, book-writing machine, conference speaker and all-around mom of five kids and pastor’s wife,” is trying to change minds about what the scriptures teach on many hot button social issues. As we’ve pointed out before, she follows the same basic playbook as Progressive (Social Justice) “Christians” such as Rob Bell.  We’ve posted numerous articles to show you that Jen has both feet firmly planted in Religious Left ideology. When she and husband, Brandon, came out in support of the LGBTQ+ community a few years ago, they were well aware that their statement would cause a big brouhaha in the evangelical community. Why? Because in so doing the couple chose to deny the biblical teaching on marriage, sexuality and family.

That was then. This is now. Hatmaker posted a long-winded status on Facebook that claims Jesus came to affirm the LGBT community, as well as to accomplish other leftist agenda items.”

Which Bible has the pastor’s wife been reading?


Today, Hatmaker posted a long-winded status on Facebook that claims Jesus came to affirm the LGBT community, as well as to accomplish other leftist agenda items.



Progressive (Social Justice) “Christianity” 

Homosexual Agenda

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