Tag Archives | Spiritual Formation

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How abandoning Sola Scriptura shipwrecks your faith

What is the difference between the spiritual transformation that happens through the Holy Spirit, and the Spiritual Formation movement that swept through our churches a few years ago? The difference is night and day. I remember talking about this with the late Ken Silva in 2012. He helped me understand that the Spiritual Formation movement […]

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How to Read Your Way to Heaven?

Advertising claims can be quite sensational, but I’ve never heard one quite like this. I came across this ad for a brand new book that promises instant access to heaven IF you’ll only read the book, titled, How to Read Your Way to Heaven – A Spiritual Reading Program for the Worst of Sinners, the […]

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Roman Catholic hermit monks

The true spiritual direction of “Spiritual Formation”

A large number of evangelicals are involved in spiritual formation (SF) which are “disciplines” that those who wish to experience spiritual growth must practice.  Where do the disciplines come from? Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox mystics, which should be a big red flag right there.   In this piece Pamela Couvrette tells of how she […]

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Church shopping? 35 Key Questions to Ask the Church

I originally posted this late last year, but we’ve had some many requests from people who are looking for a new church home that I’m re-posting to bump it higher: If you are looking for a new church, you need to ask some very important questions of church leadership before you become a member. Here […]

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The Dangers of Contemplative Prayer

One of the continuing snares Christians often encounter in their churches (of almost every denomination) is contemplative prayer. Is it biblical? Why are so many discernment ministries sounding the alarm? After all, doesn’t the Bible say we are to meditate on God’s Word? The answer to that last question is YES! We are to fill […]

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