“I encourage you to follow these senior pastors on Twitter:”
This list is ONLY active, Senior Pastors of local churches.
Over 1,000,000
1. Joel Osteen @JoelOsteen 1,708,237 Lakewood
2. Rick Warren @RickWarren 1,045,879 Saddleback
3. T.D. Jakes @BishopJakes 1,032,990 Potter’s House
Over 600,000
4. Marcos Witt @MarcosWitt 602,194 Lakewood Hispanic
Over 300,000
5. Mark Driscoll @PastorMark 381,326 Mars Hill
6. Louie Giglio @LouieGiglio 363,979 Passion City
7. Cash Luna @PastorCashLuna 350,674 Casa De Dios
Over 200,000
8. Andy Stanley @AndyStanley 291,437 Northpoint
9. Brian Houston @BrianCHouston 267,970 Hillsong
10.Judah Smith @JudahSmith 233,400 City
11.Matt Chandler @MattChandler74 215,357 Village
12. Matthew Barnett @MatthewBarnett 202,436 Dream Center
Over 100,000
13. David Platt @PlattDavid 195,246 Brook Hills
14. Steven Furtick @StevenFurtick 160,477 Elevation
15. Craig Groeschel @CraigGroeschel 155,636 LifeChurch
16. Ed Young @EdYoung 154,001 Fellowship
17. Joseph Prince @JosephPrince 151,898 New Creation
18. Bill Hybels @BillHybels 147,181 Willow Creek
19. David Evans @DavidGEvans1 135,520 Bethany
20. Noel Jones @BishopNoelJones 129,663 City of Refuge
21. Troy Gramling @Troy Gramling 125,245 Potential
22. Philip Mantofa @philipmantofa 124,354 Mawar Sharon
23. Timothy Dolan @CardinalDolan 122,326 St. Patrick’s
24. Pete Wilson @pwilson 120,295 Crosspoint
25. Jentezen Franklin @JentezenFranklin 120,286 Free Chapel
26. Ron Edmondson @RonEdmondson 105,720 Immanuel
Over 50,000
27. Perry Noble @PerryNoble 91,403 New Spring
28. Charles Stanley @InTouchMin 91,177 First Baptist
29. Bill Johnson @BillJohnsonBJM 89,752 Bethel
30. James MacDonald @JamesMacdonald 76,500 Harvest Bible
31. Charles Blake @BishopCEBlake 73,195 West Angeles
32. Joshua Harris @HarrisJosh 72,453 Covenant Life
33. Nicky Gumbel @NickyGumbel 70,110 Holy Trinity Brompton
34. Mark Batterson @MarkBatterson 68,660 National Community
35. Tony Evans @DrTonyEvans 64,494 Oak Cliff Bible
36. Tullian Tchividjian @PastorTullian 62,724 Coral Ridge
37. Greg Laurie @GregLaurie 61,924 Harvest
38. David Crank @DavidCrank 57,534 Faith
39. Chuck Swindoll @ChuckSwindoll 55,147 Stonebriar
40. Erwin McManus @ErwinMcmanus 52,784 Mosaic
Over 10,000
41. Chris Hill @PastorChrisHill 46,949 Potter’s House
42. Robert Morris @PsRobertMorris 45,608 Gateway
43. Charles Jenkins @CharlesJenkins 42,823 Fellowship Missionary
44. David Jeremiah @DavidJeremiah 42,392 Shadow Mountain
45. Albert Cutie @PadreAlberto 42,208 Ch. Of Resurrection
46. Chris Hodges @Chris_Hodges 38,810 Ch of the Highlands
47. Casey Treat @CaseyTreat 37,174 Christian Faith Center
48. Tim Keller @TimKellernyc 36,914 Redeemer
49. Mark Dever @MarkDever 36,294 Capitol Hill
50. Bobby Minor @BobbyMinor 34,464 Courageous Church
51. Darrin Patrick @DarrinPatrick 32,716 The Journey
52. Miles McPherson @MilesMcpherson 32,691 Rock
53. David Anderson @AndersonSpeaks 32,643 Bridgeway
54. J.D. Greear @JDGreear 32,219 Summit
55. Jeffrey Rachmat @JeffreyRachmat 31,805 Jakarta Praise
56. Matt Carter @_Matt_Carter 28,896 Austin Stone
57. David Nasser @DavidNasser 28,676 Christ City
58. Jud Wilhite @JudWihite 28,296 Central Christian
59. Kevin DeYoung @RevKevDeYoung 27,493 University Reformed
60. Johnny Hunt @JohnnymHunt 25,565 First Baptist
61. Tommy Barnett @Tommy Barnett 25,449 First Assembly
62. Stovall Weems @StovallWeems 24,531 Celebration
63. Sergio De La Mora @PastorSergio 24,114 Cornerstone
64. Greg Surratt @GregSurratt 23,813 Seacoast
65. Joel A’Bell @Joelsbell 23,432 Hillsong
66. Ron Carpenter @RonCarpenter 23,151 Redemption Outreach
67. Jonathan Falwell @JonathanFalwell 22,853 Thomas Road
68. Willie George @Willie_George 21,240 Church on the Move
69. Kerry Shook @KerryShook 20,940 Woodlands
70. Jack Graham @JacknGraham 20,293 Prestonwood
