One must wonder why Christian historian David Barton and Mormon Glenn Beck have been spending so much time together. And when they pray, what are they praying for? Is it Beck’s repentance and salvation in Jesus Christ of the Bible? Well, not exactly. As a follow up to Marsha’s must-read Continue Reading
Ted Cruz
Congress Calls for Probe Over Planned Parenthood Trafficked Body Parts
Get this: Federal law PROHIBITS the sale of body parts of aborted babies. But experts say the law is so narrow and weak that Planned Parenthood may still be technically in compliance. Huh? At least some are outraged enough to do something about it. But wait – where are the Continue Reading
Save America – at what cost to the Gospel?
Will Christians replace commitment and loyalty to the Gospel for commitment and loyalty to a dominionist agenda? This is a great question posed by LightHouse Trails blog: As America is fast approaching another presidential election year, Dominionist/Kingdom Now political and religious figures are joining forces with evangelical Christian groups. While Continue Reading