8 WRONG reasons for staying in a church that teaches false doctrine

Should you stay or should you go now? When God removes the scales of deception from your eyes, you may very well find yourself in a dilemma.  The church that you love, attend, and where you were possibly even saved, teaches false doctrine. False doctrines such as word of faith, Continue Reading

Furtick, Elevation Church activate N.A.R. Apostles

“Prophetic Activations” will happen next week at Steven Furtick’s Elevation Church, a clear indicator that Furtick is not just affiliating, but becoming one with the heretical New Apostolic Reformation. I first noticed Furtick dipping his toe into the signs-and-wonders New Apostolic Reformation movement five years ago when he traveled to Continue Reading

Leaving the NAR Church: Dylan’s story

“I had the most painful conversation with my wife that night that I’ve ever had when she got home, and I knew that we had to move out of town and leave Pentecostalism…” Oftentimes I’ve found that psychological abuse goes hand-in-hand with the hierarchy model of the New Apostolic Reformation Continue Reading

The Billion Souls network wants churches to Bring Back The King

There is a major effort by the “Billion Souls Network”  to “Bring Back The King” by finishing the Great Commission by AD 2100. This Dominionist movement is not only not biblical, it is downright dangerous. (see our White paper on NAR Dominionism to begin your research.) What is the Billion Continue Reading