Jen Hatmaker: Jesus Came to Affirm the LGBT Community

There is no question that Jen Hatmaker, “evangelical wunderkind who is a one-woman columnist, book-writing machine, conference speaker and all-around mom of five kids and pastor’s wife,” is trying to change minds about what the scriptures teach on many hot button social issues. As we’ve pointed out before, she follows the Continue Reading

Thanks for Nothing

Society paints people as victims. But does the Bible do that? Do we learn from reading the scriptures that although believers suffer unjustly and experience various trials, that those who suffer injustice should view themselves as victims? Certainly not! What the Bible does teach is that we are all dirty rotten Continue Reading

Jackie Hill-Perry: The Heterosexual Gospel

Jackie Hill-Perry is an American poet, writer, hip hop artist and a professing Christian. When she penned a piece expressing her view that Christians should stop telling gay people that God can make them straight, not surprisingly what she said provoked a storm of criticism from those who disagree with Continue Reading