Of bones and bathwater

  You’ve no doubt heard the sayings, “eat the meat and spit out the bones,” and, “don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.” These are interesting metaphors for how we as Christians should somehow accept truth with just a tiny little lie baked in. As if there is such Continue Reading

8 WRONG reasons for staying in a church that teaches false doctrine

Should you stay or should you go now? When God removes the scales of deception from your eyes, you may very well find yourself in a dilemma.  The church that you love, attend, and where you were possibly even saved, teaches false doctrine. False doctrines such as word of faith, Continue Reading

Downplaying the Devil in NAR

Should you pray for God’s protection from being deceived and then stop worrying about being deceived by the devil? Likewise, once you pray for protection should you then let your guard down, not worry about your need for protection, and embrace all–and I mean all–manifestations of the miraculous? Holly Pivec Continue Reading

The Gigantic Problem Beneath the Really Big Problem

Something is true because it’s actually true-whether you like it or not.  Something is false because it’s actually false-whether you like it or not.  Has the American Evangelical Church abandoned God’s Word? According to Steven Kozar of Messed Up Church, God’s Word has been abandoned. In a letter he wrote, Kozar Continue Reading

Wm. Paul Young Teaches New Age Lie About Separation on TBN

For those who haven’t yet heard, “The Shack” author, William Paul Young, is from a New Age/New Spirituality persuasion (like Oprah); likewise, Young rejects the Penal Substitutionary Atonement (that Jesus took the penalty for our sins on the cross). So with this in mind, it’s rather odd that he uses the term Continue Reading