NAR’s Faytene Grassechi uses Empowered21 to teach Luke 4 is about…Dominionism!

Our aim at Berean Research is to alert our visitors to the apostate movements that have infiltrated the Church.  The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is one such movement and it’s growing in leaps and bounds.   In his latest piece, John Lanagan alerts us to  Faytene Grassechi and includes a quote of the decidedly unbiblical version of Scripture she spewed at Empowered21 (E21).  For readers who are unfamiliar with E21, in May 2015 the “Spirit-empowered movement” united apostate Catholics and non-denominational Christians to historic Pentecostals, “for a fresh outpouring of God’s Spirit in our generation.” The two events were held in Amman Jordan and Jerusalem.

We’ve warned the Body of Christ about pro-family leaders that have failed to test the people they unite with as Scripture instructs us to do.  We now learn that Assemblies of God (AoG) leadership has likewise failed to put the people they stood with at E21 to the test.  These  are leaders at the highest levels, brethren.  In a previous post, Lanagan informed us that “E21’s Global Council is co-chaired by Billy Wilson, President of Oral Roberts University, and Dr. George Wood, General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God.”  Since these men co-chair E21’s Global Council it appears that they chose to join forces with NAR wolves in sheep’s clothing.  Why is this important?  Because many AoG churches participated in E21 by viewing it on the Internet.

If the AoG leadership was unaware that the NAR is a dangerous movement, surely they’re aware of that fact now. So of course many believers are waiting to see how this very sticky situation will be be handled.  Will they do as the pro-family leaders have done and continue propping up false teachers?  Time will tell.

Now to John Lanagan’s piece.

Jesus Christ  “died for you, He died for me. Absolutely. But that’s not all He died for. He came to destroy the works of the devil and He came to take back everything that was lost in the Garden, and according to Luke 4 one of the primary things that was lost was authority over kingdoms…” –Faytene Grassechi, speaking at Empowered21 (bold and italics mine)

The Empowered21 organization met recently in Jerusalem with Christians from around the world, and the event essentially served to introduce New Apostolic Reformation leaders and teachers to many.

NAR adherents Faytene Grassechi, Cindy Jacobs, Becky Fischer and many others gained much exposure.

There is no biblical basis for Dominionism, the aberrant belief that Christians must take control of the earth before Christ can or will return. This is a terrible misunderstanding of Genesis 1:28. Nevertheless, this aberrant teaching is a foundational belief of the New Apostolic Reformation. It is why you will often find the NAR in politics, and seeking to influence nations.

Dominionism is exactly what NAR mover and shaker Faytene Grassechi taught at the Jerusalem gathering. Given high visibility and prominence as co-chair of the How To Pray and Intercede Effectively Ministry Track, Grassechi misapplied Luke 4:5-8 to spread this aberrant doctrine during her Ministry Track time.

Part of Dominionist strategy is to gain control of the spheres of influence in society, i.e., the Seven Mountain Mandate: Government, education, media, etc.

Below are excerpts from her spoken teaching, Prayer That Shifts Nations And Spheres,  and the references relating to Dominionism I have emphasized in bold:

(4:07) “I didn’t naturally think nations. I didn’t naturally think spheres. I’d never heard anybody talk about the Seven Mountains or the Gates of Influence or anything like that. It wasn’t part of my grid at all…”

Faytene reads Luke 4:5-8: The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all of the KINGDOMS of the world. 6And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. 7If you worship me, it will all be yours.” 8Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.’” (Capitals mine)

(8:42) …this word, kingdoms in the Greek is where you get the word Basilica from…it means an area that is a jurisdiction with specific boundaries and governance…

(11:20) “Why did Satan take all the time to tempt Jesus with kingdoms unless this is one of the things Jesus came to redeem?”

(11:44) “Why would Satan take the time, expend the energy to tempt Jesus with Kingdoms, with jurisdictions, with nations, with spheres, why would he take that time and energy…to tempt Jesus with kingdoms unless this was one of the things that Jesus was coming to redeem? Coming to ransom?

(12:12) “I find it very interesting that in that moment Satan didn’t tempt Jesus with souls. Isn’t that interesting? He actually tempted Jesus with authority over spheres.

(12:25) “Now I personally believe that within the bounds ofcontending for authority in spheres actually is souls.”

“If you get Hollywood, guess what? You get the people that Hollywood influences. If you get Russia, guess what? You get the people. So I believe it’s a both/and. It’s all in there together. And so he takes Him up to a high place and tempts Him with authority over nations.”

(14:52) “Why would Satan take the time to tempt Jesus with something that Jesus didn’t come for and didn’t want?

(15:54) “Here in Luke Chapter 4 the enemy is actually tempting Jesus with authority, with influence, over nations.

(21:50) “I wanted to sow this seed of revelation. Because we have to know this in our hearts. This is what Jesus came for. He came for individuals, absolutely. He died for you, He died for me. Absolutely. But that’s not all He died for. He came to destroy the works of the devil and He came to take back everything that was lost in the Garden, and according to Luke 4 one of the primary things that was lost was authority over kingdoms…”

(22:35) “…spilled His own blood to take back what was lost in the Garden, and part of that was nations…”

(23:09) “…part of the reward of Jesus’ suffering is nations…”

(23:20) “Maybe God has called you to target governments or…business…or whatever your sphere is. …you can stand with confidence that this is part of what Jesus spilled His blood for…”

Grassechi has done much good in her opposition of abortion, a heart wrenching field to labor in, but she has bought into NAR teaching and doctrine, and used Empowered21 to further New Apostolic Reformation goals.

Republished with permission.  My Word Like Fire

Related: Assemblies of God exposed to New Apostolic Reformation through Empowered21


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One thought on “NAR’s Faytene Grassechi uses Empowered21 to teach Luke 4 is about…Dominionism!

  1. Is E21 inspired by, in cahoots with, or a competitive response to UN’s Agenda 21? E21 is a curious choice of a name, huh! I grew up AoG. The denomination wrote a position paper against the heresy of the Latter Rain Movement decades ago. I think that some in the AoG have a tendency to get swept up in new sensationalism when discernment is sorely needed. I was not aware of the events you describe in the article, though I have read other very disturbing articles online about alleged activities that may be linked to some of the long-time proponents of dominionism. I would like to believe they are not true.

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