“A woman used to go to church every morning to send the devil away from every seat. She would make a performance of that. It was quite scary to hear the cries and screams every Sunday morning.” Maria has allowed me to include her story in this series about a Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Aimee’s story
“I had been largely sheltered from false teachings for most of my life. That all changed in 2011 when I met a guy who told me about this great church he was attending, and invited me to go with him.” What started out as a kind invitation ended up as Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Rene’s story
“When I asked her why she wouldn’t be concerned that maybe this teaching is not of God, she got very upset and told me I was trying to intimidate her with the “spirit of fear.” Rene has been trying to contend for the truth with a friend who has been Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Catrina’s story
“We ladies had a morning of being taught how to prophesy. We were told to tell ourselves, ‘I’m going to start prophesying, even if I have to start in the flesh.’” Catrina has moved from church to church between Australia and New Zealand, always having to leave as the N.A.R. Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Jack’s story
“They revel in false prophecies and the greedy liars who give them. They have rejected the Word and me as the giver of the loving truth to them.” Jack’s friends are lost to a counterfeit movement that goes by many names. But by God’s Grace, Jack and his wife have Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Lydia’s story
We sent her there with our blessing and financial support, gone from us for a year without contact for the most part and under their influence and NAR teaching. Our solid home church, pastors and elders, supported and sent her off with their blessing as well. Lydia’s loved one was Continue Reading
The aim of Adventures in Missions and the World Race
Some red flags to warn you about regarding a popular missions trip for youth called AIM- Adventures in Missions, and an event called the World Race, in which students travel to 11 countries in 11 months. Young people have been exposed to the New Apostolic Reformation, along with contemplative spirituality Continue Reading
Why calling Rick Warren a “General” is significant
What’s in a name? When the name and title of “General” is used in a church leadership context, it’s a rank that ought to be a red flag for you. After reading this article, I hope it will be in the future. First, the photo. Hillsong’s Brian Houston posted this Continue Reading
“Hope Renewed” in what, exactly?
That is an interesting definition of Hell, but it’s not how the Bible describes Hell. It’s the worst of all possible suffering, and it is a dreadful reality to those who haven’t believed in the Gospel rightly preached from the Word of God. This trivialized, works-based fluff is what you Continue Reading
Leaving the NAR Church: Marissa’s story
“He prayed over her, and my little girl truly believed God had healed her. I will never forget her face. She thought she was healed.” Unfortunately, Marissa’s little girl was NOT healed. She became another victim of the countless “healing” events that take place all over the world under the Continue Reading