71. Derek Dunn @CyberDerek 20,156 City Harvest, Irvine
72. Ligon Duncan @LigonDuncan 19,949 First Presbyterian
73. Rudolph McKissick Jr @BishopMckJr 19,441 Bethel Baptist
74. Rich Wilkerson @RichWilkerson 19,131 Trinity
75. Dan Kimball @DanKimball 18,816 Vintage Faith Church
76. Phil Munsey @PhilMunsey 18,587 Life Church
77. Jared Wilson @JaredcWilson 18,518 Middletown Springs
78. Eric Mason @PastorEMase 18,185 Epiphany Fellowship
79. Brandon Hatmaker @BrandonHatmaker 17,836 Austin New
80. Matthew Ashimolowo @KICCLondon 17,756 Kingsway
81. Gary Clark @GaryJamesClarke 16,772 Hillsong, London
82. Burk Parsons @BurkParsons 16,707 St. Andrew’s
83. Rick Bezet @Rick_Bezet 16,422 New Life
84. Britt Merrick @BrittMerrick 15,912 Reality
85. Douglas Wilson @DouglasWils 14,126 Christ Church
86. Matt Fry @MattFry 13,182 C3 Church
87. Ray Ortlund @rayortlund 12,780 Immanuel
88. Jonathan Stockstill @Jon_Stockstill 12,266 Bethany World
89. Brady Boyd @PastorBrady 12,187 New Life
90. John Francis @BishopJFrancis 12,174 Ruach City
91. Bruce Frank @BruceFrank1 11,913 Biltmore
92. Joe Champion @JoeChampion 11,509 Celebration
93. Joey Bonifacio @JoeyBonifacio 11,414 Victory Fort
94. Thabiti Anyabwile @ThabitiAnyabwil 11,022 First Baptist
95. Bob Roberts Jr. @BobRobertsjr 10,890 NorthWood
96. Andreas Nielsen @AndresNielsen 10,745 Hillsong Stockholm
97. Ronnie Floyd @RonnieFloyd 10,722 Cross Church
98. Greg Locke @PastorLocke 10,450 Global Vision Bible
99. Ray McCauley @PsRayMcCauley 10,327 Rhema Bible
100. Dave Stone @DaveStone920 9,462 Southeast Christian

Thank you, Amy. Your blog has become an invaluable resource to me. Today I passed a church sign that advertised an upcoming David Platt simulcast. This church had also hosted a Beth Moore simulcast in the past. I hadn’t heard of him before, but I knew that I could come here for an answer. Once again, you didn’t let me down. The other Baptist church in town will have their own Priscilla Shiver simulcast soon. Seems this kind of teaching is saturating our little town of about 25,000. Thank you for your faithfulness in warning us! We know where to come for truth.
wow! I’ve never seen a list like this by Rick Warren. Not even 1 single woman on the list either. Nothing has changed in the 20 years since I left Calvary Chapel. Sad
Amy she isn’t concerned about false teachers, or false teaching……… she’s concerned there isn’t a “woman” on the list! Her problem is with Warren being a misogynist!
Dear Joanne, I think you missed the original point. Rick Warren is a false teacher of the the Bible and one true God. And for him to have a list with many heretical teachers shows he’s either not aware of or doesn’t care about the importance of teaching accurately the word of God. Paul gave a list of qualifications for elders, i.e. pastors/teachers, bishops….in 1st Timothy and Titus. And just one on the list is they must be a man. If that seems unfair or rubs someone the wrong way they have a beef with God. In life we as creations of God, have 2 choices, obey God or rebell.
David Platt and MarkDever are not so bad i don’t think they would like to be put on that list!!
David Platt preaches a ‘social gospel’. This may help – http://www.solasisters.com/2011/11/review-of-david-platts-radical.html
As for Dever, he founded ‘nine marks’, which has issues. He also was a friend of C.J. Mahaney who has questionable dealings with child abuse.
While I definitely are not familiar with all of these names. There are several that Warren put on the list that would definitely not qualify as false teachers in my view:
Matt Chandler
Mark Dever
David Platt
Thabati Anyabwile
Ray Ortlund
Douglas Wilson
Ligon Duncan
Kevin DeYoung
And probably more. Please note, I’m not saying I agree with these guys all of the time, but they do not belong in the same category as Osteen, Bill Johnson, etc.