Contemplative Prayer

Definition of Contemplative Prayer:  A form of Christian mysticism that allegedly brings about a mystical union with God The mystical “spirituality” that is so popular in evangelical and charismatic circles today is a yearning for an experiential relationship with God that downplays the role of faith and Scripture and that Continue Reading

Saddleback Church raising $71 million for its largest expansion yet

Pastor Rick Warren is asking people  to donate their hard earned money to open 10 more Saddleback campuses in Southern California. Even teens are getting into the act as you will see in Orange County Register’s piece. They’re called PEACE centers and they’ll provide assistance locally with food, medical help and counseling,  Helping Continue Reading


The Roman Catholic Church (RCC) claims to be the one true Church as established by Jesus and His apostles. However, an examination of the doctrines upheld and taught by the RCC demonstrates that it stands in contrast with – and even in opposition to – biblical Christianity. Though not exhaustive, Continue Reading

Tim Keller, Catholic Mystics, and Genesis I as a poem?

A lot of well-known pastors are promoting Lectio Divina, and many churches are taking that to mean that surely, this ancient prayer practice of emptying the mind is A-OK. In his recent research article, Tim Keller promotes Catholic mystic, rejects Genesis 1 as literal truth, John Lanagan notes that Keller has advocated Continue Reading

Spiritual Formation

Spiritual formation is the process of apparent spiritual development through engaging in a set of behaviors, termed disciplines. Advocates believe these disciplines help shape the character of the practitioner into the likeness of Christ. Though superficially similar to discipleship, spiritual formation is not merely concerned with biblical exhortation and instruction in Continue Reading

Occult – Sorcery

The term “occult” come from the Latin occultus or “hidden.” Generally the word is used of secret or mysterious supernatural powers or magical, religious rituals. The word “occult” is used to describe any attempt to gain supernatural power or knowledge apart from the God of the Bible. Generally it refers Continue Reading

The year Rwanda goes Purpose Driven, UN begins biometric registration of citizens

The United Nations has launched a biometric registration process for some 245,000 Rwandan refugees living in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The government says it hopes the process will show them how many Rwandans live in the country. Coincidentally perhaps, this is the same year that Rwanda will become the Continue Reading

Want Some False Doctrine in Your Life? Try These Handy Tips!

Kudos to Steve Kozar over at the Messed Up Church blog (love that blog name), for this article, which captures the more frustrating elements of trying to contend for the faith in an environment where yeast grows freely.  (Plus, it’s the first Christian blog I know of that has found Continue Reading

What is the “Restoration” Movement?

Will God use our broken stories and the loving influence of the visible church to “restore all things?” Well, not exactly. He is God, and we… well. We are not. There is a “restoration movement” that has been seeping into the visible church and convincing Christians that we are God’s Continue Reading