
What exactly is discernment? It means “to distinguish, to separate out by diligent search, to examine.” Search…examine… “Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.” (Acts 17:11, emphasis added) The Continue Reading

“A fast-growing movement with disastrous implications”

By Marsha West “The gospel’s most dangerous earthly adversaries are not raving atheists who stand outside the door shouting threats and insults. They are church leaders who cultivate a gentle, friendly, pious demeanor but hack away at the foundations of faith under the guise of keeping in step with a Continue Reading

A.D.: Did your church buy the Roma Downey kit?

As NBC prepares to launch a new miniseries, “A.D.”, churches are being marketed to. Hard. It’ll be an easy sell for many, as this series is very entertaining and visually beautiful. “Millions will be watching, including people in Your Church,” advertises uber-popular Outreach.com, urging pastors to “plan a 12 week Continue Reading

Hillsong: The multi-million dollar “crazy cult”

Our friends over at Churchtwatch Central (CC) have Australia’s “A Current Affair” report on Hillsong Church (HC). For those unfamiliar with HC, it’s a Pentecostal megachurch out of Australia. HC’s well-recognized music ministry has spread all throughout the globe.   Brian and Bobbie Houston  are the “Senior Pastors” and co-presidents of HILC. According Continue Reading

White Paper: Word of Faith

The world’s fastest-growing false religion tells us that  our faith is a “force,” and the words we speak have the power to create something new. The Word of Faith proponents promise we can obtain health, wealth, success, and more if we simply have enough faith. Biblical Christianity says no. Fast Continue Reading