
Sozo – a dangerous “inner healing and deliverance ministry”

Before I get to Kim Olsen’s blog post, those who are unfamiliar with Sozo prayer need to know more about it.  First of all, Sozo prayer is the brain child of husband and wife team Bill (self-proclaimed modern-day apostle) and Beni  (New Age guru) Johnson, both of whom are pastors of the Continue Reading

Sheep stumbling is a serious matter.

“Donald Trump doesn’t have to be a Christian in order to run for president or to speak at Liberty University. But Liberty University—as a Christian institution of higher learning—has a responsibility not to confuse people about what Christianity is. And today they fell short of that in a big way.” Continue Reading

The 7 Mountains Mandate “Buy a mountain for $25”

How much would you pay to take over the government for Christ?  Or to take over education, or media, or other sphere’s of influence?  If you believe that Christians are mandated to take over the world’s seven influential powerbases so that Jesus can come back, then here’s your chance to Continue Reading

“A fast-growing movement with disastrous implications”

By Marsha West “The gospel’s most dangerous earthly adversaries are not raving atheists who stand outside the door shouting threats and insults. They are church leaders who cultivate a gentle, friendly, pious demeanor but hack away at the foundations of faith under the guise of keeping in step with a Continue Reading

Beth Moore’s strangely disappearing tweet: a discernment lesson

Elizabeth Prada, who blogs over at The End Time,  reports on the case of the disappearing tweet. It seems that one of Mrs. Moore’s tweets suddenly flew the coop (got deleted) which surprised many of her fans.  So Elizabeth fills us in on what took place in Twitterland a couple Continue Reading

Mainstreaming Mystic Mindedness

This piece by Gaylene Goodroad is posted on Herescope.  Christians who are involved in Eastern mysticism will read this, see the danger, and leave it.  The Christian who chooses to participate in any sort of pagan practice is in rebellion against God. Eastern Meditation as the Universal Cure-All “For You have Continue Reading