Thousands of people who have been ensnared by the teachings of the New Age movement are waking up to the realization that they are now hostages to Satan and his demons. Others are still deceived, believing that they have come to a new understanding of themselves by tapping into the hidden powers of the universe. Let’s think about the subelty of Satan’s trap and then point the way out of his mystical maze. Fortunately, Christ’s power can destroy his clever grip on the lives of those who admit their need for help. — Erwin W. Lutzer
Many churches are already incorporating New Age forms of “Spiritual Formation,” contemplative prayer or meditation to cleanse the mind and bring peace and energy to the body. This is straight New Age teaching, not biblical, yet Richard Foster and others have successfully leavened this into many churches.
A large number of people in the New Age movement (NAM) don’t like that label — while others would not even consider themselves part of the movement. NAM is eclectic and diverse. There is no hierarchy, doctrine or membership. They believe man’s basic nature is good and divine. Moreover, they believe in evolutionary godhood and that man will soon see himself as god. New Agers have an interest in Eastern mysticism and hold to a belief in reincarnation. Their “theology” is based in diversity, feel-goodism, universal tolerance, and moral relativism.
New Age ideas can be traced to Eastern religious traditions such as Hinduism, Taoism and Buddhism
Fast Facts:
- Based in esotericism, i.e. private enlightenment through mystical spiritual experiences and spiritual searching.
- Characterized by alternative approaches to traditional Western culture.
- Call the earth Gaia. Gaia is a goddess and the “creator and giver of birth to the Earth and all the Universe,” thus she is to be revered and respected, even worshiped.
- Put man and nature on an equal level. Nature is part of God and through Nature all people can unite.
- Human Potential movement – cultivation of extraordinary potential believed to be largely untapped in most people.
- Man with nature
- Man with man
- Man with God
Major Tenets:
- Monism: All is one
- Pantheism: all is God
- We are gods: ignorant of divinity
- Goal of NAM: to discover own divinity
Additional beliefs:
- No condemnation
- No judgment
- Subordination of the true God; elevation of man
Phrases, Practices and Terms:
- Spirituality
- “As above, so below”
- Astrology
- Yoga
- Contemplative Prayer
- Labyrinth
- Visualization
- Centering down
- Meditation practices – Transcended meditation, contemplative prayer
- Holistic Health – treats the whole person — promises healing and wholeness
- Modern Psychology – Freud, Abraham Maslow, Carl Jung who was steeped in the occult, even had his own personal spirit guide.
- Astral projection – also called astral travel, or soul travel which is training your soul to leave the limitations of your body and travel around the world into heavenly dimensions;
- Crystals – used to purify your body’s and mind’s energy systems
- Visualization – where you use mental imagery to imagine yourself as an animal, in the presence of a divine being, or being healed of sickness, etc.
- Witchcraft – is now called WICCA, Earth Religion, and is closely related to Goddess worship. The doctrine is that we are all part of the earth and God is nature.
- Contacting spirits – so they may speak through you or guide you
- Cosmic humanism
- Cosmic consciousness
- Christ consciousness
- David Spangler
- Alice Bailey
- Ruth Haley Barton
- Joseph Campbell
- Ken Wilber
- Marilyn Ferguson (Aquarian Conspiracy)
- Shirley MacLaine
- Barbara Marx Hubbard
- Oprah Winfrey
- Marianne Williamson
- Matthew Fox
- Deepak Chopra
- Eckhart Tolle
- Neal Donald Walsh
- Roma Downey
- Helena Blavatsky
Helpful articles:
- What You Need to Tell Your Public School Officials About Children and Mindfulness Meditation by Pam Frost New!
- 10 Serious Problems With Jesus Calling by Tim Challies
- Alternative/ Blended/ Complementary/ Integrated Healing by Marcia Montenegro
- Alternative Medicine in the Church by Janice Lyons
- Can a Pagan Practice Be Christianized? by Marsha West
- The Christ of the New Age Movement by Ron Rhodes
- Christian Meditation: What’s Biblical and What’s Not by Marsha West
- Concerns About the Christian Use of Labyrinths by Marcia Montenegro
- Establishing Global Spirituality by Berit Kjos
- The Gnostic God by Douglas Groothuis
- Growing Number of Major Corporations Embracing Eastern Meditation Practices by Garrett Haley
- “I’m a Christ follower, not a Christian” gong still rings
- Interesting Quotes from New Age Sources–CARM
- Is Reincarnation Biblical? by Ron Rhodes
- New Age Pandemic in the Church by Marsha West
- Occult Pagan revival signals death of America and the West by Linda Kimball
- Rick Warren introduces “The Devil Plan” by Marsha West
- Rick Warren Occult Deception Part 1 by Warren Smith
- Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Paradigm awakens once again
- UFO’s: The Hidden Agenda by Jay Howard
- What is the New Age Movement? by Matt Slick
- Willow Creek’s “The Practice” blends New Age & Catholic mysticism
- Apologetics Index
- Christian Answers for the New Age
- Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry
- Herescope
- Angels Among Us by Ron Rhodes
- Out of Formation: Spiritual Disciplines of God and Men by Dr. Gary Gilley
- The Beautiful Side of Evil by Johanna Michaelsen
- The Light that was Dark by Warren Smith
- A Wonderful Deception by Warren Smith
- Out of India by Caryl Matrisciana
- The New Age Implications of “Jesus Calling”
- A Time of Departing by Ray Yungen
- Encyclopedia of New Age Beliefs by John Ankerberg & John Weldon
- The Truth Behind Ghosts Mediums & Psychic Phenomena by Ron Rhodes
What the Bible says:
The Bible tells us to pray to the Lord with our mind, body and spirit. We cannot be cleansed from evil by visualization techniques, only by the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, our repentance from sin, and our believing and following Jesus.
“When you come into the land that the LORD your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD. And because of these abominations the LORD your God is driving them out before you. You shall be blameless before the LORD your God, for these nations, which you are about to dispossess, listen to fortune-tellers and to diviners. But as for you, the LORD your God has not allowed you to do this.” Deuteronomy 18:9-14
The Bible is clear that the believer is being transformed into the image of Jesus Christ by the grace and conviction of the Holy Spirit. But some these days teach that man can be the cause for this “spiritual transformation”. God is the sole cause of spiritual transformation in the believer and the Bible teaches that it is the Holy Spirit testifying to the Word of God that transforms the believer.
The words “contemplative prayer” are not in the Bible. The word “contemplate” is defined as “to think deeply or carefully”. The Bible does teach us to think deeply and meditate on the Word of God. But some of those promoting “Contemplative Prayer” teach almost the opposite: That we “contemplate” by emptying our minds or reciting mantras.