Matthew Vines quietly holds private meetings with Christian leaders

In his newsletter, Matthew Vines, author of God and the Gay Christian and founder of The Reformation Project (to reform biblically-based churches to accepting homosexuality and gay marriage), wrote this: Pretty amazing news: Yesterday, evangelical leader Tony Campolo announced his support for “gay Christian couples” in the church, changing his Continue Reading

Yoga Is Official – United Nations Adopts International Yoga Day

(Note: See also, Yoga is anything but “harmless stretching, and My response to “Holy” Yoga.) The United Nations declared June 21st as International Yoga Day, just three months after India’s newly-elected Prime Minister Narendra Modi used some of his valuable minutes during his address to the U.N. General Assembly to introduce it. Continue Reading

Which Way, Evangelicals? There is Nowhere to Hide

Dr. Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, addressed the same-sex “marriage” debate and comes out swinging: This is a moment of decision, and every evangelical believer, congregation, denomination, and institution will have to answer. There will be no place to hide. Dr. Mohler’s column is a must read for Continue Reading