Congress Calls for Probe Over Planned Parenthood Trafficked Body Parts

Get this: Federal law PROHIBITS the sale of body parts of aborted babies. But experts say the law is so narrow and weak that Planned Parenthood may still be technically in compliance. Huh?  At least some are outraged enough to do something about it. But wait – where are the Continue Reading

Rick Warren, Elton John at senate hearing on global health programs

Saddleback’s CEO Rick Warren got a chance to tell U.S. lawmakers about how his Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan will address AIDS and other health issues faster than any government can do. It took place at a Senate Appropriations subcommittee hearing on State Department global health programs. Seated next to Warren were Continue Reading

College Ministry Kicked off Campus – for Requiring Leaders to Be Christian

Via Garrett Haley over at ChristianNewsnet: TURLOCK, Calif. – A Christian campus organization has lost recognition from its university and been accused of “religious discrimination” for not allowing non-Christians to hold leadership positions in the group. Chi Alpha is a national student ministry organization with a presence in over 300 Continue Reading