There is a major effort by the “Billion Souls Network” to “Bring Back The King” by finishing the Great Commission by AD 2100. This Dominionist movement is not only not biblical, it is downright dangerous. (see our White paper on NAR Dominionism to begin your research.) What is the Billion Souls Network?
When I first heard of that organization about three years ago the red flags went off for me and I started doing some digging around. Back in 2012, Buddhist Ken Blanchard (a favorite of evangelical leadership trainers), teamed up with Tony Blair, Bill Hybels, Henry Cloud, Patrick Lencioni, Craig Groschel, Erwin McManus, and many other Emergent Church founders.
In 2016, that movement will gather a few more speakers in its effort to synergize the global church to save the world. (Who is it that saves the world? The global visible church?) This gathering is called, Synergize 2016: Where the Global Church Gathers to Save the World. True to the Dominionist movement, the conference promises plenty of experiential supernatural moments and an imparting of empowerment in harmonizing, healing and harvesting souls. Speakers for the January event include names you never heard of, and one you should know: NAR teacher John Bevere and Leonard Sweet, one of the forefathers of the Emergent Church. (What’s Ravi Zacharias doing there?)
Sponsors include International Pentecostal Holiness Church, Assemblies of God U.S.A., FourSquare Church, Global Coaching Network and others.
Do your research on the New Apostolic Reformation to learn more about why this movement is one of the most dangerous, fastest-growing cancer in the visible Church today.

Jesus cried out from the cross: “It is finished!” Since that time those who have trusted the Messiah for salvation and sanctification have gone to heaven at their death. Relax. It IS finished. We get our panties in a twist today because we fear another stock market crash, or a race war, or detention camps for christians, or a guillotine.
!!! If you are a Christian, when you die you WILL GO to heaven, there is NO OTHER PLACE you can go; God did not make any other place for Christians to go !!!!
Pray, read, love in word and deed and be at peace. Your sins are forgiven.
bizarre. Why do these more sound teachers not realize that all they are doing there is being used to prop up a corpse and perpetuate the deception?? This is NOT Biblical outreach for them.
Synergize 2018: Where the Global Church Gathers to Save the World has been planned!