Christian Dwell app promotes New Age, Lectio Divina, Mysticism

Christian meditation apps, such as Dwell, contain unbiblical and potentially spiritually dangerous methods such as Lectio Divina, breathwork, ecumenism, and monastic mysticism. Doreen Virtue compares audio clips of her pre-salvation New Age meditations to the meditations on Dwell, so you can hear the similar hypnotic induction techniques: If you’re not Continue Reading

Mega-church pastor Matt Chandler apologizes for “mishandling” spouse of child porn addict

After a public uproar questioning The Village Church’s handling of a situation that involved the worst sort of sexual perversion by a TVC missionary, Jordan Root, lead pastor and president of Acts 29, Matt Chandler, apologized from the pulpit for the elder’s “exuding domineering behavior” over Root’s wife, Karen.  This is a tragic Continue Reading