Dave Fiorazo, author, speaker and radio host, addresses the Left’s attempt to normalize what the majority of people have always thought of as a sexual perversion: Transgenderism. Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner has been portrayed by the press as courageous for saying publicly that he no longer wishes to be a man; now he wants to be viewed as a woman even though it is predetermined by his DNA that he’s male. Fiorazo challenges the idea that what Jenner did took courage. To him “Conforming to this world and going with the flow of pop culture is not courageous; courage is telling the truth in the face of evil and accusations of hate. Courage is living counter-culture for Jesus Christ and sharing the gospel with people because we love them.”
More from Dave Fiorazo:

To reach such lows in America today, it was necessary for truth to be minimized and a new foundation to be established: there is no God.
In order to understand how bizarre behavior is accepted and celebrated today, we need only look to the decision makers today in the fields of education, entertainment, media, and government. They are the ones shaping public opinion; Christianity no longer guides our culture. They are the ones – like many of us – who grew up in a country embracing moral relativism and in a government school system immersed in Humanism where man is god and there is no absolute truth.
Now here comes the transgender movement with Bruce Jenner leading the way. The cover of People magazine proclaims Bruce is “Living as a woman every day – and feeling elated.”
The whole thing is sad; he needs help and we should pray for him, not give him applause. By not speaking up, we continue giving our approval to the absurd. To have chosen this path, Jenner must be a tormented soul, and now his is the face of change. I feel sorry for him and angry at his enablers.
Most of us understand no man-made modification can remedy our sin problem and only through the forgiveness of Jesus Christ can any of us be saved. We can change our names, our physical features, add transplants and put on make-up; but we can never truly change what God designed.
Rather than acknowledge God’s authority and pray, “Thy will be done,” the way of man is to say, “my will be done.”
We live in an A-B-C culture: anything but Christ. In the same way the Left has successfully normalized homosexuality for over forty years, they will also attempt to normalize those who want to change their gender. This at a time in which the Supreme Court is deciding whether to redefine natural, God-ordained marriage in favor of counterfeit marriage.
Jenner claims he is still heterosexual in his attractions, but wants to be called “Caitlyn” from now on. Confused? The children of this generation are also confused as they watch the cultural circus known as “anything goes except God.” What if someone identifies as half man and half animal? What then? Continue reading
DNA Denier Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner is a Big Media Star By Cliff Kincaid
Dave hit on some good points, especially about telling the truth in the face of this newly accepted debauchery. For a Christian to exhibit only pity and prayer for Jenner is inadequate and somewhat self-serving and disingenuous. But simply “praying” for him does little more than to absolve one from any further responsibility (I’ve done all that I can do) to his God. This is NOT to downplay or under estimate the prayer of a righteous man that avails much in the eyes of God-James 5:16. But it is to say that laziness is the order of the day for too many who call themselves “Christian”. To them, a few words pointed to heaven is enough, but is it? “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” Where is the ‘preaching of the Gospel’ in your pity or even in what is called prayer? What a magnificent opportunity to obey our Lord in the matter at hand, by saying that what Jenner has done is an abomination in the sight of God and the only way to forgiveness is through Jesus Christ? Silence and pity is not obedience.
What Jenner did was born out of uncontrolled sexual lust. To further his lie, he wants to be seen as “heterosexual” even after he has mutilated himself (an act that is a mockery of the God that created him male) as if the term “gay” or “homosexual” puts some sort of stigma on him (in fact, the stigma is there no matter the name you give it). To be seen as hetero as a male or a female? If as a male, then why the mutilation of his “manhood” and the divorce of his (female) wife? If as a female, then “she” will be attracted to “men” and thus satisfy the secret lust HE has for other men. God calls such a person a sodomite, and emphatically states that an unrepentant sodomite will never be welcomed into His Kingdom. So what happens when the circus folds it’s tents and moves on to the next “hero?” Will America even care what happens to him a few years from now? Probably not, ’cause the next ‘big thing’ needs our attention. Will the “let-down” from hero status cause further problems? Highly likely.
So will pity carry Jenner through his dark hours? Dream on. Will the few prayers offered on “his behalf” be sufficient? Only if the one doing the praying is found in obedience to God. If shrinking away from speaking the truth about Jenner and all that is at stake here-whatever the reason-is more important than speaking the truth then do not expect to heard by God (Psa. 66:18). It would be better to direct your pity and prayers toward yourself until repentance is accomplished. Will silence be acceptable to God when this abomination is brought upon your children and grandchildren? It already is in many “schools” in our nation.