Has Rick Warren become a shill for Islamic terror? Warren is promoted on the “speakers corner” of the Islamic Society of North America, an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood and a financier of the Hamas terror organization.Fifteen months ago, Warren spoke to ISNA’s annual convention with these opening Continue Reading
Amy S.
False prophets and teachers: Here come more wolves
Warning: Those rumors and false signs and wonders of Jesus’ return that He warned us about? Yes, they are indeed happening. TBN’s David E. Taylor, a Tennessee Latter Rain preacher whose ministry is growing by leaps and bounds, took a video of a “face of God” that he saw in Continue Reading
Emerging signs: How to know…
How to Know When the Emerging Church Shows Signs of Emerging in Your Church There are specific warning signs that are symptomatic that a church may be headed down the emergent/contemplative road. In some cases a pastor may not be aware that he is on this road nor understand Continue Reading