WARNING: Kundalini Yoga’s “Highest Mantra Meditation”

We’ve warned before about the many forms of  Kundalini Yoga Meditations, which combine the use of mantras, mudras and pranayama (breathing), to bestow profound spiritual “benefits” to those who practice them.  Many Christians are being taught these dangerous but popular meditations in day spas, fitness facilities, hospitals, and sadly, in some Christian churches.

The names of these yoga meditations are telling:  Sodarshan Chakra Meditation, Infinite Energy and Prosperity Meditation Technique, and Tantric Sat Kriya for Transmuting Sexual Energy. Now, one of these coming onto the scene is being touted as the greatest Kundalini Yoga Meditation, called Kirtan Kriya.

I’m sharing this article not as a how-to, but only for your own research information and NOT as a suggested practice. For obvious reasons, I won’t link you back to this site directly. But if you are curious, you can read the entire post at anmolmehta. com and search for “kundalini-yogas-highest-mantra-meditation”.

By the way, there is really no such thing as Christian Yoga, any more than there is such a thing as Hindu or Muslim Holy Communion. Notice in the how-to section how much this mantra technique resembles the mystic contemplative prayer methods taught by Saddleback Church and others.

Here is the article, directly quoted.

One of the primary reasons Kirtan Kriya is considered the highest of all the Kundalini Yoga meditations, is because it uses the most important mantra from this yogic science, the Sa Ta Na Ma mantra.  Sa Ta Na Ma is considered the most fundamental mantra in Kundalini Yoga.

You will notice that the very greeting in Kundalini Yoga “Sat Nam” contains the Sa Ta Na Ma components.  Sat Nam is a seed mantra and it means True Identity or the True Divine You, while Sa Ta Na Ma is understood as Existence, Life, Death and Rebirth.  Kirtan Kriya uses this all important mantra as the centerpiece of the meditation.

Kirtan Kriya, like many of the other Kundalini Yoga Meditations, exploits the power of mantras, hand positions (mudras), mind power, naad yoga (yoga of sound) to work it’s magic and in the design section below, you will find details regarding these aspects of the meditation.  As with all kundalini yoga technique and meditations, it is important to go slowly and follow the guidelines

Benefits of Kirtan Kriya – Sa Ta Na Ma Mantra Meditation:
  1. Increases intuitive abilities and psychic powers.
  2. Clears the system of negative emotions, traumas and impressions.
  3. Heals, balances and uplifts the emotional body.
  4. Builds concentration and mental focus.
  5. Bestows peace and tranquility.
  6. Gives one awareness of one’s Divine Infinite Nature.
Design of Kirtan Mantra Meditation:
  • As explained above, uses the fundamental Sa Ta Na Ma Mantra to help one realize their True Divine Nature.  As indicated, this is considered one of the most important mantras for Kundalini Yoga Meditations.
  • Uses the power of visualization to activate the higher chakras and associated endocrine glands.  Specifically this mantra meditation is going to activate the Crown Chakra and the Ajna Chakra (Third Eye), thus it will stimulate the pineal and pituitary glands specifically.  These are the most important glands of the endocrine system and the highest chakras of the kundalini yoga chakra system.
  • Uses the science of Mudras or hand/body positions to create and complete certain circuits in the body.  The following hand positions are used, which bestow the benefits as I have indicated below.

Index Finger + Thumb –> Wisdom
Middle Finger + Thumb –> Focus
Ring Finger + Thumb –> Energy
Little Finger + Thumb –> Connection

In addition, Shambhavi Mudra is used, where the eyes are turned up to look through the center of the forehead, which stimulates and activates the Ajna Chakra (Third Eye).

How to Do Kirtan Kriya – Sa Ta Na Ma Mantra Meditation:
  • Sit in any cross legged posture.  You can also do this meditation sitting on a chair.
  • Elongate your spine and tuck your chin in slightly (like a soldier at attention).  Rest your wrists gently on your knees, with your palms facing slightly upwards.
  • Close your eyes, but turn them upwards such that you looking through the center of the forehead.  This is shambhavi mudra, and only hold it for as long as is comfortable.  Release it whenever necessary and continue with the meditation, reapplying it once ready.
  • While chanting the mantra as described below, follow the following pattern.Press the index finger + thumb for SA
    Press the middle finger + thumb for TA
    Press the ring finger + thumb for NA
    Press the little finger + thumb for MA
  • Begin to Chant the Mantra now.  Slowly chanting the sounds Sa Ta Na Ma repeatedly.  Do the following visualization as you chant.  Visualize the sound S, T, N, M entering through the top of the head through the crown chakra, while visualizing the sound “A” leaving through the center of the forehead through the ajna chakra.  Keep visualizing this flow of the mantra and keep making the finger movements as you chant the mantra in the following way.
  • Chant aloud for 5 minutes.
  • Chant in a whisper for 5 minutes.
  • Chant mentally for 10 minutes.
  • Chant in a whisper for 5 minutes.
  • Chant aloud for 5 minutes.
  • To end, sit completely silently and still for 1 minute and allow infinite to descend upon you.  The total time for the meditation is therefore 31 minutes.
Summary of Sa Ta Na Ma Mantra Meditation:

Although at first glance this mantra meditation might look complicated, it really is not.  You are simply chanting the sounds SA TA NA MA, visualizing them flowing through your crown and ajna chakras, and applying the appropriate mudra for each sound.  As far as Kundalini Yoga Meditation are concerned or for that matter any mantra meditation are concerned, Kirtan Kriya is one of the most profound and effective meditations you can do, so commit to it seriously and find out for yourself all the wonderful benefits of this timeless technique.

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